What are yeast infections?
These are fungi that take up residence in or on our body and cause localized inflammation. They thrive happily in hot and humid environments, and particularly like feet and small folds of our children. Yeast infections are very contagious and resistant. They are transmitted from child to child or by contact with infected soil or linen, after an incubation period of four to ten days. In general, it all starts with more or less intense itching depending on the champignon in question. Then a round or ring lesion appears, the skin turns red, cracks and sometimes oozes. Rest assured, this has nothing to do with a lack of hygiene.
Where are yeast infections found in children?
Children are particularly susceptible to dermatophytes, a type of fungus that causes inflammation between the toes, better known as ” athlete’s foot “. In reference to the famous sneakers that keep the foot in a hot and humid environment. Yeast infections are also found in the folds, especially in the groin. The appearance of mycoses is favored by perspiration, saliva and maceration in the folds. They are therefore also found on the arms and legs of very round children.
In young girls, yeast infections can lead to inflammation of the vulva (their anatomy favors them). You have to be vigilant in case of diarrhea. Vulvitis can follow gastroenteritis when the fungus has colonized the vulva. In this case, it is most often the way the little girl is changed or the way she wipes her buttocks that needs to be questioned. Likewise on the beach, if the child played in the sand without panties, grains of sand could have transmitted the fungus to him and in addition irritated his vulva.
How to treat yeast infections in children?
Always consult a dermatologist. All of these fungal conditions require treatment because they never go away on their own. It is therefore necessary to consult a dermatologist. Your child will be prescribed a suitable local antimycotic drug, in the form of a cream, gel, lotion or even a spray. These products are very effective as long as they are applied regularly and for as long as the doctor recommends, because fungi are quite resistant infectious agents. Of course, other family members with lesions must also be treated to avoid contamination.
How to prevent yeast infection in children?
To prevent these yeast infections, do not never leave a child with bare buttocks in the sand, avoid too frequent washing which irritates and makes the skin more permeable to fungal infections, do not use any antiseptic soap and make sure to dry your little girl’s vulva well after washing. Teach your child to rinse your feet well when getting out of the pool or the shower, and wiping carefully, especially between the toes and in the folds of the groin, knees.
Also remember to let your feet breathe. For the summer, buy him airy shoes that will not promote sweating and avoid sports shoes as much as possible. If a member of your family has a yeast infection, remove all sources of contamination, such as slippers, bath mats, wash their washcloth after each use.