Sun allergy symptoms: video
Sunlight brings only pleasant moments to a person’s life: warmth, the opportunity to spend a day in nature, sunbathe and get vitamin D, which is important for the body. However, not everyone is happy with the sun. Some girls do not have the opportunity to expose their skin to a warm luminary when they are allergic to the sun.
Allergy to the sun: manifestations
Solar allergy: main manifestations
The medical name for sun allergy is photodermatosis / photodermatitis. It affects about 20% of the population of Russia. To this day, the causes of sun allergies are unknown. One hypothesis is that the sun is causing the accumulation of allergens. Under the influence of rays, they are transformed into toxins. The body notifies about them through the emerging photodermatosis.
The symptoms of sun allergy are diverse. Most often it manifests itself as rashes on the body, which itch and itch a lot. It is also possible that there is simply severe redness of some parts of the body, even after a short stay under the rays. This is how allergies appear on the forehead, chest, and shoulders.
Sun allergy symptoms also include:
- sudden blisters
- fever
- pre-syncope
- sometimes itching can affect the mucous membranes: it begins to sore throat, watery eyes
Do not comb redness or poke blisters. Reduce sun exposure and be sure to use special products with high UV protection
Emergency relief of sun allergy symptoms
Unfortunately, medications for allergies of this type have not yet been invented. Doctors assure: if this problem touches you, it is necessary to examine the entire body. Often, allergic reactions are a signal of malfunctions in the internal organs.
However, it is urgent to relieve the first symptoms before medical treatment. First, limit your time in the sun. Stay at home during especially active periods.
Second, increase the amount of fluid you consume (pure water or mineral water). With its help, allergens will leave the body faster. Thirdly, be sure to make compresses from the herbal infusion.
Anti-inflammatory and soothing effects are possessed by oak bark, string, chamomile, St. John’s wort.
Cucumber, aloe juice, and raw potatoes are also suitable for emergency treatment.
Fourth, start taking vitamins. Doctors call hypovitaminosis one of the causes of photodermatitis. Increasing vitamin levels will strengthen immunity and help the body effectively fight toxins. Also note that if you are taking any hormonal medications (such as contraceptives), stop taking them immediately if you have any allergic symptoms.
Allergy to the sun is not a reason to deny yourself summer trips and the warm sea. To reduce the risk of breakouts, start prevention a couple of weeks before vacation. Be sure to drink a course of vitamins B and E, which increase immunity and help in skin regeneration. Check with your doctor ahead of time to get the right antihistamines.
If you have sun allergies, experimenting with them yourself is dangerous: some of them can increase your sensitivity.
Collect the correct first aid kit. Take with you an antipyretic, zinc ointment, aloe balm. Do not rely on burn remedies, they are useless for allergies. Be sure to use a high-protection cream and wipe dry after bathing.
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