Summer 2016: photos of beautiful girls in a swimsuit

Summer 2016: photos of beautiful girls in a swimsuit

Woman’s Day visited the terrace of the H2O water park and learned from the beautiful girls in bikinis what they learned in the summer of 2016.

You can read the competition rules here.

This summer I participated in a sports competition.

Now I can pull up.

This summer I attended the Roland Garros French open tennis championship.

Vivid impression: lost her 5-year-old son Roma in the huge Legoland water park.

This summer I was at sea with her husband.

Now I can to swim.

Tatiana Kardavtseva, 24 years old

Vivid summer experience: for the first time in my life I went for a roller coaster ride!

Choose the brightest swimsuit girl on the last page!

Elena Nichvolodova, 27 years old

This summer I I worked a lot – developed my favorite business.

Vivid impression: my friends and I had a house pool party.

Evgeniya Kharchenko, 24 years old

This summer I was in St. Petersburg and saw how bridges are being raised.

Now I can ride a longboard.

Victoria Ponomareva, 25 years old

This summer I first time flew by plane.

Now I can rollerblading.

This summer I gave birth to a son.

Now I can swaddle and change diapers.

Choose the brightest swimsuit girl on the last page!

Ekaterina Kozoderova, 22 years old

This summer I first visited Abkhazia and was burned.

Now I can Kindle Fire.

This summer I worked a lot, did not go on vacation. I missed the summer …

This summer I was engaged in rafting.

Now I can paddle quickly.

Svetlana Olefirova, 33 years old

This summer I learned to paint with oil.

Choose the brightest swimsuit girl on the last page!

This summer I met an amazing person. This is the brightest impression!

Now I can To do a massage.

Svetlana Chekhlatova, 26 years old

This summer I learned to cook kharcho in Georgian.

Vivid impression: today I am at the water park for the first time!

This summer I vacationing with friends in Sochi. We had fun, had fun, went to the mountains.

Vivid impression: ran a motor boat across the Don.

Choose the brightest swimsuit girl on the last page!

Voting is over!

As a result of a fair fight, the winners became Svetlana Olefirova, Tatiana Evsyukova и Alena Alferova!

Girls receive diplomas and prizes from Woman’s Day and partners: certificates for services beauty salon “Hitchcock” (5000, 3000 and 1000 rubles), certificates to the Planet Bowling club and a certificate for a month of free lessons in Funky Beat dance studios.

To receive prizes, contact tel. (863) 303-30-45 (Daria Rybachek).

Who is the brightest Rostov woman in a swimsuit?

  • Tatiana Evsyukova

  • Alena Alferova

  • Elena Evsyukova

  • Tatiana Kardavtseva

  • Elena Nichvolodova

  • Evgeniya Kharchenko

  • Victoria Ponomareva

  • Galina Kurkina

  • Ekaterina Kozoderova

  • Tatiana Dolgova

  • Ksenia Alabina

  • Svetlana Olefirova

  • Anna Lapchevskaya

  • Svetlana Chekhlatova

  • Lilia Dyleva

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