
As you probably guessed from the name of this game, in it we will solve the problem of indignation that has arisen in the child’s soul, giving him the opportunity to describe his condition as a storm, and the unpleasant incident itself as a global nuisance. Sometimes it seems that this is exactly what children expect from adults — an over-attentive attitude and over-serious perception of the small troubles of a child’s life. So give them that opportunity. Moreover, for a child, a small negative event in his life can really seem like a huge and terrible incident.

So, when helping children who have quarreled out of conflict, firmly refuse to listen to them. Refer to business or fatigue from their quarrels. Separate the guys into different rooms and leave them alone for some time (fifteen minutes) alone with a piece of paper and a pen. During this time, they can put all their complaints in writing. Please note that they should try to exaggerate as much as possible all their feelings about this, and also immensely exaggerate the faults of the second person.

When the letters are written, read them. Surely they will seem funny to you, in this case, praise the child for such a “literary gift” and laugh heartily. By this time, the passions will have subsided and your son (or daughter) will tune in to a more optimistic (one might even say, humorous) wave. Do the same with the second child’s letter.

If these letters turned out to be not offensive, but really funny, then you can play the role of a judge and read out the “composition of the charge” to each “defendant”, seating them side by side. The main thing is to put on a serious official look, and after reading the accusations, impose some kind of terrible punishment on one and the other guilty. For example, solemnly announce that «Ivanov Petya, a fifth grade student, is accused of a crime against the personality of Ivanov Tolya and as punishment is sentenced to eating semolina.» A similar verdict is given to his brother. You can sentence children to reconciliation and concrete help to each other in some matters, and even better — to a joint business that is useful for the home, for example, cleaning the room.

Note. Naturally, such a humorous discussion of the conflict is possible only if you understand that nothing serious has actually happened. If the event, because of which the children quarreled, really deserves attention, then it is better to resort to the traditional conversation or the game “The Story in the First Person”.

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