Contrary to appearances, avocado is not a vegetable, but a fruit that, despite being quite high in calories, also has many valuable nutritional values. It contains omega-3 and monounsaturated fats, which support fat burning, so it is definitely worth adding them to your daily menu in the form of a butter substitute, addition to salads, or in the form of delicious guacamole.
Place of occurance an avocado it is primarily South and Central America. This fruit contains a wealth of beneficial fats and vitamin E called the vitamin of youth. In addition, avocados contain fiber, folic acid, pantothenic acid, vitamins C, K, A, B1, B2 and PP.
Health properties. Who is the avocado for?
Diet enriched with an avocado it is recommended primarily to pregnant women due to the content of folic acid, which is so important for the development of the child. This fruit should also be included in the menu of hypertensive people, because the fats present in it effectively lower blood pressure. Beta-sitosterol present in monounsaturated fats lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and at the same time increases the level of “good” cholesterol. Thanks to the presence of fiber, it also prevents an increase in blood sugar levels, which is why it will be an ideal addition to dishes for people suffering from type II diabetes.
W an avocado there are also antioxidants that improve the functioning of the immune system, liver, nervous system, and vitamins A, E and C protect the body against too fast aging of the body and cancer. This inconspicuous fruit also improves the absorption of nutrients, which is why it is recommended for people with stomach and intestinal problems. Avocado has a positive effect on the condition of:
- Heart – thanks to unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin B6 and folic acid,
- Brain – can prevent Alzheimer’s disease, thanks to omega-3 acids and vitamin E,
- Pregnancy – is a source of natural folic acid,
- Oczu – present in an avocado lutein protects them from oxidative stress, preventing cataracts, degeneration, etc.
- Blood pressure – effectively lowers blood pressure,
- Digestion – the enzymes present in this fruit reduce inflammation in the stomach and improve the absorption of nutrients,
- Whole body – protects against breast and prostate cancer, has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects.
Avocado for weight loss
Don’t let the calories scare you because the fat present in an avocado it is very healthy, which has a wonderful effect on the whole body. Scientific research clearly shows that eating avocado has a positive effect on a slimming diet and regular consumption of this fruit definitely helps to lose extra pounds.