Sun, rest. Beach by the sea or the one by the lake. Who among us doesn’t like idyll in the middle of summer? However, it is worth keeping moderation in giving yourself the pleasure of sunbathing. Sunbathing between 10 and 14 hours is particularly dangerous due to the increased UV radiation, which can not only burn the skin, but also become the beginning of skin melanoma.
You should never give up on protective cosmetics. Similarly, we must ensure proper hydration of the body, because dehydration often goes hand in hand with a stroke. Weakness, headache and nausea require medical intervention as they are the first symptoms of a stroke. Let’s remember about constant access to drinking water, also for the dog, if we decided to take it with us, and about the fact that sunbathing during active recreation is much safer.
Beta-carotene and the “umbrella” of safety
Apply a body scrub immediately before sunbathing. Exfoliation of dead skin is very important as it will allow you to get an even tan. Start taking beta-carotene tablets a few weeks earlier, or at least consume carrot juice. The peach color that the skin will achieve will allow you to achieve it in a shorter time brown shade of tan.
You have a huge selection of cosmetics with a UV filter that will protect your skin during sweet lazing on the beach or volleyball. The filter must contain a factor of at least 20, but the lighter the complexion, the higher it should be. Look for a spray, lotion or lotion – most are waterproof, but some need to be reapplied after contact with water. You will find the cheapest on the drugstore shelf for PLN 10. Keep a headgear, cap or hat handy, you never know when they will prove to be beneficial.
You can prevent flaking of the skin by using a moisturizing lotion after sunbathing, but it is advisable to use it at least twice a day. For possible burns, cooling foams or compresses made of curdled milk will help, which are left on the skin for half an hour, then gently washed off with lukewarm water.
Olive oil and tomatoes
This is not a recipe for a burn mask. Food helps to minimize the risk of their occurrence. Olive oil increases the absorption of lycopene found in tomatoes. Lycopene is a pigment that penetrates the surface of the skin, creating a natural sunscreen.
In turn, the richness of ellagic acid contained in raspberries and strawberries eliminates free radicals that contribute to the formation of skin melanoma and other cancers. Green tea has a similar effect, so drink it in larger quantities when going to rest in the sun, because it is a source of antioxidants.