Summer residents warned about the dangers of using European pesticides
When it comes to pest and weed control on the site, summer residents are ready to go to great lengths. Chemicals are used to help solve this problem. However, experts believe that in this case, not all means are good.
Environmentalists urge Russian summer residents to completely abandon the use of pesticides and herbicides of European production. In their opinion, hundreds of these chemicals are simply banned abroad, and for good reason. So, we are talking about the popular cytomitrin and chlorpyrifos. People use these substances, but they may not be aware of the consequences they may face.
“Yes, Agran or Global is Germany, or Sinelzan is made in Denmark, the Netherlands and Russia. That is, it is clear that this pesticide is of very wide production, but another thing is interesting, that this pesticide is banned in the EU countries and in England “, – quotes the words of the co-chairman of the public organization” Eco-consent “, ecologist Olga Speranskaya RIA News.
According to statistics last year, Russian summer residents used 106 pesticides from the list of prohibited abroad. According to Speranskaya, an uneducated person can hardly determine whether a substance is potentially dangerous. At the legislative level, the use of these funds in the field of agriculture is also limited, but personal use is not regulated in any way.
By the way, even compliance with all the instructions in the instructions for the pesticide does not guarantee that a person will be able to protect himself from the consequences – poisoning or contamination of the soil.
“For example, chlorpyrifos can remain active in soil for up to two years. These are really very persistent chemicals, they do not disappear after one-time use to nowhere, they do not decompose into some safe substances, they remain toxic, ”summed up Speranskaya.