Sunbathing during pregnancy – can you sunbathe while pregnant?
Sunbathing during pregnancy - can you sunbathe while pregnant?Sunbathing during pregnancy – can you sunbathe while pregnant?

During pregnancy, sunbathing is not recommended, but the expectant mother can – under certain conditions – safely enjoy the charms of sunbathing. How it’s possible? If he wants to spend his vacation at the seaside and follows a few recommendations, he does not have to worry about himself or the baby. 

The influence of the sun on the future mother’s body

Women who are impatiently awaiting the birth of a baby must take special care of themselves. Therefore, every trip during pregnancy, and especially related to long-term exposure to the sun, should be consulted with the attending physician. It is worth asking in advance how much time you can spend on the beach and whether there are any contraindications to such a trip. Advice should also be sought if you plan to rest for a long time on a sunny balcony, terrace or in the garden.

The beneficial effect of sunlight on the human body has been known for a long time – it improves well-being and leads to the production of vitamin D. So can the sun be harmful to future mothers? In excess – yes. Anyway, everyone – not only pregnant women – must avoid long and careless sunbathing. It should not be forgotten that the sun emits UV rays, which contribute, among others, to to skin cancer, weaken the immune system, cause sunburn and accelerate the aging process of the skin. High temperature dilates blood vessels, leads to swelling of the feet and increases the risk of “spider veins”. In addition, hormonal changes during pregnancy increase sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, are responsible for the formation of skin discoloration, and in some cases even lead to the activation of pigmentation changes that existed before. Heat can also cause dangerous vaginal bleeding. So what should a safe beach for a pregnant woman look like?

How to safely sunbathe during pregnancy?

What to do to stay in the sun safely and without worries during pregnancy? First of all, under no circumstances should you forget about the cream with the filter. Expectant mothers are recommended cosmetics with a mineral filter, which have the ability to reflect harmful UV rays from the surface of the skin. During pregnancy, you should opt for the highest factors that provide comprehensive protection. SPF 50 and SPF 50+ filters are a good choice for pregnant women, the absolute minimum is SPF 30. In addition, the cream with the filter must be applied to the skin before the planned exposure to the sun – about a quarter of an hour earlier.

Expectant mothers who take medications must make sure that these – in combination with the sun – do not cause any complications. Basic information is always included in the enclosed leaflet, otherwise you can consult your doctor or pharmacist. It is mandatory to protect moles and the most sensitive parts of the body from radiation, such as ears, neck and mouth. It is also worth giving up makeup while tanning.

Pregnant women must remember to stay hydrated during the fire, so they should drink as much as possible. In addition, it is not recommended to go out in the sun between 12 and 15 and stay in the shade at other times. It should be borne in mind that the heat is not good for future mothers or their babies, so it is always worth considering holiday trips and choosing the optimal place and form of rest.





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