Summer diseases

It would seem that summer is a time of long-awaited vacations and a wonderful mood, when you can swim in the river to your heart’s content, soak up the scorching sun and finally master roller skates or a bicycle. However, oddly enough, it is at this time that people often encounter certain diseases that can seriously scare you and bring considerable harm to your health. Today we will tell you about the most popular “summer” diseases and explain how you can protect yourself from such ailments.

Tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and runny nose are the most popular diseases that are easiest to catch in the summer. Ice cold drinks, which are so pleasant to enjoy in the heat, and air conditioners, which are very popular not only in offices, but also in cars, are to blame. But not all of us know that heat, just like frost, makes our immune system weaker, and sudden changes in temperature lead to colds. Therefore, our advice: avoid excessive use of air conditioners, or set the temperature in such a way that it differs from the outdoor temperature by about five degrees. Plain room temperature water or tea will quench your thirst much better than carbonated drinks. But if you nevertheless find signs of a cold in yourself: fever, weakness, then do not self-medicate, but immediately consult a doctor, because following his prescriptions, you will overcome the ailment much faster.

Intestinal infections, poisoning

Intestinal infections are the most popular in the summer. Perishable foods in the heat, questionable snacks on the beaches – all this is a sure way to poisoning and diarrhea. Remember: various intestinal infections love hot, sultry weather. Therefore, be careful about your health: wash your hands more often and do not buy food, in particular, a variety of pastries on the beaches. Who knows how many hours the vendors walk in the sun with this food. In addition, in the summer, a perishable product needs only one hour to be under the scorching sun – and it will already be unusable.

In simple terms, heatstroke is overheating of the body, which does not require exposure to the sun. In order to become a victim of heatstroke, it is enough to sit in an unventilated, stuffy room. By the way, in people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, this ailment can be extremely dangerous. In addition, the causes of heatstroke can be dehydration, long walks in the heat, physical work in unsuitable, poorly ventilated clothing. You should know the signs of this dangerous condition in order to seek medical help in time: shortness of breath, high fever, redness of the skin, headache, dizziness, sometimes convulsions and fainting. To avoid heatstroke, carry a water bottle with you at all times and wear well-ventilated clothing.

The danger and consequences of sunburn are underestimated by many, to put it mildly. One has only to come to the long-awaited summer, as crowds of people run to the city beaches, pursuing the main goal: to get a chocolate tan. However, not many people know that it is enough to lie under the scorching sun for several hours without the necessary sunscreen, and by the evening your body will be covered with burns, up to blisters. But in order to avoid such cases, it is enough just to adhere to simple rules: use sunscreen and take sun baths exclusively in the morning hours, when the sun is not yet so active. By the way, you need to sunbathe gradually, starting from half an hour a day. In addition, those with pale skin are much more susceptible to burns than swarthy people.

It is much easier to get various injuries in the summer than in another season. And all due to the fact that in the heat our attention is dulled. In addition, practicing various sports, such as cycling and rollerblading, increases the risk of injury. But no one says that you need to forget about your favorite pastime. However, it is still worth observing elementary caution: it is enough to avoid large crowds of people, and if, for example, you are rollerblading, then do not be too lazy to put on the appropriate “protection”.

It’s no secret that summer is a favorite season for bees, wasps, bumblebees and hornets. The bites of such insects are extremely dangerous for everyone, and especially for allergy sufferers. When bitten, they inject poison into the human body, which causes an allergic reaction, namely: itching, pain at the site of the bite, sometimes swelling and fever. If trouble happened, and you were bitten by one of these insects, then do not panic: first of all, you should carefully remove the sting, then treat it with an alcohol-containing substance and, if possible, apply ice.

Further, the list of “summer” biting insects is made up of mosquitoes, horseflies, midges and gadflies. True, the consequences of the bites of these insects are not so dangerous, however, as mentioned above, for people prone to allergies, such insects can do a lot of harm.

But the most dangerous insects are still ticks. The period of their activity is April-May, but in June they also occur, although not so often. This enemy is a carrier of an extremely serious disease – tick-borne encephalitis. Therefore, if you are going to nature and have not been vaccinated against this disease, then stock up on special sprays and creams that repel these small insects.

By the way, everyone knows that any insects fly to all sorts of sharp odors, such as the smell of sweat, a vapor of perfume or alcohol: keep this in mind when going out into nature.

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