Superdeterminant tomato varieties

The variety of tomatoes is huge. In addition to the fact that the culture is divided into varieties and hybrids, the plant is determinant and indeterminate. Many vegetable growers know that these concepts refer to undersized and tall tomatoes. There are also semi-determinant varieties, that is, something in between the first and second species. But what is superdeterminant tomatoes is not clear to all novice vegetable growers. With this definition, we will now try to understand.

Meet Superdeterminant Tomatoes

Superdeterminant tomato varieties

The answer to the question that these are superdeterminant tomato varieties is very simple. This culture was bred specifically for obtaining early tomatoes in the spring in greenhouses and in the garden. Moreover, this group includes not only varieties, but also hybrids. The superdeterminant culture quickly and amicably gives the entire crop, after which a new ovary is not formed.

Superdeterminant tomatoes have a subspecies – ultra-early. Such cultures make it possible to obtain super-early tomatoes before the onset of mass damage to plants by phytophthora. Among these varieties, Moskvich and Yamal can be distinguished. Standard crops are not thrown away by stepchildren, they themselves form a bush that does not require a garter to the stakes. The high yield of varieties allows you to collect up to 10 kg of fruit from 6 bushes. Variety “Moskvich” bears fruit well in the garden without shelters. If you take the “Japanese dwarf” tomato, then this bush throws out a few stepchildren. However, the shoots grow short. Due to them, a bush is formed, densely covered with small sweet tomatoes.

According to plant height, all superdeterminate tomatoes are stunted. We can say that these are the same determinant cultures with a stem height of 30 to 60 cm, only their growth stops after the formation of three brushes. Another feature of superdeterminate tomatoes is that plants love a dense planting. Flowering comes early. The first inflorescence appears above the 6th leaf, and then goes one after another or through 1 leaf. The growth of the stepson ends after the appearance of 3 inflorescences.

Important! If all stepsons are removed on the plant, the bush stops its growth. Naturally, after such actions, a good harvest should not be expected.

At the very beginning of plant development, 1 shoot is left under the first inflorescence. From it will grow the main stem. At the next stepson on the same shoot, 1 stepson is similarly left under the first inflorescence.

Advice! You can form superdeterminant bushes not only with one stem, but with two or even three, at the request of the gardener.

Bush formation methods

There are three ways to form super determinant tomato bushes:

  • The first method of formation involves the removal of all side shoots about 1 month before the last harvest. Further, the plant grows with 1 stem.
  • The second way is to leave 2 stems on the plant. A new shoot is obtained from a stepson growing from under the first inflorescence.
  • Well, the third method, as you have already guessed, involves the formation of a bush with three stems. In this case, we already have the second stepson from under the first inflorescence, and the third shoot is left from under the leaf of the second inflorescence of the previous stepson.

Formation with several stems requires more time, but this allows you to get a better yield.

Attention! Pinching on a plant of leaves and pagons must be done on a sunny warm day. From this, the place of pinching will quickly dry out, which excludes the penetration of infection.

Overview of outdoor varieties

So, we will start our review with early varieties and hybrids that bear fruit in the open field.


Superdeterminant tomato varieties

The approximate period of fruit ripening is 3 months. The culture is able to bear fruit in the garden and under temporary shelter from the film. Landing in the ground is available with seedlings and seeds. The bush grows up to 0,5 m in height. Round tomatoes with red flesh weigh no more than 70 g.

Amur Bucket

Superdeterminant tomato varieties

This variety can also be grown in the garden and under the film, where the tomatoes will ripen by the end of the third month. Tomatoes are planted with seedlings or sown immediately with grains in the ground. Bushes are small up to 0,5 m in height. Tomatoes are round, fruit weight 120 g. This tomato is not afraid of cold weather and does not require special care.

Aphrodite F1

Superdeterminant tomato varieties

The hybrid will be very popular with gardeners who like to pick early tomatoes after 2,5 months. The bush can stretch up to 0,7 m in height, but it is not sprawling and neat. Medium-sized round tomatoes weigh 115 g. Thanks to their dense pulp, tomatoes can be stored and transported.

Benito F1

Superdeterminant tomato varieties

This super early hybrid in open areas and under the film will bring ripe tomatoes in just 70 days. The bush is small, a maximum of 0,5 m in height. Tomatoes with red flesh grow in the form of plums. Fruit weight 140 g.


Superdeterminant tomato varieties

The variety is intended for growing in the garden, where ripe tomatoes can be obtained already in the first days of the fourth month. The plant is not afraid of drought and unanimously gives the entire crop. The height of the bush is a maximum of 0,7 m. Medium-sized tomatoes weigh 120 g. The plum-shaped fruits are very dense, they do not crack during storage and transportation.


Superdeterminant tomato varieties

Tomatoes ripen after 3 months. The culture bears fruit in open beds and under a film. Planting is done by seedlings, but seeds can also be used. Medium-sized round tomatoes weigh 150 g. The plant is not afraid of the cold, it is slightly affected by late blight.


This variety will bring ripe tomatoes after 3 months in an open area or under a film. Bushes grow up to 0,7 m in height, require little participation in the removal of stepchildren. Round fruits first grow large, weighing up to 350 g. Tomatoes of the next batches of medium size weighing 190 g. Dense flesh does not crack.

Don Juan

Superdeterminant tomato varieties

The culture is intended for cultivation on open beds and under a film. Tomatoes ripen in 3 months. The plant grows up to 0,6 m in height. The tomato has an elongated shape with a protruding sharp end. The flesh is pink, longitudinal lines of yellow are visible on top of the skin. A tomato weighs a maximum of 80 g. The dense pulp does not crack during storage and transportation. The fruits are often used for jar packing.

Far North

Superdeterminant tomato varieties

By the end of the third month, the first ripe tomatoes can be plucked from the plants. The variety is grown in the garden and under the film. Landing in the ground is available with seedlings and seeds. The bushes are neat, not sprawling, up to 0,6 m high, they do without removing stepchildren. The plant tolerates cold well, gives the harvest together. Medium-sized round tomatoes weigh about 70 g.

Doll F1

Superdeterminant tomato varieties

The hybrid in terms of precocity belongs to the ultra-early group of tomatoes. Ripe fruits are available for consumption after 85 days. The culture is intended for open cultivation, as well as under the film. The height of the bushes reaches 0,6 m. During the growing season, the plant requires partial removal of stepchildren. Round-shaped tomatoes, under satisfactory growing conditions, can weigh up to 400 g. The average weight of tomatoes is about 200 g.

Cupid F1

A super-yielding hybrid designed for outdoor cultivation, will bring the first ripe fruits in 3 months. Bushes grow up to 0,6 m in height, require human participation in the formation of the crown by partially removing stepchildren. Tomatoes are small to medium and weigh between 70 and 100 g. The even round shape of the fruit makes it popular for jars. Dense red pulp does not crack during storage and transportation.

Legionnaire F1

Superdeterminant tomato varieties

The cultivation of this hybrid is possible on open soil, as well as under a film. The time of harvesting the first harvest comes after 3 months. The bush grows low, usually 45 cm in height, in some cases it can stretch up to 0,6 m. The plant has spreading branches. Round-shaped tomatoes grow with a mass of 150 g. The pink flesh is dense, does not crack.


Tomato belongs to the ultra-early varieties. Ripening of the first fruits is observed after 75 days. The culture is intended for open cultivation. The plant is low up to 0,5 m in height. Occasionally it can stretch up to 0,6 m. Round-shaped tomatoes are small, on average they weigh 100 g. The flesh is red, dense, does not crack in pickles.


By the end of the second month, ripe tomatoes can already be expected. Bushes grow low about 40 cm in height. The plant does without removing stepchildren. Tomatoes can grow to medium sizes weighing up to 120 g, but there are many small ones on the plant, weighing about 50 g. Despite the fact that the vegetable has a salad direction, the pulp is very strong and does not crack during transportation and storage.


Superdeterminant tomato varieties

The variety is a novelty and belongs to ultra-early tomatoes. The plant is grown on open soil, as well as under a film. After 2,5 months, a mature crop will be available. Bushes grow 40 cm in height, sometimes 10 cm higher. Removal of stepchildren is not required when growing in the garden. If the culture is planted under a film, three stems are required. In the second case, no more than 4 brushes are left on each stem. The advantage of the variety in a stable ovary in all weather conditions. Round tomatoes grow in medium size, weighing up to 160 g. The vegetable is most used for salads.


Superdeterminant tomato varieties

The tomato belongs to the ultra-early varieties, yielding a crop in about 85 days. The culture stably bears fruit on open soil, as well as under a film. The plant grows low up to 35 cm in height, the maximum can stretch another 5 cm. The bushes form independently without removing the shoots. The fruits ripen together, which is convenient for commercial use and conservation. Round-shaped tomatoes grow in medium size weighing up to 100 g.

Overview of greenhouse varieties

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses are not very popular due to the lack of space saving opportunities. Usually, most of the greenhouse space is devoted to tall crops in order to get a large yield with little use of the territory. However, indeterminate tomatoes ripen later, so in order to get an early harvest in the greenhouse, you can allocate a little space for determinant varieties.

Greenhouse precocious F1

Superdeterminant tomato varieties

The hybrid was specially bred by breeders for greenhouse cultivation. The culture is considered ultra-early. The plant is able to stretch up to 0,7 m in height. The bush has a slightly spreading crown. Round tomatoes weigh an average of 180 g. The vegetable is good for pickles and fresh salads.

Present F1

Superdeterminant tomato varieties

According to the method of cultivation, the hybrid is considered greenhouse, but is able to bear fruit under a film cover. Bushes grow up to 0,65 m in height, require the removal of stepchildren. Tomatoes are round, even, without ribbing. The average weight of one vegetable reaches 170 g. The red dense pulp does not crack during storage and preservation. The first crop ripens after three months.

Sugar plum raspberry

The variety is adapted only to the greenhouse. The fruits ripen in 87 days. The formation of a bush requires the removal of shoots. Tomatoes grow small, weighing up to 25 g. The shape of the vegetable is similar to small pink cream. The crop is well stored.

A superstar

Superdeterminant tomato varieties

Culture is able to bear fruit only under cover. Tomato belongs to ultra-early varieties. Fruit ripening is observed after 85 days. The plant requires the removal of stepsons for proper crown formation. Tomatoes grow round in shape weighing up to 250 g.

Balcony varieties of tomatoes

Some lovers grow tomatoes even on balconies and loggias. Well, if you can grow a pepper on the windowsill, why not indulge yourself with fresh tomatoes in the absence of a greenhouse.

Room Surprise

Superdeterminant tomato varieties

The plant is able to grow in any container on the balcony and takes root well on the street. Culture loves a dense planting. Fruit ripening is observed after 80 days. Bushes grow no higher than 0,5 m. The crown is prone to self-formation without human intervention. Harvest ripens together in large quantities. Plum vegetable mass 60 g.


Superdeterminant tomato varieties

A versatile culture that can grow in a room, greenhouse, balcony, vegetable garden and under any temporary shelter. Tomatoes ripen after three months. The plant is low, no more than 40 cm in height. Usually the stems grow up to 30 cm. The plant does without removing the shoots. Tomatoes are small, the maximum weight of the fruit is 25 g. The red elastic pulp has a pleasant sweet-sour taste. Culture reacts poorly to lack of lighting, has high decorative performance.

Pygmy room

Superdeterminant tomato varieties

The home variety of tomato grows in the garden, balcony, is used for dense border plantings. Standard bushes grow 25 cm in height, do without removing the shoots. Harvest ripening occurs after 80 days. Small round tomatoes weigh only 25 g.


Superdeterminant tomato varieties

Balcony plant brings a generous harvest after three months. Seedlings are planted tightly in the garden. Bushes low from 20 to 30 cm in height. Standard culture does not require the removal of shoots. Small tomatoes weigh up to 20 g. The plant has an excellent decorative appearance.

Garden Pearl

Superdeterminant tomato varieties

The culture is grown indoors on the windowsill and in the garden. Bushes tend to creep. The length of the stem is a maximum of 40 cm. The fruits ripen by the end of the third month in large quantities. For season 1, a bush is able to bring up to 400 small tomatoes weighing 20 g. As a decoration, the plant is grown as an ornamental.


Superdeterminant tomato varieties

The grade is intended for balcony cultivation and on a kitchen garden. Ripening of tomatoes is observed on the 80th day. In open ground, you can plant seedlings or sow seeds. Bushes grow up to 30 cm in height. Shoot removal is not required. Small red tomatoes weigh only 25 g.


The video shows tomatoes on the balcony:

How to grow tomatoes on the balcony How to grow tomatoes on the balcony

Our review of early low-growing tomatoes covered a small part of the varieties. In fact, there are many more of them, many crops are zoned in certain regions, and in order to get a good harvest on your site, you must carefully read the characteristics of the variety on the seed packaging.

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