Summer Camp and COVID-19: What Parents Need to Know

Every summer there is a difficult question of what to do with children while their parents are at work. One of the most suitable options was a summer camp where children can relax, socialize with peers and have an unforgettable experience. But in a pandemic, plans can collapse, because. the accumulation of a large number of people in one place is a potential threat to get infected. At the same time, medical experts say that the summer camp can be safe for children, but there are a few things to consider.

Is the camp worth it?

So, before sending a child to the camp, it is worth considering all the risks:

  • whether he can independently follow all the rules of personal protection;
  • how his return home will affect other family members, and how susceptible everyone in the family is to infection;
  • Have all loved ones been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Then, it is worth comparing several scenarios, i.e. consider how much safer the camp is than any other place, such as a school. If we compare the summer camp, where the children are mostly in the fresh air, then the school will be a losing option, because. the risk of infection in a room with about thirty students is much higher.

At the same time, if we compare a summer camp with a house or apartment where only relatives are constantly staying, then the camp will be a more risky place, because. the child will be exposed to communication with a large number of peers.

However, these answers may not be enough to decide whether to send children to summer camp.

Ideal scenario

Information received from the administration on methods to combat the spread of COVID-19 can also serve as additional food for thought. In particular, all workers in contact with children must wear a mask at all times and be vaccinated (if there are no contraindications). In addition, there should be a constant observance of the distance between children, a thorough disinfection should be carried out.

These measures are effective only if they are respected bilaterally. Therefore, children are also expected to strictly observe all hygiene rules. First, parents should make sure that the child has enough masks for the whole day. If the masks are reusable, then the child should wash them. Secondly, frequent handwashing is required both at the camp and upon returning home. Also, despite the fact that there is not much evidence of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus through contact through objects, you should not write off this fact, but take into account and take into account the general hygiene of the child as responsibly as possible.

Be responsible for your duty to society

COVID-19 is changing everyone’s life at a rapid pace, and don’t overlook the fact that it’s easy enough to get sick. But at the same time, it is easy enough to protect yourself. You just need to follow some rules that will prevent the spread of the virus:

  • wear masks;
  • wash your hands often and thoroughly;
  • keep a distance;
  • vaccinate (if there are no contraindications).

With high incidence rates in the region, it is necessary to strengthen the recommended measures.

As for children, unfortunately, there is no approved vaccine for them yet, so for now, you just have to sign up for the queue and wait for it to appear and get vaccinated as soon as it appears. However, some vaccinations may already be available to 16 and 17 year olds, but it is worth checking with the family doctor, as well as the fact that they have no contraindications.

Despite strict adherence to individual protection measures against the virus, children can still get sick. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor their condition, especially if there is a runny nose, nasal congestion or cough. There may also be other symptoms:

  • high temperature of 38°C and above;
  • sore throat;
  • an unusual, uncontrollable cough that can also cause breathing problems
  • diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain;
  • severe headache, especially with high fever.

At any slightest manifestation of the disease, it is impossible to send children to a summer camp.

Summer camp is not only a place where you can have fun and gain strength before the new school year, but also communication with many people with all the ensuing consequences. Only by analyzing all aspects of the summer camp, one can understand whether it is really worth sending the child there.

Sources of
  1. – Summer Camp and COVID-19: What Parents Should Know.
  2. – Guidance for Operating Youth and Summer Camps During COVID-19.

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