Sulfur plug in the ear in an adult
If hearing suddenly worsens after bathing or cleaning the ears, it is possible that the cause was a wax plug in the ear in an adult. It can form for a long time, or quickly enough, brings discomfort and requires removal.

One of the unpleasant, albeit relatively favorable, pathological conditions on the part of the external auditory canal is the accumulation of earwax with the formation of sulfuric plugs. When the cork is formed, hearing is reduced, discomfort occurs, and the help of a doctor and removal of the cork is required.

Earwax is a waxy yellowish substance that lines the inside of the ear canal. The ear canal is a tube that runs from the outer ear to the eardrum. The wax helps protect the canal from water, infections, injury, and foreign objects. But too rapid and excessive accumulation of earwax can cause problems. This accumulation is called an ear plug. Special glands in the ear secrete a waxy secretion, which, together with dead skin cells, form earwax. Earwax travels with your slowly growing skin cells. Over time, earwax moves from the inside of the ear canal to the entrance to the canal. Jaw movement also helps the earwax move through the canal.

Several factors can cause problems in the regulation of normal sulfur excretion. Any blockage in the ear canal can cause problems. Some people may also produce too much earwax. This leads to the fact that it begins to accumulate in the ear canal.

Earwax cannot completely block the ear canal, forming a tight plug. Most people simply develop a small buildup of earwax that causes no symptoms at all.

Earwax formation is very common. As we age, earwax becomes harder and less mobile. Older people are more likely to have problems with excess earwax, which leads to congestion. This can cause symptoms such as hearing loss. Plugs can also interfere with a full examination of the ear.

Causes of sulfuric plug in the ear in an adult

Earwax buildup occurs when cells in the external auditory canal release earwax faster than the body can remove it. This can happen with many diseases and health conditions, such as:

  • bone blockage, narrowing of the ear canal (osteoma or exostoses);
  • an infectious disease, such as swimmer’s ear (otitis externa);
  • skin disease (eg, eczema);
  • an autoimmune disease (eg, lupus);
  • narrowed ear canal (from birth, due to chronic inflammation or injury);
  • formation of too much earwax due to injury.

Some of these conditions cause a complete blockage of the ear canal due to the formation of a plug. Others cause the ear to produce more earwax. In some cases, the reason for the increased production of earwax and plugs is unknown.

Foreign objects placed in the ear can also lead to the formation of earwax, especially if done repeatedly. This is more likely in children and young adults who do not have other ear canal problems. For example, if you remove earwax with cotton swabs, you can push it deeper into the canal. Over time, this can cause a complete blockage. Hearing aids, ear plugs, and swimming plugs can have a similar effect when used repeatedly.

You may be at increased risk if you have a medical condition that can cause excessive buildup of earwax, such as eczema. You may also increase your risk if you continue to put objects in your ear, such as a hearing aid. Older people and people with thinking (cognitive) problems are also at increased risk.

Symptoms of sulfuric plug in the ear in an adult

Earwax, even in accumulations, often causes no symptoms unless too much secretion accumulates and a plug forms. The most common symptoms of the development of blockage of the ear canal with earwax:

  • hearing loss;
  • Ear ache;
  • a feeling of fullness in the ears;
  • itching in the ear;
  • dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • cough.

You may only have 1 or 2 of these symptoms. They often develop slowly. The symptoms of ear plugs, especially when the contents become infected, may mimic other conditions or health problems.

An otorhinolaryngologist can diagnose the presence of a plug by taking a history and performing a physical examination. It may include simple hearing tests. The doctor should be able to see the wax easily by looking at your ear through a device called an otoscope. A specialist can diagnose earwax buildup even if you don’t have any symptoms. For example, you may need a hearing test for another reason. If you have so much earwax that your doctor can’t see your ear canal, he may diagnose wax plug.

How to remove a wax plug in an adult’s ear at home

Treatment will depend on the symptoms present, age and general health. If there are signs of sulfur plugs, the doctor will recommend treatment.

Treatment options include:

  • medicines instilled into the ear canal soften earwax and slowly destroy it;
  • irrigation of the ear canal with special solutions that wash out plugs;
  • cork removal by hand using special tools in the doctor’s office.

Your health care provider may recommend one of these options, depending in part on your medical condition. You may need a combination of these methods for complete removal. Health care professionals do not recommend using any home wax removal methods (such as ear candles and ear vacuum kits). Studies have shown that these methods do not work.

Popular questions and answers

Answered our questions about wax plugs in our ears otorhinolaryngologist of the highest qualification category of JSC “Medicina” (clinic of Academician Roitberg), member of the European Rhinologic Society Igor Manevich.

What are the possible complications of ear wax?
Complications from sulfuric plugs can occur when trying to remove the plug yourself.

Firstly, it is possible to damage the protective layer and injure the very delicate skin of the ear canal. At the same time, various bacteria and fungi immediately penetrate inside, an inflammatory process begins – otitis externa, which, unfortunately, can become chronic and last for years.

Secondly, especially if the sulfur plug is dense, you can damage the eardrum, even tear it, and this is also fraught with serious problems for many years. In addition, when trying to remove sulfur on their own, the patient tamps it tightly in the ear canal, and then the doctor sometimes has to take it out for a long and painful time (for the patient!) Therefore, the only correct conclusion is: if you want to avoid complications, never try to remove the sulfur plug yourself, go to the doctor right away!

When to call a doctor at home (and is it necessary) with a sulfur plug in the ear?
An experienced doctor will quickly and easily remove the sulfur plug. To do this, he has special tools, sometimes sulfur is removed by water pressure. Of course, it is more convenient to do this in a specially equipped office, it is more difficult if you call a doctor for this at home.
Is it possible to treat a sulfur plug in the ear with folk remedies?
Folk remedies – too vague concept. In my practice, there have been more than once cases when patients for some reason stuffed geranium flowers into their ears, proving that this is a proven folk remedy, they dripped urine (urine therapy!), What they didn’t do!

Now there are very good drops that can easily and painlessly soften the sulfur plug, and then the doctor can easily remove it. But before dripping them, you need to make sure that you have a sulfur plug, and not something else. And only a doctor can do this during the examination.

Therefore, the main advice: if you have discomfort, congestion, pain in your ear, you absolutely can’t drip anything, you can’t try to “clean it”, it will only get worse! Go to the doctor immediately, this will help you deal with your problem quickly and easily!

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