Sunday work: what do parents think?

Sunday work: what the law provides

First of all, the number of Sunday openings of shops increases from 5 to 12 per year, by decision of the mayor (after opinion of the municipal council up to 5 and the intermunicipal association beyond). These Sundays will be paid double.

Employees working Sunday mornings in supermarkets should in future benefit from an increased remuneration of at least 30%. And shops located in the 12 busiest French stations can also open on Sundays.

Another measure: in tourist areas (ZT) and commercial areas (ZC), the opening will be authorized by decree every Sunday. For these zones, wage compensation will be compulsory but fixed according to agreements of companies, branches or territories.

Last but not least, the bill provides for the creation of international tourist zones (ZTI) in 4 cities in France: Paris, Nice, Cannes and Deauville. In these areas, shops will be able to open every Sunday as well as in the evening until midnight. For evening work (21 p.m. to midnight), it is planned: a doubling of the salary, reimbursement of the return home and childcare costs.

Moms Divided Over Sunday Work

On social networks, moms passionately expressed their position. The vast majority put forward their fear of missing out on family life. This is the case with Sophie: “I already work 6 days a week in the trade, so I say no because Sunday is the only day I can be with my family”. Ditto for another mother, Alexandra, who specifies: “Sunday is a sacred day”. Michel Fize, sociologist, thinks that for family life nothing is blocking. “Society changes a lot. Sunday is not a special day. As long as Sunday work is offered on a voluntary basis, each parent is free to work or not, ”he explains.

Emilie, who already works a few Sundays, knows very well that this impinges on family life: “I am a nurse and I work every other weekend. I feel like I missed some great times with family and friends. I love my job. But I sometimes feel my children sad to see me go to work ”. “Family life is normal everyday. Indeed, if some families wait until Sunday to be together, it can be blocking », Explains Michel Fize. Elodie, a single mother, is not convinced by the law: “Being alone with two children, that does not interest me at all”. Other moms think, on the contrary, that it is good for their finances and the organization with the dad. Like Manon: “If I work on Sundays, the children are looked after by the dad one day and by me the other day”. Elodie also thinks that it is an interesting law: “I find that it is an excellent idea to better remunerate those who need it”. 

Will the childminders work on Sundays?

Nathalie, nursery assistant testifies: “ I am a nursery assistant and I refuse to work on Sundays. I care too much about my family life “. Moms, like Laëtitia, have expressed their doubts about the availability of childminders: “We must already find a nanny who works on Sundays. It’s complicated when you have shifted schedules during the week, because many nannies work from 8:30 am to 9 am until 18 pm ”. “Have we asked childminders if they wanted to work on Sundays when the law was made? », Says Elodie. Another mother is also worried about the type of childcare: “I want to work on Sundays, but how do I find childcare? “. Corine wonders about the lack of space in a structure to look after her child: “The Macron law should have thought of more nurseries, more nannies for those days. “Julie confirms the difficulty of looking after the children:” I work on Sundays, but I have not found anyone to look after my daughter. Childminders rarely work on Sundays, it is already very difficult to find one for Saturday… ”

A solution: day nurseries open 24 hours a day

Some nurseries, generally micro-nurseries, are open 24 hours a day, 24 days a week. They often take in about twenty children, with a rotation over the week, so they are not present at the same time. Places are rare and sought after by parents who above all wish to entrust their children to qualified personnel.. This is the case with the “Les Petits Petons” nursery, created in Bussy-Saint-Georges in 2013. The child’s rhythm is respected, he dines and goes to bed “like at home”. Everything has been thought out so as not to disturb toddlers. The director explained to the Parisian: “For parents who pick up their child in the middle of the night, we have set up an SMS system when they are in front of the entrance gate, so that we come and open the door to them without them. do not have to ring. ” Price side, it takes 13 euros per hour, at night and at weekends. “The Family Allowance Fund distributes aid which sometimes reimburses almost all of the cost,” says the director.

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