Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Many gardeners dream not only of a rich harvest of tomato crops, but also that it ripens as early as possible. Unfortunately, this thermophilic culture cannot always boast of its early ripeness, especially in open ground conditions. Any, even the earliest variety, not intended for growing in unprotected beds, is unlikely to give a more or less normal yield. Therefore, breeders have bred special varieties of tomatoes that combine early ripening with the ability to grow and bear fruit under adverse weather conditions. The most popular early tomato varieties for open ground will be discussed in this article.

Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Features of growing early varieties of tomatoes in open ground

Experienced gardeners have long noticed some “tricks” that will help grow strong and healthy tomato plants in the open field:

  • Early varieties for open ground require mandatory hardening of swollen seeds and seedlings. Such procedures will allow not only to plant plants on the beds ahead of time, but also to strengthen their immunity to sudden changes in temperature.
  • Even the earliest tomato varieties are stressed when planted on ordinary beds. In order for the adaptation of a young plant to be as painless as possible, it is recommended to plant it on open beds only in the evening, when the air temperature drops.
  • The first fruit brush in early varieties of tomatoes is formed between the 7th and 8th leaf. After its formation, the buds sleeping in the axils of the lower leaves wake up. It is from them that lateral shoots are formed in the future. For this reason, saving the first bunch is a must for a great harvest. Under no circumstances should it be removed. In order for the flower brush not to fall off under the influence of low temperatures of open ground, it is recommended to use any growth stimulants. They need to spray tomato plants before the formation of the first fruit brush.

Super early varieties of tomatoes

These best varieties of tomatoes have a record ripening period – only 50 – 75 days. At the same time, these ultra-early varieties grow well and bear fruit in open beds.

Aston F1

Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The gardener will be able to collect super early tomatoes of this hybrid variety from the bushes in 56 – 60 days from the appearance of the first shoots. Tall and not very leafy bushes of the Aston F1 hybrid variety can grow up to 120 cm in height. On each flower brush of these plants, 4 to 6 tomatoes are tied.

Aston F1 tomatoes have a rounded slightly flattened shape. They do not differ in large sizes, and their weight will be from 170 to 190 grams. Behind the rich red skin of Aston F1 tomatoes lies a rather dense and tasty pulp. It is perfect for processing into juice and puree, but fresh pulp has the best taste characteristics. In addition, it has a long shelf life without loss of taste and commercial qualities.

The Aston F1 hybrid variety has excellent immunity to many diseases of this crop. His plants are not at all afraid of the tobacco mosaic virus, fusarium and verticillium. One square meter will bring the gardener from 3 to 5 kg of crop.

Benito F1

Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The determinant bushes of Benito F1 have a decent height – up to 150 cm. Their flower brush, formed above the 7th leaf, is able to withstand from 7 to 9 tomatoes, which will ripen on the 70th day from germination.

Important! Due to their great height, the bushes of the Benito F1 hybrid variety require a mandatory garter to a support or trellis.

If this is not done, then the plants may not support the weight of their tomatoes and break.

Benito F1 tomatoes are similar in shape to plums with an average weight of 120 grams. At maturity, the color of the tomatoes turns red. In this case, the spot at the base of the stem is absent. The main advantage of Benito F1 tomatoes is their crack-resistant flesh. Due to its excellent taste, as well as its high density, Benito F1 is ideal for fresh consumption, as well as for wrapping for the winter.

Benito F1 tomato plants have good resistance to many diseases, including verticillium and fusarium. This hybrid is distinguished not only by high quality tomatoes, but also by increased productivity. From each square meter, the gardener will be able to collect up to 8 kg of tomatoes.

Big Mao

Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Powerful semi-spreading bushes of the Big Mao variety will grow up to 200 cm and really need a garter. The ripening of tomatoes of this variety will not have to wait very long – from 58 to 65 days from seed germination.

Advice! Greater Mao’s plants are notable for their dense foliage. It is recommended to periodically thin out so that the tomatoes can receive more light.

Unthinned tomato bushes will also be able to produce a crop, but the tomatoes will be smaller.

Variety Big Mao got its name due to the rather large fruits. One tomato can weigh from 250 to 300 grams. They have a classic round shape, and their color can be either red or raspberry without a green spot at the base of the stem. The pulp of Big Mao has good firmness and taste. Dry matter will be about 6,5%. Due to its taste and product characteristics, it is best suited for salads and canning. It can also be processed into purees and juices.

Big Mao is distinguished not only by large fruits. It also has increased immunity to diseases and high yields. In addition, its tomatoes are resistant to cracking, tolerate transportation well and have a long shelf life.

Dual Plas F1

Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

One of the earliest hybrid varieties for unprotected beds. Thanks to the height of the bushes of only 70 cm, this hybrid does very well without a garter. In less than 55 days, the gardener will harvest his first harvest from his fruit clusters. At the same time, from 7 to 9 tomatoes can simultaneously ripen on each brush.

Dual Plas F1 is distinguished by its deep red elongated fruits of medium size. The weight of one of them can vary from 80 to 100 grams. Dense flesh allowed Dual Plus F1 to become one of the best hybrid varieties for canning in general. In addition, it performs well in salads and various cooking.

Good resistance to diseases such as spotted wilt, fusarium and verticillium, allows you to successfully grow it in unprotected soil. Its abundant yield is also noted – up to 8 kg of tomatoes can grow on one bush.

Kronos F1

Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Plants of the hybrid variety Kronos F1 can grow from 100 to 120 cm in height. Strong fruit clusters stand out among their not very dense foliage. On each, from 4 to 6 tomatoes can ripen at the same time. The maturity period of Kronos F1 tomatoes occurs from 59 to 61 days from germination.

Important! Tomato seed producers Kronos F1 do not recommend planting more than 4 plants per square meter.

Kronos F1 tomatoes have a flattened round shape. Most often, a ripe tomato will weigh about 130 grams, but there are also tomatoes weighing up to 170 grams. The green surface of an unripe tomato turns red as it ripens. The pulp of the Kronos F1 tomato can be consumed both fresh and processed. Purees and juices are very good.

Kronos F1 plants will not be afraid of the tobacco mosaic virus, Fusarium and Verticillium. When providing them with proper care from one square meter of the garden, the gardener will be able to harvest from 3 to 5 kg of crop.

Early varieties of tomatoes

Early tomato varieties can be harvested after 80 – 110 days from germination. There are quite a few of them, but we will consider the best varieties for unprotected ground.


Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Only 86 days will pass from the moment of seed germination, and the first crop of the Alpha variety will already ripen on its compact bushes. Their height will not be more than 40 – 50 cm, and the first fruit cluster, as a rule, will appear above the 6th leaf.

Alpha tomatoes have the shape of a circle with a weight of 80 grams. On their red surface there is no spot at the stem. Good taste qualities in these tomatoes are perfectly combined with high commercial characteristics. The pulp of this variety is most often used for making salads.

Alpha is not afraid of late blight, and its yield per square meter will not exceed 6 kg.


Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Compact bushes of the Arctic begin to bear fruit quite early – in just 78-80 days from emergence. Their average height in open ground will not exceed 40 cm. Among the sparse foliage, fruit clusters with 20 or more tomatoes immediately stand out. The first flower cluster will usually grow over the 6th leaf.

Important! Despite the very compact size of Arctic plants, it is not recommended to plant more than 9 bushes per square meter.

Tomatoes of the Arctic variety also do not stand out in large sizes. They have an almost perfectly round shape and an average weight of 20 to 25 grams. A ripe tomato is colored pink without dark pigmentation at the stalk. Due to its excellent taste, the pulp of the Arctic tomatoes has a universal application.

The average immunity of his plants is more than offset by their productivity. From one square meter, it will be possible to collect from 1,7 to 2,5 kg of miniature tomatoes.


Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Ladybug bushes are incredibly miniature. With a height of 30 – 50 cm, they begin to bear fruit in just 80 days from the appearance of the first shoots.

Tomatoes have a classic round shape and very small sizes. The weight of each ladybug tomato will not exceed 20 grams. The surface of the tomatoes of this variety has an intense red color without a spot at the stem. Their dense flesh has excellent taste. It is quite versatile in its use, but it is best consumed fresh.

The Ladybug variety harmoniously combines high quality fruits, good disease resistance and excellent yield. One square meter can give a gardener a crop of 8 kg.


Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The first tomatoes from its standard plants can be removed in just 80 – 85 days from germination. The compact size of the bushes, as well as their height of no more than 45 cm, allow planting from 7 to 9 plants of the Gavroche variety per square meter.

Gavroche is not distinguished by the large size of its tomatoes. A rare tomato of this variety will grow with a weight of more than 50 grams. On the red surface of the Gavroche fruit there is no spot in the stalk area. The pulp of tomatoes has the necessary density and excellent taste. This makes Gavroche one of the best varieties for canning and pickling.

In addition to resistance to phytophthora, the Gavroche variety has an increased yield. From one of his plants, the gardener will be able to collect from 1 to 1,5 kg of tomatoes.

early love

Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Indeterminate bushes of the Early Love variety can grow up to 200 cm in height. Their leaves are very similar in shape to potato leaves. Harvesting the first crop of tomatoes A gardener can start early love after 95 days from the appearance of the first sprouts.

Early love is the record holder in terms of fruit size among all early ripe tomato varieties. A mature tomato of this variety can grow to a weight of 300 grams, and especially large tomatoes will exceed the mark of 600 grams. They have a flat-round shape and color from pink to crimson. In terms of texture, Early Love tomatoes are quite fleshy. They have delicious pulp with a classic tomato flavor. It is best consumed fresh, but can also be used for canning.

Early love has good resistance to diseases, especially Fusarium, Tobacco Mosaic Virus and Verticillium. The harvest of these tomatoes from one square meter will be no more than 6 kg. It can be well transported and stored.

The most productive early ripe tomatoes

These varieties stand out noticeably among all early tomato varieties in their ability to bear fruit abundantly. But when growing them, it is worth remembering that a bountiful harvest is impossible without regular care.

Dniester red

Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Determinate bushes of the Dniester Red cannot exceed a height of 110 – 120 cm. The first fruit cluster on them will form above the 5th leaf and can withstand up to 6 tomatoes. Their collection can begin at 90 – 95 days from the appearance of the first sprouts.

The round surface of tomatoes of this variety changes its color depending on maturity. A green unripe tomato has darker pigmentation near the stalk. The closer the ripening, the more the tomato turns red and the pigmentation disappears. The weight of one Dniester red tomato can be between 200 and 250 grams. It has excellent fleshy flesh. It has a universal application and can tolerate long-term transportation and storage well.

Disease resistance in this variety extends only to tobacco mosaic virus and late blight. The probability of falling ill with other diseases, the plants of the Dniester Red are fully compensated by abundant fruiting – the yield per square meter will be from 23 to 25 kg of tomatoes.


Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Ivanych bushes have foliage of medium density and can grow from 70 to 90 cm in height. On each of its flower brushes, up to 6 fruits can be formed simultaneously, and the first brush appears above the 5th leaf.

Ivanych is one of the best early varieties with pink tomatoes. Medium-sized round tomatoes weigh no more than 180 – 200 grams.

Important! Regardless of the degree of maturity, there is no stain on the stalk on the surface of Ivanych tomatoes.

Its pulp has an excellent taste and presentation. Therefore, it can be used both for salads and for twisting for the winter. In addition, it has excellent transportability.

Ivanych is especially resistant to Alternaria, Tobacco Mosaic Virus and Fusarium. From one square meter of beds, the gardener will be able to collect from 18 to 20 kg of tomatoes.


Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

This early variety will be able to please the gardener with the first harvest in 90 – 95 days from seed germination. The average height of Primadonna bushes can be between 120 and 130 cm, so they need a garter. The fruit brush of the Primadonna is formed no higher than the 8th leaf. At the same time, from 5 to 7 fruits can immediately form on each flower brush.

Diva tomatoes are round in shape. They have an intense red surface and fleshy flesh. There is a slight sourness in their classic tomato flavor. Most often, Prima Donna is used fresh, but it is also perfect for processing into purees and juices.

Important! The excellent resistance of tomatoes of the Primadonna variety to mechanical damage allows them to be transported over the longest distances.

In addition to the fact that Primadonna plants are not afraid of Alternaria, Fusarium and Tobacco Mosaic Virus, they can still grow on those soils where other varieties do not grow. The yield of one square meter will be from 16 to 18 kg of tomatoes.

pink miracle

Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Plants of the Pink Miracle can grow no higher than 110 cm. They have an average density of foliage and brushes with 6 – 7 fruits. The first flower cluster is formed above the 6th leaf. The ripening period of tomatoes falls on 82 – 85 days from the appearance of the first sprouts.

Pink miracle tomatoes are small in size, and their weight cannot exceed 100 – 110 grams. A ripe tomato of this variety has a raspberry color and dense tasty pulp.

The pink miracle has a fairly good resistance to many diseases, and its yield per square meter will be about 19 kg.  


Super early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Tomato variety Meal is not only very early, but also quite high. Its medium-leaved plants can stretch from 150 to 180 cm in height and need a mandatory garter. The first fruit cluster will appear above the 6th leaf. On it, as well as on subsequent brushes, from 8 to 10 fruits can be tied at the same time, which can be harvested already after 75 – 80 days from the moment of seed germination.

Tomatoes Meal elongated and oval. At the same time, they have rather miniature parameters, and the weight does not exceed 20 grams at all. Their red skin hides a tasty firm flesh that retains its shape and does not crack. This variety is not called so for nothing. Its tomatoes have a universal application and are equally well suited for salads and pickling.

Meal tomato plants have amazing resistance to the most common tomato diseases. Mosaic, black bacterial spot, fusarium, late blight, alternariosis – this is just the beginning of the list of diseases that are absolutely not afraid of these tomatoes. Its yield can also impress. From one square meter of garden beds, a gardener will be able to collect from 10 to 12 kg of tomatoes. At the same time, they perfectly tolerate transportation and have a long shelf life.


When growing tomatoes in open ground, it should be remembered that the key to high yields is proper and regular care. The video will tell about the care of tomato crops in open beds:


Natalia, 26 years old, Dyatkovo
We have a small greenhouse, so we grow tomatoes only in open beds. We have been planting varieties Benito and Gavroche for many years. They have excellent taste and yield. In addition, they are great for pickling. I advise.
Lyudmila, 57 years old, city ​​of Yelets
I tried many varieties, but I liked Big Mao the most. His tomatoes are fleshy and tasty. Tomatoes of the Big Mao variety are quite large, so for pickling I choose those that are smaller. He never got sick during the whole time he grew up. In addition, it has an excellent yield.
Dmitry, 43 years old, Zherdevka
We grow the Pink Miracle and Dniester Red varieties for sale. They are excellently transported, and with them never there are problems. Because of the great taste, people take them apart like hot cakes. I can safely recommend these varieties for unprotected soil.

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