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To make summer a joy, to make your vacation enjoyable, and to avoid illness, it is worthwhile to listen to the useful recommendations of specialists.
Advice from Lyubov Novozhilova, ophthalmologist
When spraying trees, fighting weeds, ants, aphids and other insects, summer residents often use various chemicals that, through carelessness, can get into the eyes, for example.
The affected eye should be opened as wide as possible, the eyelids should be spread with fingers and washed with plenty of clean water until the burning sensation disappears. The main thing is not to waste time – use any of the methods available at the dacha: rinse with a pipette, glass, kettle to remove chemicals that have got into your eyes.
Rinse the eye, drip the medicine into it, lay the ointment – all these procedures, despite their seeming simplicity, require skill and dexterity. With the thumb and forefinger of your left hand, gently spread the eyelids and flush the eye with a clean pipette or rubber bulb, tilting your head slightly to one side, towards the sore eye. Rinsing should be carried out within three to five minutes. You can also rinse your eyes right under the tap.
If there is tetracycline ointment in your summer cottage medicine cabinet, try to put it behind your eyelids after rinsing.
After returning home from the dacha, make an appointment with an ophthalmologist to avoid complications. Only a specialist is able to determine the severity of the lesion and prescribe the necessary treatment.
Official opening of the ophthalmological clinic
The creation of the Eye Surgery ophthalmological clinic was the embodiment of a unique socially innovative project in the Kostroma region, the goal of which is to make high-tech treatment open to everyone at affordable prices. The clinic houses the most modern equipment brought from 8 countries of the world (Japan, Switzerland, Germany, Korea, USA, Canada and, of course, Russia). It is used to diagnose and treat eye diseases of any complexity.
In the clinic, Kostroma residents, residents of the region and guests from other regions of Russia are provided with services for the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases using innovative high-tech equipment, which has no analogues in the Kostroma region.
We offer a full range of ophthalmological services for all age groups:
- Treatment of corneal keratoconus using CROSS-LINKING technology (cross-linking)
- Retinal laser treatment for diabetes mellitus
- Intraocular administration of Lucentis (Lucentis) for retinal macular degeneration
- Diagnostic examination of the fundus during pregnancy
- Optical spectral tomography of the eye OCT
- Laser correction of myopia using SUPER LASIK technology
- Laser correction of age-related hyperopia using PRESBY-LASIK technology
- Outpatient cataract removal
- Vitreoretinal surgery
- Treatment of glaucoma
- Treatment and prevention of eye diseases in children
- Lacrimal lavage lavage for children under one year old without anesthesia
- Orthokeratology / vision correction during sleep
- Specialized pharmacy
Particular attention is paid to operating rooms, equipped with the latest technology, in accordance with international standards. The operating unit of the clinic is equipped with a system of clean rooms, which almost completely protects the patient from dangerous bacteria and viruses using a laminar air flow.
The team of experienced, highly qualified specialists is headed by the chief physician of the clinic – Mikhail Gennadievich Yablokov, one of the leading surgeons in Russia in the field of laser vision correction, a doctor of the highest category, a candidate of medical sciences, through whose golden hands more than 40 grateful patients from all over the world have passed. Having passed the school of the famous creator of the Eye Microsurgery MNTK Academician Svyatoslav Fedorov, continuing his great work, Mikhail Gennadievich Yablokov not only improved the technology of laser vision correction, but also received a patent for his own M-LASIK technique.
Today our clinic is the only place in Kostroma and the region where personalized SUPER LASIK vision correction operations are performed. For operations, the most modern excimer laser unit “Microscan Visum 500 G” is used, which has repeatedly proved its effectiveness.
Not every ophthalmological clinic in Russia has equipment for sutureless cataract surgery. Phacoemulsification – one of the safest methods of surgery, with an ultra-small incision – became possible thanks to the use of a premium phacoemulsifier from AVVOTT (made in the USA).
- Convenient location in the central part of the city
- Comfortable day hospital conditions
The presence of the nearby Volga hotel complex for nonresident patients makes our clinic one of the leading medical institutions in the field of ophthalmology, not only in Kostroma and the Kostroma region, but also in Russia!
Advice from otolaryngologist Daria Voevodskaya
1. Remain calm and calm the “patient” during the procedure. It is also helpful to tell the patient what to expect at each stage. This is especially important if you are helping a child.
2. Place the patient on a flat surface with the ear facing up where the insect has entered. Try to provide the patient with maximum comfort and peace.
3. It is advisable to cover the patient with some white or light-colored material that absorbs liquid well to avoid staining the patient’s clothing and skin. It will also be easier to spot the insect on a light background after removing it.
4. Slowly fill your ear with oil – baby, mineral, or herbal. This will kill the insect and it will stop moving. If you don’t have oil on hand, you can use pure water, or a mixture of water and alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide diluted with water. After the patient says the insect is no longer moving, leave the oil or water in the ear for a few more minutes.
5. Rinse your ear with warm water, letting the water slowly overflow your ear. Use a container with a spout to pour water in a thin stream – for example, a syringe without a needle or a measuring cup. Watch carefully for the desired insect.
6. After removing the insect, inspect it closely. If any part of the insect is missing (head, body part, legs, etc.), see a doctor as soon as possible.
Advice from therapist Anna Krasavina
Signs: weakness, drowsiness, thirst, nausea, headache; rapid breathing and fever, loss of consciousness are possible.
1. Move the victim to a cool, ventilated place (in the shade, to an open window).
2. Lay down the victim. Unbutton your collar, loosen your belt, take off your shoes.
3. Determine the presence of a pulse in the carotid arteries, spontaneous breathing, pupil response to light. In the absence of these signs, proceed with cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
4. Place towels soaked in cold water on your head, neck and groin areas.
5. In case of loss of consciousness for more than 3-4 minutes, turn the victim into a stable lateral position.
6. In case of convulsions, hold the victim’s head and torso to protect from injury.
7. When recovering consciousness, give the victim a drink with cool mineral or ordinary, slightly salted water.
The greatest values in human life are health and time.
That is why
For this, new services appear in our medical center, modern methods of diagnostics and treatment are being introduced.
The Family Medicine Center is located in a separate 2-storey building and has a convenient parking lot. For the convenience of our clients, our specialists provide all medical services by appointment, which saves you time and eliminates the possibility of a queue.
Our center employs highly specialized doctors with significant practical experience. except
Our center employs experienced ultrasound diagnostics doctors who detect abnormalities at the earliest stage. DNA kinship tests. The Family Medicine Center has its own clinical laboratory.
Personal approach is the main principle of our center.
Creating a multidisciplinary Medical Center, we initially set ourselves the goal of providing a full range of medical services.
We make every effort to ensure that you and your loved ones who have applied to the Family Medicine Center improve their health and mood as soon as possible.
Best regards and hope for cooperation,
Director of LLC “Center for Family Medicine” Zmievskaya Evgeniya Yurievna
Advice from Alexandra Bykova, director of the Medtekhnika dlya doma retail chain.
The road, the carriageway is one of the most dangerous places. According to statistics, more than half of those injured in road accidents are pedestrians. Traffic accidents involving pedestrians are especially common in the dark, at dusk, in poor visibility conditions, when, for example, it is snowing or raining. The drivers reading these lines know perfectly well that in such conditions the road is hard to see, but you notice a pedestrian, a small dark figure, at the last moment !!! Even on illuminated city streets! And what about pedestrians who are forced to walk along the side of the highway in the suburbs …
There is a solution! Just a few small reflective elements on the clothes – and the driver will notice the pedestrian already 130 m away! And with the high beam on – 400 m! It is enough to stick a few reflective applications – BLICKERS on your clothes, or put on a reflective bracelet on your hand, hang it on a bag, jacket or bicycle – a reflector. A serious and effective personal safety tool can be cute!
Reflectors only in chain stores
Unified help desk 33-52-12
Store addresses: Yaroslavl
- st. Light, 38, tel. 33-52-15
- st. Uritskogo, 65, tel. 33-52-14
- st. Lisitsyna, 10/83, tel. 33-52-12
- st. Uglichskaya, 6, tel. 75-73-53