Sun in the middle of winter – a new version of premium CBD oils from Kanaste

A new logo, a new color of packaging, a new look of the bottles – these are the changes that are visible at first glance. However, one of the biggest changes happened to the composition of Kanaste – from now on, this brand’s CBD oils do not contain THC and have an even more improved formula.

Press material

Continuous development and the need for improvement were the main driving forces that inspired Kanaste’s rebranding. “We were very keen to introduce joy into our identification – that feeling that arises in us when we lie on the grass on a beautiful sunny day and look at the sky. This is a great reference for us – something so natural and simple, and at the same time absolutely beautiful. We would like Kanaste to feel this way, ”say Kamil Wala and Artur Kobiela, the founders of the brand. “We want to transform people’s well-being – so that everyone can feel better and therefore everyone can enjoy life more.” – they add.

“The new packaging refers to the sun – it is a life energy that gives us joy. This thought was an inspiration to create new packaging. It was the sun and its energy that were our indicator – it is an expression of balance, harmony and joy, ”the assumptions convey. From now on, canaste premium CBD oils can be found in juicy yellow bottles with a white brand logo, all oil flavors have the same packaging, only the taste and concentration markings differ.

In the case of Kanaste, the change includes not only the new visual identification, the appearance of the packaging or the logotype. The composition of oils and their concentrations have also changed significantly (now given not in milliliters, but in milligrams, which makes measuring the right dose even easier). The new oils contain organic MCT oil, hemp oil with phytonutrients, natural flavors and organic stevia. From now on, Kanaste oils are also THC-free to ensure even greater safety of their use. The company introduced this change with the focus on athletes for whom CBD helps to regenerate the body and fight pain, and who, due to the presence of THC in full spectrum oils, are often excluded from taking advantage of the benefits of using CBD. “We want as many people as possible to benefit from what is offered by regular CBD supplementation.

“We know some people are concerned about using products that contain even trace amounts of THC – we wanted to meet their needs. We want everyone to be able to take advantage of Kanaste – each of us deserves a better feeling, ”say the founders of the brand.

Another novelty is the introduction of the Explorer Kit to the offer – it is a completely new solution in the world of CBD. “Determining the right dosage of CBD is a very individual matter – each of us is different and has different needs. However, we have noticed that finding your “strength” is very difficult, and we believe our role is to make it easier for anyone who would like to start supplementing with CBD. So we created a kit consisting of six vials and three concentrations. This allows us to discover what we need without having to buy a few full-size products, ”the founders say.

However, the introduced changes did not change the most important feature of CBD oils – their action. The use of Kanaste still gives the effect of calming down, relieving pain and feeling more comfortable in your own body.

Canaste CBD Oils


  1. 600 mg price: PLN 175
  2. 1200 mg price: PLN 285
  3. 2400 mg price: PLN 495

Explorer’s Set price: PLN 49

Gourmet set price: PLN 39


  1. classic
  2. mint and chocolate
  3. vanilla
  4. lime green
  5. coconut

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