Sunday is the best day to work

We rejoice on Friday, because the weekend is ahead, and on Sunday evening we are sad in anticipation of Monday. How to avoid stress at the beginning of the work week? An unexpected solution comes from publicist Diana Evans.

I don’t remember who was the first to say that Sunday is a day when you can’t do anything, God or Bruce Springsteen? In the Bible, in the Book of Exodus 20:8 (I don’t remember the chapter, but I swear I read it), it says: “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall work and do all your work, but the seventh day is for the Lord your God…”

I respect both God and Bruce Springsteen, but I have to disagree. For many, Sunday is the most miserable day of the week. Why? Because it means that the work week starts tomorrow and the best part of the weekend is over.

All week long, we take the five days of work like bitter pills as a potential cure for the sadness that comes on Sunday night. If there were more weekends and free time, then during the broadcast of Sunday football, our heart would not be squeezed by the cold hand of horror at the thought of the upcoming week at the office.

On Sunday there is no work mail, no colleagues. And that’s the best thing about working on Sundays

They say that everything we do in five working days can be done in four. Some countries like Albania even see the four-day work week as a solution to the economic crisis. It’s almost a crime for us not to work all the time. Everyone has work mail on their smartphones, and it’s hard to break away from work even on a day off. But I offer an exciting and more realistic alternative.

Sunday is the best day to work. Forget about the four-day work week – a six-day work week will save us!

Judge for yourself – what distracts you from your direct duties the most? Mostly email and colleagues. You have just sat down to work, as an avalanche of letters will immediately fall on you, which you need to respond to immediately.

By the time you’ve done the nasty mail job, scrambled your way through the pile of letters, one, and you’ve got a colleague in front of you, wondering if you’ve watched the new series. Yes, you watched. But could everyone now please step aside and leave you in the midst of an ever-growing mountain of things to do?

On Sunday there is no work mail, no colleagues. And this is the most beautiful thing about working on Sundays. You can quickly and easily go through all the routine tasks without distractions.

Do you think I’m going to suggest that you sit down at your desk at nine in the morning every Sunday and work overtime until five in the evening? No. Do you think I’m going to say that we should work on Sunday to add more hours to our already bloated work week? Never.

Reschedule some of the meaningless tasks to the seventh day to tune in to the shock work on Monday

Doing some things on Sunday is more of a small loophole for those who may stay up at night but who need daytime naps. For those who experience too much stress from a heavy workload during the work day. Do some on Sunday to have some fun on Friday.

Write a work email on your day off to watch a Youtube video on Thursday. Let today’s you make life easier for your future. Reschedule some of the meaningless tasks to the seventh day to set yourself up for the shock work on Monday. And then, receiving messages that distract you, you will not be so much annoyed.

If at work you are constantly spammed with letters about the divorce of show business stars, do not be distracted, let them pass by. If you need to edit a 16-word biography of a businessman who opened a staircase factory in Oslo, forget it. Now is your time. Unload yourself a little, tell yourself that you will do it on Sunday.

Answer emails with beer in hand. Or read a biography while sitting with a glass of wine in your favorite cafe.

By setting yourself up for Sunday business, you will not be dreading Monday. And do not come to the office in the morning in a state of stress. But on a weekday, try skipping tasks that don’t require immediate solutions.

The only problem with this ingenious, in my opinion, scheme is that we cannot accept it all at once. Because if everyone starts to ignore part of the work on weekdays, our work is unlikely to be effective.

So please don’t tell anyone about this. Thanks to.

About the Author: Diana Evans is a writer, editor, and columnist.

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