Sulfur Plug Removal

Hearing loss very rarely occurs suddenly. Mostly this process is gradual, and the signs of the disease develop over several months or even years. The sulfur plug in the ear is formed gradually and does not immediately manifest itself. Only after the ear canal is more than half closed, the patient turns to the ENT with complaints about hearing loss. Among the most common symptoms of ear plug formation, it is worth noting: the presence of a dry cough, an inflammatory process in the middle ear, a feeling of voice and echo in the head, a feeling of constant congestion in the ear (ears).

Ear plugs create severe discomfort and can even cause headaches and an inflammatory process that can be localized inside the skull. Most often, patients try to fix the problem on their own using folk methods or improvised items (cotton buds, syringe, pins, etc.).

It is worth noting that it is difficult to call these attempts harmless, since as a result of such actions, a number of side effects can be provoked. What should be done immediately, as soon as they began to feel discomfort in the ears (the pathology can be bilateral and unilateral)? Not every person has special skills to eliminate earwax plug without negative consequences, therefore, it doesn’t cost anything to do it yourself, you need to immediately contact a doctor who, during the examination, will determine the cause of discomfort: sulfur plug, inflammation or other reason. It is important to understand that the doctor will use not only a mechanical approach to remove the problem, but also drug therapy in order to eliminate not only the consequence, but also the cause of the discomfort.

Fact: on average, a person produces from fourteen to nineteen milligrams of sulfur per year. Sulfur consists of immunoglobulins, fatty acids, lysozyme, cholesterol and wax esters. Sulfur formation in the ears is a physiological process that performs the protective functions of the middle and inner ear from the effects of pathogenic microflora, and it also supports the normal functioning of the auditory organs.

Causes of earwax formation

Normally, earwax is produced by itself in the area of ​​the inner ear. But there are a number of factors that can provoke excessive formation of sulfur and, as a result, lead to the formation of sulfur plugs. Among these factors it is worth noting:

  1. Improper hearing care. Many people misuse cotton swabs – frequent use, treatment of the inner ear. Cotton buds are for external ear cleaning only. When used to clean the inner ear, the process of tamping down the wax occurs, which leads to the formation of a wax plug. Sulfur should itself naturally go into the area of ​​​​the outer ear.
  2. Anatomical features of the hearing organs. Anomalies can be both congenital and acquired. The ear canal may be narrow or wide, strongly tortuous.
  3. Age – with age, the risks of sulfur plugs increase.
  4. Inflammatory processes in the ears. The secretion glands begin to work in an enhanced manner, therefore, its composition and consistency change, and due to inflammation, it cannot be completely excreted.
  5. Occupational hazards – constant work in a room with increased dust formation.

Earwax removal algorithm

If you or your loved ones begin to notice hearing problems, you should immediately contact a qualified otolaryngologist, as such problems do not go away on their own. The doctor of the otolaryngology department, first of all, will check the hearing with the help of language and tone audiometry, as well as conduct a detailed examination of the body, help to establish the initial cause of hearing loss.

And already, depending on the diagnosed cause of the disease, the otolaryngologist will determine whether it is necessary to carry out drug treatment or refer for a consultation with other specialists, for example, a neurologist or a rheumatologist. If the sulfur plug became the cause of hearing loss, then procedures are carried out to remove it.

There are several methods for removing sulfur plug from the hearing organs, it is recommended to forget about home methods (hydrogen peroxide, a syringe, etc.), and consult a doctor for professional hardware removal of the plug.

First you need to consult a doctor to determine the size of the sulfur formation. If the cork is small, the ENT can prescribe special drops and describe the algorithm for their use. Self-appointment and self-treatment in this case can be fraught with negative consequences.

In the presence of large sulfur accumulations, the doctor can use for cleaning: Janet’s syringe, curettage (instrumental removal of the cork), vacuum aspiration, irrigator. The method is selected individually for each patient, taking into account the structural features of the hearing organs and the size of the sulfur formation.

During the period of using Janet’s syringe, saline at room temperature is drawn into it. At a certain angle, the solution is quickly injected into the ear, under pressure the plug is washed out. The procedure is completely painless and does not cause any discomfort. In time, cleaning will take from five to fifteen minutes. It should be borne in mind that in the presence of acute otitis media, this method of removing the sulfur plug is completely contraindicated.

If there are contraindications, the doctor can use a dry technique – using a set of special tools, the cork is carefully removed from the ear. One procedure is enough to eliminate sulfur formation. The doctor determines the type of procedure at the first examination.

Statistics: in the world, this problem overtakes about six percent of the total population. Most often occurs in middle-aged and elderly people. In children, increased sulfur formation is diagnosed extremely rarely.

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