Summer resident’s day 2022: the history and traditions of the holiday
At the height of summer, summer residents celebrate a holiday that has not yet become widely known, but the potential for its popularity in our country is huge.

Dacha is a national phenomenon, as integral to reality as pancakes for Maslenitsa or salad for the New Year. Healthy Food Near Me tells when and how our country will celebrate Summer Resident Day in 2022.

When is Summer Resident Day celebrated in Our Country

The summer resident’s day occupies an honorable place in the national calendar. Celebrate it every year July 23, but so far – unofficially. Why such a date was chosen is still not exactly known. Perhaps because of its proximity to the calendar mid-summer, when country life in Our Country is in full swing.


The appearance of the first dachas in our country dates back to the XNUMXth century. Then Peter I gave out plots of land near St. Petersburg to officials so that for the summer period they would not travel to distant estates, but would remain “at hand”. Initially, the cottage served as a place exclusively for recreation.

During the Soviet period, the situation changed radically, and dachas became not only, and even not so much a space of blissful idleness in the bosom of nature, but a place for full-fledged work. Each could be allocated a piece of land (remember the famous “six acres”?) outside the city, where the townspeople came for the weekend, worked in gardens and orchards, stocking up on food for the winter season. The vast majority of urban residents did not refuse such an opportunity.

In modern Our Country, the dacha has not lost its appeal to the urban population. It serves as a place of rest from civilization as a whole, allowing people both to relax after the busy city rhythm and to work with their hands. Many summer residents prefer to grow their own, more environmentally friendly vegetables and fruits.

Today you will not find uniformity and homogeneity in the dacha issue: dachas differ from each other in many parameters:

  • types of houses: for some, a small wooden house is enough, others rebuild grandiose cottages-palaces;
  • the role assigned to the summer cottage: for some it is, first of all, a garden, for some it is a comfortable villa, and for some it is even an open-air office or even a platform for professional development, scientific conferences;
  • the degree of remoteness from the main place of residence: there are summer cottages located a thousand kilometers from the city apartment of its owner.

How to celebrate Summer Resident Day

The holiday remains so far only in the national calendar and is unofficial. However, this does not prevent summer residents from celebrating the holiday every year according to its own traditions. We will tell you how best to spend this day.

Wake up at dawn, in your small area, walk barefoot on the ground, eat fruits and berries grown with your own hands, stay in solitude, think about the most important, dear, take time for yourself. This is sometimes so lacking in our rich, flowing at prohibitively high speeds, life. Such a chain of actions will pleasantly please, bring quiet, genuine pleasure.

After lunch, gather for a warm family meal, enjoy socializing, bring fruits and vegetables grown on your plot to the festive table.

It would be appropriate to share the joy of the event with others, neighbors: get together with the entire dacha community, arrange a colorful holiday in the best traditions of folk festivals. Congratulate summer residents like you – you have so much in common.

Treating your loved ones with your harvest is a good tradition on this day. And it doesn’t matter where you are – outside the city or in the city.

If you didn’t have the chance to celebrate the holiday in the country, just take the fruits and vegetables grown by yourself and go out of town: have a cozy picnic, collect herbs and flowers, decorate yourself with a beautiful wreath of them, arrange a beautiful photo session, enjoy communication with nature.

By the way

There is also a Gardener’s Day in Our Country. In 2017, the singer and State Duma deputy Iosif Kobzon, at a conference of the Union of Gardeners of Our Country, put forward an initiative to include Gardener’s Day in the national calendar of holidays, emphasizing precisely the practical significance of their work. The singer even dedicated a song to them called “the anthem of the Union of Gardeners of Our Country.”

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