Sunburn remedy

The city is 30-degree heat, and the swimming season is in full swing. And sometimes, in pursuit of a beautiful tan, we are ready to fry in the sun for several hours in a row. And not without consequences! Samara girls shared recipes with which they reanimate sun-burnt skin.

Tatiana, 27 years old, real estate agent:

“I get burned every summer. And she is always to blame herself – I just want to get tanned faster and neglect protective equipment. This, of course, is fundamentally wrong, but I’m already used to it. But I have a miracle recipe on how to quickly relieve redness and pain and speed up the process of tanning. I fill the bath with cool water, add half a pack of table salt and you’re done. You need to sit in such a bath for about 20 minutes, and the pain and fever will recede. Also, if you find it difficult to sleep, and the skin reacts painfully to rubbing against a dry sheet, just wet it (sheet). You can even wrap yourself in it! “

Olga, 24 years old, nurse:

“As a medical professional, I know all the rules for safe tanning. But, unfortunately, I also cannot avoid unpleasant burns. I use ordinary potatoes as a lifesaver. I rub it on a grater, and put the gruel on the burn site for 30 minutes. By the way, if your nose often burns, this is the best remedy. Firstly, it relieves pain, and secondly, redness. “

Christina, 33, housewife:

“We have a dacha. And that’s it! With periodic constancy, all family members are burned. And I fly everyone with the same constancy. I tried different options, but there was no desired effect. Until my grandmother advised … sauerkraut! I put cold cabbage on the burnt places for 15-20 minutes. And that’s it! You can repeat it several times a day – there will be no harm from cabbage! “

Oksana, 29 years old, teacher:

“I am a happy owner of milky skin and a million freckles! The sun is very dangerous for me, but loves me very much. And leaves his “kisses” on my pale skin. Not always evenly and not always painless. I save myself with various herbal decoctions. I brew chamomile with mint and a cool broth and soak my burning skin. The inflammation is noticeably relieved. “

Ekaterina, 31 years old, seller:

“As far back as I can remember, I was always beating my mother:“ Why do we need so many pots of aloe in the house? ” I did not pay attention to her objections that this is one of the most useful plants. Like, only with a runny nose can you use it, and the point is – just how many funds are in the pharmacy. Once I arrived from the Grushinsky festival with a temperature under 39 and terrible sunburn. Neither sit down nor lie down – everything hurt and burned! Mom prepared a miracle remedy that really saved me! Aloe gruel, a couple of tablespoons of milk and that’s it. I applied to the burnt places, held it for half an hour and in the shower. Of course, do not expect an instant effect. This procedure must be repeated several times a day. Thanks to my mom, but now I love aloe! “

Polina, 34, tourism manager:

“To be honest, I am against folk remedies. Why waste time preparing some masks, creams, etc., when you have everything ready in cosmetic stores. But with burns, it is folk remedies that are really more effective! Almost everything that is in the refrigerator is used: apricots, which I knead in mashed potatoes and apply on the skin, cucumbers, with the juice of which I moisten a cotton swab and blot the burned area. Even watermelon juice helps! Checked! “

Daria, 28 years old, seller:

“If you use sour cream as a remedy for sunburn, do not forget to wash it off after 10 minutes. Otherwise it will only get worse. Drying, it covers the skin with an oily film. The skin does not breathe and does not allow moisture to pass through. And it “burns” more from this. I already know! Learn from my mistakes. “

Maria, 33 years old, beautician:

“Although due to my profession I know dozens of professional means for protecting against the sun and burns, I still use my favorite folk remedy. Oatmeal infusion! Fast, simple and inexpensive. Fill with cool water for 15–20 minutes, then moisten the gauze with the strained infusion and, like a mummy, begin to wrap yourself in it. Just keep track of the time – do not fall asleep from bliss. Tear off dry gauze from burnt skin – oh, how unpleasant. “

Svetlana, 23 years old, dancer:

“I love the sun, I love to sunbathe and I’m not afraid to get sunburned. I spend the whole summer by the Volga and, of course, the first week, having reached the sun, “lick my wounds.” And in this, egg white helps me. I use it to lubricate the most sore spots, wait for it to dry out (if you try my remedy, you will feel the skin tightening, which means it’s time to take a shower!) And wash it off. That’s all!”

Tatiana, 29 years old, manicurist:

“I use my grandmother’s recipes. This is a decoction from the bark of an oak – from its infusion I prepare lotions, a decoction of St. John’s wort, willow tea and mother-and-stepmother. “

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