Sunstroke what to do?

Doctor’s advice and folk recipes.

Dizziness, tinnitus, and chills in heat are all signs of sunstroke.

Summer in St. Petersburg is breaking records: today the thermometer has jumped to + 33 ° C, and it will only get hotter from now on. How to survive this scorching heat and not become a victim of sunstroke, Woman’s Day was told by the head of the department of thermal injuries at the N.V. I.I. Janelidze, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Konstantin Krylov.

Don’t leave home without a cap or panama… Preferably white – it reflects the sun’s rays well. You also need to play volleyball and other outdoor games with your head covered.

Eliminate alcohol… Drinking alcohol, even beer or alcoholic cocktails in the heat is extremely dangerous. They harm not only in themselves: even slightly intoxicated, a person loses control over himself, and may, for example, fall asleep in the sun and overheat. But you need to drink water, and the more, the better.

If a sunstroke does happen, and you or someone near you feel bad, you need to urgently take measures to save the victim. Especially in cases where a person complains of dizziness, tinnitus and sudden chills in the middle of a hot summer.

7 rules for sunstroke rescue:

  1. Take or transfer the victim to the shade, where it is cooler… Unbutton all squeezing clothes on it, untie the belt, unbutton the bra for women.
  2. If the person is conscious, give him a cold compress.… Ideally, wipe the entire body with a sponge dipped in very cold water.
  3. Create a flow of air. As a fan, you can use any handy items, from a panama hat to a small rug.
  4. Give a person a drink of clean non-carbonated water… Sweet soda is undesirable, but as a last resort, it will do.
  5. Don’t waste time if you faint. – immediately call an ambulance… Doctors will give injections to support heart function. You may not need hospitalization. Until the ambulance arrives, the victim can be allowed to smell the ammonia.
  6. If the blow is accompanied by a sunburn, it is also worth sending the victim to the hospital.… There he will be given a dropper, which will speed up the recovery processes in the body. Signs of a burn: redness of the skin, burning, small, almost invisible at first blisters. For not too extensive burns, it is recommended to wipe the skin with cologne or vodka. They also help with burns and folk remedies – cold kefir or sour cream.
  7. Another proven remedy for “solar problems” is finely chopped onions… It is unsuitable for burns, but very effective for sunstroke. Ideally, rub the onion juice over your palms and soles of your feet. If you are afraid of the characteristic smell, try to at least smell the chopped onion to relieve any unpleasant symptoms of a stroke.

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