Sunstroke. “A person has the impression that one foot is already in that world”

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Anyone can suffer from sunstroke due to overheating and heat weakness. It is enough to expose the sun for too long, especially without observing the basic precautionary rules, and the misfortune is ready. Find out what the symptoms of sunstroke are, what to do to protect yourself from it, and what to do when it happens.

  1. Sunstroke occurs when the sun’s rays are too intense. It is favored by prolonged exposure to the sun, especially with an unprotected head and neck
  2. Anyone can be affected by sunstroke. The most vulnerable are, inter alia, children, the elderly, obese, alcohol-dependent, diabetic and patients with heart disease
  3. Doctor: muscle cramps in the abdomen or limbs appear first. This is a signal that we should get out of the sun as soon as possible
  4. When should you call an ambulance? Lifeguard: signals that must not be ignored are severe headaches and neck pain, feeling cold as with a fever, chills and loss of consciousness
  5. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Sunstroke. “The head ached as much as never before in my life”

Sunstroke? – I do not wish this to anyone. A person has the impression that one foot is already in that world – says Paweł. Two years ago he suffered a sunstroke.

– I had a few days off. I went to my parents to help them during the harvest season. It was terribly hot, but I found myself young and strong so the sun did not scare me. We worked from morning to afternoon. I didn’t have a hat, but I drank a lot, and every now and then I got out of the sun and rested a bit. Did not help. In the evening my head started to hurt as badly as ever. I lay down, but there was no question of falling asleep. I was completely shattered, distracted, unable to collect my thoughts. Nausea and vomiting appeared. I spent three days in the hospital during which I was unable to function normally. I got a drip and some medications. Fortunately, it passed relatively quickly. Now I try to avoid the sun at all costs.

Sunstroke – the most common mistakes made

Paweł drew conclusions from what happened to him, but most Poles, especially those who have holidays during the greatest heat, do not think about the consequences of spending many hours in the sun.

What mistakes do people make when it is tropical outside? – I most often observe immoderation in being in the sun, especially between 11 am and 15 pm, when the sun is at its strongest – says the WOPR rescuer and adds that in order to protect the body from overheating, it is necessary to escape from the sun during the hours of the highest sun, protect yourself in the shade, and in the case of the elderly and children, do not leave the rooms between 11 and 15 o’clock at all. Provided it is cooler inside than outside, of course.

Sunstroke can be caused by excessive sunbathing. To avoid this, reach for the Bioherba Peach Self-Tanning Body Lotion. Your skin will be beautifully tanned without the need for direct sunlight.

  1. Why is the heat harmful to us?

Who is at risk of sunstroke?

Sunstroke is a form of heat stroke that occurs when the sun’s rays are too intense. It is favored by prolonged exposure to the sun, especially with an unprotected head and neck.

An overheated body loses its ability to thermoregulate properly, and as a result, the heat stored in it cannot be effectively transferred outside. On the other hand, intense exposure to sunlight directly on the scalp may result in hyperemia in the meninges and the brain.

The following are particularly vulnerable to sunstroke:

  1. children and the elderly
  2. people taking certain medications, incl. antihistamines, diuretics, anti-depressants and vasodilators
  3. people who work physically in hot weather
  4. people with diabetes and heart disease
  5. obese people and people under the influence of alcohol

However, this does not change the fact that Anyone who does not follow the basic principles of safe sun exposure can suffer from sunstroke.

  1. How to deal with heat at home without air conditioning? Learn about home remedies

Heat weakness and sunstroke

Internist Joanna Pietroń explains that heat stroke is an emergency and is a serious threat to life. – Before it happens, first we can observe the symptoms of heat weakening, which often occurs, among others, in people who work physically. First there are muscle cramps in the abdomen or limbs, known as heat cramps. This is a signal that we should get out of the sun as soon as possible, hide in a cool, airy room and start drinking more fluids.

This may be followed by pain, dizziness, nausea and fatigue. On the other hand, in the case of people who are in a hot and sunny place, but do not exercise, the symptoms of heat weakness are slightly different. Belong to them:

  1. fatigue
  2. nausea
  3. vomiting
  4. headache
  5. muscle aches
  6. mood changes

Heat stroke can even result in impaired consciousness, delirium and coma. In such people, the heart rate increases, respiration occurs faster, blood pressure drops – lists Joanna Pietroń. – The skin of a heat-depressed person tends to be pale, cool and sweaty, while in heat stroke the skin is usually hot and red.

In the event that people staying in high temperature notice that their well-being is worsening, they have nausea, vomiting, heat cramps, and despite hiding in a cooler place and the passage of time, their condition does not improve, a doctor’s help is necessary. – The more disturbing symptoms we notice, the sooner we should seek help in the hospital – warns Dr. Joanna Pietroń.

When in the sun, remember to properly protect your body by using sunbathing cosmetics. The sensitive skin of the face should be especially protected. To do this, try the Shaka Sun Sunscreen Face Cream available on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

Sunstroke – the treacherous sun

That’s where Bartosz ended up a few years ago. – I live by the sea, so I thought I was used to the sun – he says. – With a few friends we went for a hike along the shore of the beach. We were walking from Władysławowo to Hel. About halfway there, I felt faint, my vision was getting worse and I had difficulty taking the next steps. So we left the tour to get some rest. After entering the store, I passed out. Colleagues called for help. I spent a week in the hospital.

Małgorzata, mother of two children, was one step away from misfortune. What she has experienced is called a nightmare. – I wanted to protect my children from the sun at all costs. So I ran after them with drinks, put on hats, brought the ball when it was in the sun, I watched when they cooled down in the garden pool. I forgot about myself. I drank too little, I didn’t protect my head. The result was a sleepless night, nausea, chills, bursting pain in my head, and a general feeling of being like a high fever, even though I was only 38 degrees. I drank a lot, took antipyretic pills, and luckily it was over by itself.

How to protect yourself from sunstroke?

So what to do to avoid sunstroke? – One should not be exposed to the sun for more than 10 – 20 minutesand after this time it is necessary to take shelter in the shade, at least for a while – advises the WOPR rescuer. It is enough if it is a shadow provided by an umbrella or a screen. It is best to look for places with air circulation, even if it is gentle. What else?

You need to drink plenty of water. In hot weather it is worth increasing the recommended daily dose of fluids, that is, instead of one and a half or two liters of water, drink more. Absolutely alcohol must be avoided. One cannot forget about head protection with a ventilated hat or other covering. It is also very advisable putting on thin clothes with long sleeves and legs, of course, necessarily made of natural fabrics. They’re great at protecting us from overheating, ‘he says, adding that sunstrokes do happen, and the biggest problem is that most people can’t recognize their initial symptoms.

– If someone ceases to feel thirsty during exposure to the sun, but feels headaches, neckaches, dizziness or nausea, it is a sign that he should run away from the sunlit places as soon as possible and start cooling down immediately. It is advisable then to use moist compresses on the body, sprinkling with water, cold compresses on the neck and head, and staying in a ventilated place. If there is no wind, use a windmill.

Body hydrosols can also be used for spraying the body, e.g. with:

  1. Mists for the face and body Heavenly scent of Bioherba,
  2. Mists for the face and body. Sensual freshness of Bioherba.

The preparations not only moisturize and cool the skin, but also have beautiful fragrances.

When should you call an ambulance? – Signals that must not be ignored are severe headaches and neck pain, feeling cold as with a fever, chills and loss of consciousness – lists the paramedic.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to ecology. How to be eco and not go crazy? How can we care for our planet on a daily basis? What and how to eat? You will hear about this and many other topics related to ecology in the new episode of our podcast.

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