Sulfonamides – indications, contraindications, dosage, side effects

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Sulfonamides are a group of organic chemical compounds that are organosulfonic acid amides. Sulfonamides have a bacteriostatic effect and inhibit the growth of bacterial colonies. Preparations (eye drops) with sulfonamides have a bactericidal effect on microorganisms from the staphylococcus family and other bacteria, primarily responsible for the formation of inflammation in the eyeball.

Indications for the use of sulfonamides

Preparations (eye drops), which include Sulfonamidy, are used in the treatment of acute, subacute and chronic bacterial inflammation of the eye tissues, conjunctiva, eyelid margins, cornea, anterior uveal tract, and tear ducts. Preventive after injuries and burns in the eyeball area. Sulfonamidy they are absorbed into the blood to a small extent and are excreted from the body with urine.

Contraindications to the use of sulfonamides

Eye drops in the composition of which are included Sulfonamidy, should not be used in the case of hypersensitivity to any component of the preparation. In the case of “dry eye” syndrome, special care should be taken when applying sulfonamidesas they can crystallize in the cornea.

During pregnancy, the use of preparations with sulfonamides it is permissible only in cases of absolute necessity, when the benefits to the health of the mother outweigh any possible harm to the development of the fetus. Must not be used sulfonamides while breastfeeding.

Warnings when using sulfonamides

In the case of long-term use of eye drops in the composition of which are included sulfonamidy, bacteria may become resistant to them.

When using eye drops with sulfonamidamand remove contact lenses, as the preparation may stain them. They can be put on after about 15 minutes from instillation of the eye with the preparation z sulfonamides.

Should not be used simultaneously sulfonamides and preparations with silver salts, as these substances may have undesirable interactions.

Side effects when using sulfonamides

When applying sulfonamides may occur side effects such as headache, fever, allergic eye reactions, fungal and bacterial corneal ulceration, nonspecific conjunctivitis, conjunctival irritation, stinging and burning around the eye, fungal and bacterial overload, bitter taste in the mouth, irritation of the nasal mucosa. Rarely there are such symptoms such as itching around the eye, swelling of the eyelids, reactive eye redness, blurred vision, pain around the eyebrow, epithelial keratitis. Very rarely when used sulfonamides there are local allergic reactions, itching of the skin, photosensitivity, exfoliative dermatitis, and toxic epidermal necrolysis. In isolated cases, after administration sulfonamides diagnosed with fulminant liver necrosis, aplastic anemia and other cardiovascular disorders. These complications are immediate life-threatening conditions and are usually fatal. Fortunately this type side effects are very rare (only a few cases have been reported).

Dosage of sulfonamides

For adults and children from 1 year of age apply 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac of the eye every 1-3 hours. In the case of infants drops 1 drop into the conjunctival sac sulfonamides every 1-3 hours. Treatment usually takes 7 days.

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