Summer Vacation Time: What to Put in Your Family First Aid Kit?


Why is it better to take your pills with you rather than buy them locally? Abroad, medicines have completely different names, you can get confused in the instructions in an unfamiliar language, and in some countries, no important medicines are sold without a prescription, except aspirin. It is not necessary to take with you all the medications that are stored in the house, but it is better to pack the remedies for colds, headaches and antipyretics in a suitcase. Remember: the acquaintance of the child’s body with the sea air and the bright sun takes place within two to four days. At this time, an increase in temperature and a runny nose are possible.

Going to exotic countries, also stock up on a remedy for eating disorders, because it is not known how the child’s body will react to the new diet. Take care of the pills for allergies and motion sickness – they may be needed by children who are traveling for the first time. The feeling of nausea from motion sickness is also relieved by mints.

From mosquitoes

Take a close look at the flora of the region before your trip and find a good insect repellent spray or cream. If you are going to tropical countries – Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brazil, then the mosquito repellent should be the first to go to the first aid kit. You should especially be wary of tropical midges, which in the evenings begin to swarm right over your heads. Bites from midges turn into blisters and take a long time to heal.

Emergency assistance

Bruises and bruises are inevitable “pleasures” during the holidays, so bring along a universal healing ointment that will come to the aid of your tomboys. To treat abrasions, hydrogen peroxide is useful, which for convenience can be poured from a traditional glass bottle into a plastic bottle with a spray bottle. Treat ripped knees and minor scratches with iodine and brilliant green, which are now sold in the form of a pencil. And, of course, keep a bactericidal patch in your medicine cabinet.

It is better not to wear new shoes on vacation, but if calluses appear, then wipe them with an alcohol-based lotion, and if they burst, sprinkle them with a crushed antibiotic tablet and cover with a plaster. This will speed up the healing process.

Protection from ultraviolet radiation

Set aside a separate place in the family medicine cabinet for tanning products. Sunscreens prevent sunburn and age spots. The delicate skin of children needs a delicate spray with a high sun protection factor. SPF 50 and SPF 30 are formulated for hypersensitive skin that cannot tolerate UV rays. It is also worth purchasing a special cream that will soothe the skin after the beach. And if the child nevertheless burned out in the sun, then panthenol will help to cope with the resulting burns.


And of course, often remind your family about how important it is to keep your hands clean. Thorough hand washing, especially in exotic countries, will help get rid of germs and protect the family from infections. Don’t forget to take antibacterial products with you Detailwhich are ideal for travel. For example, an antibacterial hand gel Detail or napkins – they are irreplaceable when there is no water: on the beach, on the road, on excursions.

Detail Is a world expert in the field of health and hygiene with a long history. The first products of this brand were used as antiseptics in the 30s. Doctors all over the world have used Detail for cleaning and disinfecting the skin during operations. One of the most important advantages of Dettol antibacterial agents is that they kill E. coli and the dangerous Staphylococcus aureus, which is associated with over 100 dangerous diseases.

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