Super-effective chest workout: bigger and wider in a month!

Super-effective chest workout: bigger and wider in a month!

Looking to improve the size, strength and definition of your pectoral muscles? We’ve got a plan to help you develop powerful breasts in just one month!

Author: Roger Lockridge


Chest workout serves several purposes, and not only sets the tone for the entire training week on Mondays. It strengthens the underlying muscle mass, adds volume that makes the entire upper body look much more impressive, and at the same time ensures that any T-shirt will fit as if you were wearing knight’s armor under it.

What training the pectoral muscles should definitely not be, it is too tricky! Follow the proposed program once a week for the next month and enjoy a generous harvest of results! Don’t forget to take pictures before – you’ll want to see proof of your efforts as you complete this breast transformation!

Super effective chest workout

Rest between sets 60 seconds

3 approach to 20, 15, 10 repetitions

Rest between sets 2 minutes

5 approaches to 5 repetitions

Rest between sets 90 seconds

3 approach to 10 repetitions

Rest between sets 60 seconds

3 approach to 12 repetitions


3 approach to Max. repetitions

Technique Tips

Reduction of hands in the simulator (butterfly)

We start with a butterfly exercise for three reasons. First, you need to do a good stretch, and the first set of 20 reps with a fairly low weight should tone your chest muscles. Secondly, the butterfly stretches the muscle fibers, so you can later send more blood to your chest muscles. Finally, you establish critical neuromuscular connections that will increase the potential of your pectoral muscles for the remainder of your workout.


As you can see, the number of repetitions decreases with each set. Normally, you would increase your weight as you decrease your reps, but not today. Instead, you will stretch the muscles a little longer at the beginning of the repetition in each successive set.

In the first set, you do the exercise in a familiar style, in a regular rhythm with short pauses at the point of maximum stretch before the next muscle contraction and hand clenching. In the next approach, you already do 15 repetitions, but at the stretch point you linger for 2 seconds, after which you bring your arms together. In the final set, you hold the stretch for four seconds, reducing the number of reps to 10. Continue stretching in between sets, which should be about 60 seconds long.


Bench press on a bench with a positive incline

If possible, for this exercise, place a bench with an adjustable back in a power rack and use a slightly lower incline angle than usual. This will help to shift the focus to the upper pectorals without unnecessarily involving the front deltas in the movement. It will also help you lift a little more working weight. If this option is not available, a regular incline bench press will work as well.

Choose a weight you can do 5 reps with. At the bottom of the exercise, linger for one second before starting the bench press. When you are ready to squeeze the barbell, do not stand on ceremony with it – lift the projectile confidently using explosive force. But the movement of the bar down before the next repetition should be smooth and controlled.


Be sure to enlist the support of your belayer, but don’t let him do all the work for you. If the barbell seems too heavy, tone down your ego and remove a couple of pancakes – the ego does not build muscle, but technical repetitions do it in every possible way. We advise you to pay attention to the shoulder blades; they should be brought together so that the pectoral muscles can do more work. And since in this exercise you are working with a heavy weight, rest for 2 minutes between sets.

Dumbbell press on a horizontal bench

We will use the classic exercise for the muscles of the chest solely for the sake of stimulation. Dumbbells give you freedom of movement; You can rotate your hands in any direction to work as comfortably as possible. Plus, you can easily increase your range of motion. In short, do not hold the dumbbells in the same way as the barbell!

Take advantage of the benefits of dumbbells. Keep them at a slight angle, lower them as low as possible to work at their fullest possible amplitude. As you contract the muscles, bring the dumbbells over your chest, but do not let them bump. The distance between the dumbbells should be minimal, since this is the only way to get the maximum contraction of the pectoral muscles.


We set the repetition counter in this exercise a little higher, but to stimulate hypertrophy, you need to work at the limit. If you’ve done 11 reps, you need to take the next pair of dumbbells off the rack. If you could not squeeze even 7 times, reduce the weight to improve efficiency. Rest 90 seconds between sets, remember to stretch!

Reduction of hands in a crossover on an incline bench

Have you ever seen a guy with a pumped upper chest? We’ve never met anyone like this, so back to the reclining bench! The workout is in full swing, and you can already connect simulators that help control the trajectory of movement.

When bringing your arms together on the lower block, your elbows should be slightly bent – but do not bend them at a 90-degree angle. Lift the weight for two seconds and squeeze the pectoral muscles at the highest point. Lower the handles for a count of three, then stretch the muscles for one second before starting the next rep. Rest 90 seconds between sets – this time should be enough for a full one.

Push-ups on the bars

Nothing beats a good bodyweight exercise done at the end of a training session. When it comes to chest muscles, push-ups are unbeatable!

Now the main goal is to send as much blood as possible to the chest area and spend the strength that you still have left. It is very likely that you will have to add weights. You can use either a vest with weights – whichever is more convenient for you.

If you can’t do full body weight push-ups, have a trainer or buddy hold your legs and help you lift up. Or, use a counterweight machine that allows you to vary the degree of resistance with each set.

For this final exercise, try to do as many reps with additional weights as possible. When you hit muscle failure, release the weights and push up a few more times. If you do push-ups in the simulator (gravitron), you can increase the mass of the counterweight at this moment. When you reach the second failure, the approach is complete. Now you have one minute to stretch your pectoral muscles, take a sip of water, or get ready for another set. Three sets of dips and your workout is over!

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