Summer varieties of pears are a group of varieties of early and medium ripening. They usually give a harvest in the middle – the second half of August. In some cases, pears appear in July and even at the end of June. When choosing seedlings, one should take into account the climatic features of the region, taste and yield.

Features of pears of summer ripening

The main feature of early ripe pear varieties is that they bear fruit from the end of July to the beginning of September. The harvest period can be very different.

Since the fruits are formed early, they have time to ripen on the branch. Although often the harvest is harvested a week earlier to increase the keeping quality. The fact is that pears of most summer varieties are stored for no more than 14 days, they must be consumed immediately, and also used to prepare blanks.

As a rule, fruits are small in size. The average weight is from 80 to 150 g, but there are also larger pears up to 180-200 g. Taste and yield strongly depend on the variety. When choosing a variety, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the region.

Basically, summer varieties of pears in Our Country are grown in the south, in the Black Earth region. Many cultures are allowed to be bred in the Volga region, the middle lane. Separate winter-hardy varieties are grown in the Urals and even in Siberia, in the Far East.

The best varieties of summer (early) pears with descriptions and photos

Choosing delicious summer varieties of pears, first of all, you need to proceed from the goals of growing and the climatic features of the region. The most popular varieties with photos are described below.

August dew

August dew is a summer variety of early ripening pears. The fruits appear in mid-August. They hold well on trees, do not crumble, so they can be harvested for several weeks. Stored in the refrigerator or cellar for up to 15 days. Marketability is quite high and reaches 90%.

Summer (early) pear varieties: description, photo, reviews

Fruits of the August dew of the correct form, with a blush

The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness, it can be grown in the Black Earth region and the middle lane. It is immune to scab. Productivity is quite high – fruiting begins from the fourth season and continues annually. Productivity reaches 200 q/ha. In high-yielding years, the fruits become somewhat non-one-dimensional.

Important! August dew is a variety with a low degree of self-fertility.

When growing, it is necessary to plant pollinators, the best is the variety of Yakovlev’s Memory.


Lada is another pear of early fruiting. This is one of the most common summer varieties. Differs in precociousness – the first crop is formed already for 2-4 years after planting the seedling. The culture is winter-hardy, adapts to frost. Therefore, it can be planted not only in spring, but also in autumn. Another plus is self-fertility, the variety does not need pollinators. The tree is small, grows up to 3,5 m and does not take up much space. It adapts well to different climatic conditions.

Summer (early) pear varieties: description, photo, reviews

Lada pears are small but very tasty

The crop begins to ripen in mid-August. The fruits are medium in size, weighing up to 100-110 g. They are quite long-lived, stored for up to 60 days at a temperature of about 0 degrees. The taste is good, tasting score 4,3 points. The yield indicator reaches 50 kg. At the same time, the fruits are not fragrant and not transportable.

Bashkir summer

Another pear of early ripening, bears fruit in the first and second decade of August. They are small in size, weighing an average of 70-80 g. The surface is smooth, even, and symmetrical in shape. At the same time, the skin is rough, oily. The color is yellowish-green, as it ripens it becomes light, a blush appears.

Summer (early) pear varieties: description, photo, reviews

Variety Bashkir summer gives pears in mid-August

The pulp is white, moderately firm, juicy and aromatic. The taste is sweetish-sour, at the tasting it was rated 4,0 points out of 5, in appearance – 4,3 out of 5. The fruits are not stale – they are stored in the refrigerator or cellar for no more than 15 days. The yield is quite high – from 9 to 16 t/ha. The marketability is average, while the fruits are transportable. They contain quite a lot of sugars – almost 8% of the mass fraction, while the acidity is not more than 0,5%.


This variety of summer pears is represented by large, medium-sized trees up to 4,5 m high. The branches are straight and thick. The fruits are small, weight from 60 to 110 g, slightly ribbed, dry. The color is light yellow, with a blurred pinkish blush.

The pulp is white, with a cream shade. The taste is sweet and sour, the aroma is weak. Sugars by mass fraction 8,4%, acids not more than 0,3%. Therefore, the taste is quite good, a little astringent, dry, a slight aroma is noticeable.

Pears of this summer variety appear at the end of August. Fruiting begins from 5-6 years after planting. The yield is average, estimated at 30-33 kg per mature tree. Pears can be stored in the refrigerator and cellar for a maximum of 10 days. Fresh, they are not so good, but they are ideal for compotes.

Summer (early) pear varieties: description, photo, reviews

White leaf fruits are sweet and fragrant


Chizhevskaya is one of the earliest varieties of pears. The fruits ripen in mid-August. They can be harvested green and then allowed to soak in a cool place to improve palatability. Pears are quite large, on average they reach 120-140 g in weight. The shape is obovate, the surface is smooth, with subcutaneous points. A slight rustiness is noticeable, the blush is blurry, poorly visible, has a pinkish tint.

The taste of the fruits of this summer variety is sweet and sour, refreshing. The sugar content is quite high – more than 9% mass fraction, acids – no more than 0,5%. The pulp is white, with a light yellow tint, semi-oily type, moderately juicy. Gives a faint aroma, melts in your mouth.

Summer (early) pear varieties: description, photo, reviews

Fruits of the correct form, with an orange blush

Unlike many other summer varieties, the Chizhevskaya pear produces very long-lived fruits. They can be stored for up to 120 days while maintaining a stable temperature of 0 degrees. Marketability is high, but transportability is average. Yield up to 560 kg per mature tree.


Variety Victoria also belongs to the summer, although the fruits ripen a little later than other representatives. Usually the harvest is taken from the end of August to the first decade of September. Pears are medium and large, the weight ranges from 150 to 200 g, but sometimes there are specimens up to 300 g.

The fruits are aligned, symmetrical, have the correct shape. The skin is of medium thickness, the surface is smooth, the color is yellowish green with a pinkish-purple blush. There are many subcutaneous points, they are small, but clearly visible.

Summer (early) pear varieties: description, photo, reviews

The pulp of Victoria is sweet, juicy, oily, white in color.

The taste is very pleasant, with pronounced sweetness and sour balance. At the tasting, it received a rating of 4,5 points out of 5 possible. The content of sugars is 7,8%, acids are not more than 0,4%.

Important! Victoria is a partially self-fertile variety. For good yields, pollinators are needed. Representatives such as the Triumph of Vienna and Williams the Red are best suited.

great summer

This is an early summer variety that produces pears in the second half of August. The fruits are quite large, the average weight is 170-190 g. The skin is greenish-yellow, with a slight blush. On the surface there are many small subcutaneous points, rustiness is noticeable.

The pulp is white, quite dense and juicy, semi-oily type. A pleasant aroma is pronounced. Taste with a balance of sour and sweet. The fruits do not crumble, the harvest is easy enough to harvest. Fruiting begins from the fourth year after planting.

Summer (early) pear varieties: description, photo, reviews

Pear color yellowish

The variety is quite demanding on soils, it needs fertile, light lands. Seedlings are planted in open areas without stagnant moisture and the absence of high (more than 2 m) groundwater.

The July

July – one of the earliest summer varieties. The fruits ripen from 10 to 15 July, they can be stored for up to 10 days. Trees of medium vigor, with a crown of moderate density. The branches are straight, rush upward. The bark is greenish, flaky.

The pears themselves are medium in size, weight 120 g. The shape is bottle-shaped, the surface is smooth and delicate, it does not shine in the sun. The color is yellowish green, then becomes lemon yellow, a bright blush appears on the sunny side. The stalks are long, curved.

Summer (early) pear varieties: description, photo, reviews

Pears of the correct form, with an attractive color

The pulp is white, juicy, delicate texture. The taste is pleasant, balanced, sweet and sour. At the tasting it is estimated at 4,0-4,3 points out of 5,0. The mass fraction of sugars exceeds 7%, acids – no more than 0,25%.

June Beauty

Pear of Italian selection, forms small fruits weighing up to 60 g. The shape is elongated, pear-shaped, somewhat flattened. The skin is dry, smooth, shiny in the sun. The pulp is yellowish, juicy, gives a very pronounced aroma. At the same time, the taste is average, acid and sugar are felt weakly.

Summer (early) pear varieties: description, photo, reviews

Red color, symmetrical shape

Flowering early, and the variety needs pollinators. Vilyamovka, Fetelova and Conferans are best suited. The color of the fruit is greenish, rusty spots are noticeable, on the sunny side – a red blush. They appear already in the second half of June. Even if the storage conditions are observed, they lie no more than 14 days. Therefore, fruits should be consumed fresh and used for preparation.

Duchess summer (Williams)

Duchess summer is one of the oldest summer varieties. The variety was bred in 1796. In Our Country, it began to undergo variety trials in 1947. The trees are medium-sized, the crown is wide-leaved, asymmetrical, pyramidal in shape. Harvests are plentiful, especially in the period of 10-12 years, reaching 200-250 kg per tree.

Shoots are thick, straight, strong, hold fruits well. The fruits themselves are medium or large, weight 170-200 g, oblong-pear shape, slightly bumpy surface. The peel gives a pleasant aroma, the color is light green, then becomes yellowish, a slight blush is noticeable.

Summer (early) pear varieties: description, photo, reviews

Fruit can be harvested at the end of June

The flesh is white, with a yellow tint, tender and melting, quite juicy, has a nutmeg aroma. Dessert taste, balanced. Fruits ripen in the second half of August, they can be stored for a long time – up to 45 days.


Carmen is an early summer pear, represented by a fast-growing tree reaching 5 m in height. The crown is dense and compact, narrow pyramidal, so up to 12 seedlings can be placed on one hundred square meters. Regularly shaped fruits, average weight 120-170 g, individual specimens up to 300 g. The skin is slightly rough, glistens in the sun. Coloration burgundy, brownish-red. Numerous bright dots are visible.

Summer (early) pear varieties: description, photo, reviews

The first harvest is taken in the fifth year after planting.

Pulp with a slight aroma, moderately dense, semi-oily type. The color is light cream. Taste with a balance of sour and sweet, without astringency. Sugars contain approximately 8% of the total mass, acidity is not more than 0,15%.

The variety is not the most early-growing – the crop begins to form at 5-6 years of age. But fruits appear quite quickly – from late July to mid-August. The consumption period is up to 14 days. Fruits are not subject to long-term storage, they must be used for harvesting.


Severyanka is a summer pear variety bred on the basis of the Michurin Research Institute. It is zoned in all major regions of Our Country – from the Volga-Vyatka and the middle zone to the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. The variety is winter-hardy, thanks to which it received the appropriate name.

The fruits are formed from the first half of August to mid-September (depending on the climatic features of the area and care). Pears are small in size, weight 80-85 g, individual specimens up to 120 g. The shape is truncated-conical. The color is yellowish-green, the blush is weak, blurry. The skin is matte, does not shine in the sun, dense and thick, but not rough.

Summer (early) pear varieties: description, photo, reviews

Culture can be cultivated even in Siberia

Creamy flesh, medium density, juicy, crispy. The aroma is weak, the taste with a balance of sour and sweet, satisfactory. The sugar content is high – almost 12%, acids – no more than 0,4%. Pears of this summer variety are stored for no more than 14 days, after which the flesh becomes brown. If removed a week before full ripening, the crop can be stored for up to two months at a temperature of 0-2 degrees Celsius.


Cathedral – a summer pear variety. Harvest ripens in the second half of August – early September. Fruits from 110 to 130 g, regular pear-shaped, bumpy surface. The skin is smooth and tender, gives a glossy sheen. The color is light yellow, the integumentary blush is weak, reddish. The stems are quite thick.

The pulp is sweet and sour, juicy, semi-oily type, has a fine-grained structure, medium density. Taste is good – 4,0 out of 5 points. The total share of sugars is 8,5%, acids within 0,3%.

Summer (early) pear varieties: description, photo, reviews

Sweet taste, juicy pulp

The variety is early-growing, gives an annual harvest. In this case, the fruits lie no more than 12 days. Transportability is average, therefore it is necessary to process at the place of harvest or near it. Table pear, suitable for making dried fruits and compotes.

Summer oily

Summer oily is another pear variety that produces a crop in late August. The fruits are stored for up to two weeks, they reach 150-170 g by weight, the shape is correct pear-shaped. The skin is yellowish-green, there is a light tan of orange. The pulp is juicy, tender, semi-oily type. The taste is very good, with a balance of sweet and sour.

Summer (early) pear varieties: description, photo, reviews

Trees can be grown in different soils

Early maturity is average – fruits begin to form only five years after planting. Gardeners note that this summer variety is undemanding to the composition of the soil. However, for a good harvest, regular watering and top dressing will be required.


Lionka – a summer pear variety, gives tall trees (up to 6 m) with a wide crown (up to 5,7 m) of a rounded shape. The fruits are small, weighing up to 100 g, leveled, ovoid in shape. The name is associated with a lemon-yellow uniform color (no blush). Subcutaneous points are numerous, distributed over the entire surface.

The ripening period is at the end of August. The variety is summer, so the pears do not lie for a long time (within seven days). The pulp is greenish in color, dense, sour, the taste is mediocre. Sugars make up 10% by weight, acids within 0,2%.

Summer (early) pear varieties: description, photo, reviews

The name is associated with the characteristic lemon hue of the fruit.


Summer varieties of pears are intended mainly for processing, making jams, jams, drying and other home-made preparations. The fruits are mostly small, moderately sweet, lie within two weeks, less often up to 1-2 months. Flowering in such crops is early, it is important to consider this when choosing pollinators.

Reviews of summer varieties of pears

Voronina Julia, 41 years old, Tver
For a long time I selected summer varieties of sweet pears, studied the description with photos and reviews. Decided to go with Victoria. It is juicy and really sweet, it has time to ripen on a branch even in our region. The fruits are usually medium, sometimes up to 300 g, but this is rare. I also like a pleasant aroma – no worse than store-bought pears.
Sumy Veronika, 35 years old, Rostov-on-Don
Summer pears are good because they ripen quickly, they have time to ripen right on the branch. I recently discovered for myself the variety July early. The fruits do not crumble, they are well transported. The variety is resistant to drought, and winter hardiness is also on top. Fruiting is stable, but begins only from the sixth year. But the fruits are tasty, sweet, with a pleasant sourness.

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