Summer is beneficial and… safe!
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Summer is the time for summer cottages, picnics, barbecues, long-distance travel and vacation trips to the sea …
How to spend this long-awaited season with benefit for yourself? How to diversify your vacation with useful activities? And how to complete
Moscow recently hosted a special Public Talk (an event where guests and experts discuss current topics in a lively dialogue) dedicated to active, healthy and safe summer vacations. TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva, TV and radio presenter and three times mother Yulia Baranovskaya, restaurant critic and fitness blogger Maria Lobanova, certified nutritionist Anna Makarova and host of the Wanda Kitchen program Wanda Obukhanich shared with the guests their ideas and rich experience in organizing summer leisure and travel. Here are the best ones!
Summer is not a reason to forget about your figure
Of course, in the season of kebabs and ice cream, even home trips to nature can pose some danger to the figure … What can we say about trips to other countries with their rich culinary traditions and endless gastronomic temptations!
Those who are not ready at the end of summer to face the shocking need to “lose weight by autumn” are advised to observe their usual dietary regime and level of physical activity on any trip. Of course, no one talks about the need to carry dietary products with you or refuse tempting local dishes …
However, even on vacation, it is advisable to monitor the safety of the usual level of KBZhU, as well as to avoid dishes that are frankly exotic and unpredictable in their effect on the body. Of course, if possible, you need to continue to play sports or at least just take a long and active walk in the fresh air.
Any travel is a situation of increased risk for the human body. Flights, lack of sleep, changing time zones, stressful situations in an unfamiliar country … All this can increase the vulnerability of the body (and, in particular, the gastrointestinal tract) to various infections. There is even such a term “traveler’s diarrhea” – a name that speaks for itself.
The simplest safety rules will help to avoid such a nuisance:
♦ wash hands thoroughly and often, especially for children;
♦ drink only bottled water (and in the countries of Southeast Asia it is recommended to wash even fruits with it);
♦ avoid street drinks, especially with added ice;
♦ choose restaurants that have good reviews on trusted travel sites to visit.
In addition, it is important to correctly equip a travel first aid kit in case stomach troubles still do not pass the family by. To combat diarrhea and acute intestinal infections, it is better to prepare and have a special powder for preparing a water-salt solution (prevention of dehydration), adsorbents (removal of toxic and harmful substances) and proven remedies against gastrointestinal disorders – probiotics. For example, Bifiform capsules, which contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora.
Taking Bifiform® is not associated with meals, it can be combined with other medications, including antibiotics. And of course, it is especially convenient that the capsules do not require storage in the refrigerator and are packed in a convenient tube that is ideal for a travel first aid kit.
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Of course, on vacation you need to pay special attention to the health and safety of children. In addition to the obvious rules: do not let children go anywhere unaccompanied by adults, monitor the time spent in the sun, food safety and regular use of water – you need to control the regular intake of important vitamins and minerals into the body.
We are accustomed to believing that air, sun and water are our best friends, and even on vacation, the most large-scale recovery of children’s organisms takes place. However, an irregular diet, excessive consumption of sweets and sweets, and active outdoor games in sand and water may well cause the need for additional intake of vitamins and minerals.
Therefore, it is worth supplementing the travel kit with a proven vitamin complex – for example,
Thus, adherence to the usual dietary regime, the level of physical activity and a well-stocked travel first-aid kit will help you spend your summer vacation as useful, interesting and safe as possible!
Certificate of state registration: No. RU.Е.000248.01.18 dated 23.01.2018