
Who among us does not like to crack sunflower seeds from time to time? Their taste is reminiscent of summer, and the bright yellow flowers of this plant fascinate with beauty. Many people know about this plant only that thanks to it we have the same seeds, halva and sunflower oil. Do you think that’s where its usefulness ends? But no! Among the many beneficial properties of sunflower is the ability to purify the air around you, kill malaria pathogens and treat many diseases.

General characteristics

The sunflower is the largest member of the Asteraceae family. This plant with erect stems can grow up to 4 m in height. Its leaves are large and heart-shaped. On the stem, as a rule, up to 20 leaves develop. It blooms from June to September with large single flowers, the diameter of which can be about 50 cm. The center of a large flower consists of small yellow-brown tubular flowers surrounded by large (up to 10 cm) yellow petals. In the process of ripening, seeds develop in the middle of the flower. Depending on the variety, ripe seeds may be covered with black or black and white husks.

Its roots are also quite large and in some varieties reach 3 meters. Thanks to such a highly developed root system, sunflowers easily absorb water from the soil. This property of the plant is used when there is a need to drain marshy soil or clean the soil from contaminants, including sewage, radioactive substances or lead.

The Latin name of this plant “Helianthus” is translated as “flower of the sun”, and this definition has been preserved in the name of the flower in many languages. What is another name for a plant whose flowers resemble the sun? By the way, this is the only plant known to botanists that rotates behind the sun during the day, and its petals open and close with dawn and sunset.

The homeland of this plant is South America, or rather, Mexico and Peru. The ancient Peruvians idolized this flower. During ritual ceremonies in the temples of the Sun, the priests almost always held a sunflower in their hands. And on the walls of temples, historians find numerous images of this flower.

Interestingly, already in ancient times, the Aztecs grew several varieties of sunflower. Today, more than 70 varieties are known, some of which are decorative. And in the mountains of Colorado grows the so-called dwarf sunflower. It is very similar to its large relative, but does not exceed 15-20 cm.

What is useful sunflower

Sunflower is a valuable crop for many reasons. It can serve as an ornamental plant, medicine, and also an important industrial raw material. Every part of the plant can be put to good use. Leaves, for example, serve as fodder for livestock. The stems contain fibers that can be used to make paper. The seeds are known to be good for making oil and also as bird food. Sunflower oil is used not only in the food industry, but also in the production of soap, candles, when working with wool, as a lubricant, for mixing paints. By the way, about paints. The bright petals of the flower serve as a source of natural yellow dye.

Today sunflowers are cultivated in many countries of the world, including Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Bulgaria, Egypt, Japan. Russia is considered one of the leaders in the cultivation of this crop. This “golden chamomile” came to Russia from Holland thanks to Peter I. Since then, the “golden era” of sunflower began.

Although most people know sunflower solely as a food plant, it has many health benefits, which will be discussed next.

Nutritional characteristics

Sunflower is rich in many useful components. Different parts of this plant contain proteins, carbohydrates, valuable fats, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, selenium, and vitamins.

Sunflower seeds are a very high-calorie product. 100 grams of seeds is almost 600 kcal, approximately 25 g of protein, 1 g of carbohydrates, 42 g of fat and 4 g of vegetable fiber [1]. In addition, the seeds are rich in vitamins B, A, E and many minerals. [2]. Only 25 g of the product contains the daily requirement of vitamin E. All the amino acids necessary for a person are found in the seeds, in large quantities. Seeds are an exceptional source of healthy unsaturated fats. [3]. One of the most important is linoleic fatty acid, which the body needs to fight “bad” cholesterol. [4]. The seeds also contain no less useful oleic acid.

The petals of the plant are also valuable. They contain large amounts of carotenoids, phytosterols, choline, betaine, xanthophyll and sapogenins.

Benefits for the body

Sunflower contains a huge amount of vitamin E and selenium (antioxidant substances), due to which it is considered useful in the treatment and prevention of many serious diseases. Vitamin E is also essential for proper brain function. [5]. Also, sunflower seeds are considered useful for strengthening bones and muscles, improving digestion, for male potency and treating infertility. Thanks to the phenylalanine found in sunflower, the plant has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and is a good natural remedy for arthritis and inflammation of the kidneys. [6]. Preparations from it are effective in lowering body temperature and as an expectorant. [7] [8]

Sunflower sprouts: benefits and harms

Just 8 days after planting sunflower seeds, tender sprouts appear that are good to eat as they have many benefits. [9]. This is what the Ayurveda believers say. Here are the top 10 health benefits of young sunflower greens:

  1. They contain one of the most balanced forms of vegetable protein. When eating sunflower sprouts, the body receives the amino acids necessary for the restoration of muscle tissue and the production of enzymes.
  2. The sprouts of this crop are rich in B vitamins, including folic acid, which is very important for expectant mothers.
  3. The rich content of antioxidants makes sunflower greens good for the heart, slows down aging and promotes cell repair. Due to the high level of antioxidant vitamins (C, E) and selenium, this product is useful for strengthening blood vessels and lowering blood pressure.
  4. It is a low-calorie dietary food, therefore it is useful for overweight people.
  5. Sunflower greens contain lecithin (a substance that contributes to the proper breakdown of fatty acids).
  6. Sprouts are a source of vitamins A, E, D, some important minerals, including calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium.
  7. Zinc-rich greens are beneficial for maintaining the reproductive function of the body.
  8. This herb is important for strengthening the immune system. Young shoots contain substances that help maintain a healthy balance of intestinal microflora, on which the state of immunity also significantly depends.
  9. Sprouts are rich in essential fatty acids.
  10. All shoots, including sunflower, are rich in chlorophyll. This substance is necessary for a person to maintain the correct blood formula, prevent inflammation, improve the functioning of the nervous system, rejuvenate tissues, and also to maintain a healthy acidity of the body.

Use in herbal medicine

Sunflower is a popular remedy in folk medicine. Since ancient times, healers have used different parts of the plant to prepare medicines for many diseases. [10].

Leaves and stems

For the treatment of boils, puffiness, for healing wounds, traditional healers often used sunflower. With a mild course of the disease, a fresh leaf of the plant was taken, which was tied to a sore spot, with a more difficult one, gruel from chopped greens came to the rescue. Herbalists advise washing wounds that are difficult to heal with a decoction of the leaves of the plant, and for otitis media, it is useful to drip freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of a sun flower or a mixture of sunflower oil and juice into the ears. Against migraine, a slurry of crushed sunflower leaves was used (you can also add crushed fresh seeds), which was applied to the forehead. A decoction of fresh leaves of the plant helps to remove toxins from the body.


In herbal medicine, sunflower roots are known as a salt remover. A decoction of them (3 liters of boiling water are taken per glass of dry roots and boiled for 2 minutes) is used to treat gout and urolithiasis. For the treatment of goiter, it is advised to grind the sunflower root and garlic, and apply the resulting slurry to the neck. The plant is also considered useful for the treatment of fever. In this case, you will have to prepare a decoction of the roots or dried flowers, which is advised to drink twice a day.


High blood cholesterol is a problem that many face today. You can also solve it with the help of sunflower, or rather, its seeds. They contain linoleic fatty acid, which is considered beneficial for high cholesterol levels. [11]. In addition, the seeds are used to eliminate intestinal parasites, and a decoction of the seeds is considered an effective medicine against coughs and inflammation of the kidneys.


The healing properties of sunflower are also used in the treatment of jaundice, gallbladder diseases, infectious diseases and respiratory diseases. A decoction from the central part of the flower has choleretic properties. Alcohol tincture from the middle flowers is useful for neuralgia and lack of appetite. A decoction of young leaves has a diuretic effect, and is also useful for diarrhea and fevers.

Often in herbal medicine, sunflower petals are used to make tea or tinctures, which are used for sore throats, inflammation of the trachea or tonsils. Properly brewed tea has a bitter taste and a strong honey aroma.

Fresh petals of the plant are advised to be used to treat herpes. To do this, a yellow sheet is glued to the sore spot, having previously poured boiling water over it. An alcoholic infusion of dry petals (3 tablespoons are taken per glass of vodka) is useful for disorders of the nervous system.


Dry petals can be used to make an oily tincture. To do this, the vessel is filled 2/3 with leaves and topped with vodka, then infused for 3 weeks, shaking the vessel regularly. Properly prepared product will turn out dark and oily. It is useful for them to wipe the places affected by psoriasis. The same medicine can be taken orally to prevent colds. The recommended dose is 1 tablespoon per day.

The essential oil obtained from the flowers of the plant is therapeutic for arthrosis and arthritis, and the oil from the seeds is for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Boiled sunflower oil dressings help treat wounds and improve healing, as well as oil inhalations for bronchitis or pneumonia [12].

Use in cooking

For culinary purposes, as a rule, the seeds of the plant are used. They are added to salads, soups, sauces, pastries, as an ingredient in breakfast cereals and desserts. Roasted or raw seeds are used as a popular snack.

Sunflower oil is one of the most popular in cooking. Cold-pressed sunflower oil is considered the most useful. Such a product contains a large amount of useful unsaturated fatty acids.

Young leaves and petals of the plant can be added to salads, and fresh petals can be used to make a flower tincture. To do this, 80 g of dry petals are poured into 1 liter of white wine and left to infuse for 15 days, stirring occasionally.

Now you already know that sunflower is not just beautiful flowers that give oil and seeds, but a real storehouse of useful substances and a cure for many diseases. This is a natural medicine, without chemical components and side effects.

Sources of
  1. ↑ Michigan State University. – Seeds are healthy sources of fiber.
  2. ↑ U.S. Department of Agriculture. – Sunflower seeds.
  3. ↑ American Heart Association. – Healthy cooking oils.
  4. ↑ Canadian Science Publishing. – Dietary phytosterols as cholesterol-lowering agents in humans.
  5. ↑ National Institutes of Health. – Vitamin E.
  6. ↑ The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. – Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammatory mediator production.
  7. ↑ Health website Healthline. – Are sunflower seeds good for you? Nutrition, benefits and more.
  8. ↑ Social network for scientists ResearchGate. – Therapeutic potential of sunflower seeds.
  9. ↑ U.S. National Library of Medicine. – A review of phytochemistry, metabolite changes, and medicinal uses of the common sunflower seed and sprouts.
  10. ↑ Online doctor database – Health benefits of sunflower, uses and its side effects.
  11. ↑ Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran. – How canola and sunflower oils affect lipid profile and anthropometric parameters of participants with dyslipidemia.
  12. ↑ Scientific electronic library online. – The effects of topical application of sunflower-seed oil on open wound healing in lambs.

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