Sugar – types, application, method of production [EXPLAINED]

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Sugar is one of the sweet substances that usually come in the form of a crystalline powder. The substance, usually made of sugar cane or sugar beet, is an integral part of the disputes among dietitians. How does sugar affect your health? Should it appear in the diet, or is it better to give it up? Find out what sugar is and how it affects the body.

Sugar – definition

Cane sugar, brown sugar, white sugar, beet sugar or crystal are terms that can be found on a daily basis. Certainly, they could be replaced with one expression – sucrose, which, due to its chemical structure, is classified as carbohydrate, and more specifically disaccharides. Sucrose is made of two monosaccharide molecules, fructose and glucose.

Sucrose occurs in the form of white or colorless crystals, dissolves very well in water and has a sweet taste. The highest sugar content is found in sugar beet and sugar cane. Sucrose is also found in some vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, peppers, celery) and fruits (apples, grapes, melons, peaches).

Do you want to know what fructose is? Check it out: Fructose

Sugar – types

Table sugar used in cooking can be made from sugar beet, hence the term beet sugar. Sucrose is also produced from sugar cane, which is used to make cane sugar. The chemical structure and nutritional values ​​of both of these sugars are the same. Cane and beet sugar available on store shelves is most often in the form of white refined sugar. Ecological rose sugar, i.e. cane sugar with the addition of rose petals, can be found at Medonet Market.

What is refined sugar? It is cleaned and deprived of the so-called molasses substance. Brown sugar contains a small amount of molasses which gives it color. Due to the size of the grains, beet sugar can be divided into crystal, radinaf, powder and fine. A rare and quite sophisticated type of sugar is ice candies, which looks like a rough precious stone.

The sucrose single crystal is also available in a brown version. It is called amber candies and its appearance imitates amber. Sugar made from cane sugar can take many forms in addition to crystals. The most popular are Muscovado and Demerara. They are characterized by a very dark color and a thicker texture. There are also varieties such as gur, panela and desi but are only available in some countries.

There is also white sugar with a vanilla flavor on the market, simply called vanilla sugar. Due to the high production costs, vanilla flavors are usually added to sugar, not the vanilla extract itself. It is made by mixing white sugar with vanillin or ethyl vanillin. The vanilla-imitating additives are obtained from the pulp of the tree and have a less intense aroma.

A novelty on the market and an alternative to classic white sugar is coconut sugar obtained from coconut palm inflorescences. Also referred to as palm sugar, it has a brown color and a caramel-coconut aftertaste. It is available in an unrefined, i.e. unrefined version. Originating in Indonesia, coconut sugar is called gula java and is added to traditional dishes.

Intenson Bio Coconut Sugar is available on Medonet Market.

Sugar – a method of production

For the production of sugar in Poland, the most commonly used sugar beets are obtained from local growers. The first stage of production is to check the sugar content of the beets. The second stage is crushing the beets and obtaining juice from them. Molasses is a by-product of this process, which is added to alcohol or yeast.

Before sugar is made from the squeezed beetroot juice, a series of chemical processes must take place. The obtained juice is usually concentrated and then crystallized. Similarly, sugar is obtained from sugar cane.

Carbohydrates, including sugars – what does it mean?

The concept of sugar is very broad and has many meanings. At first glance, sugar is associated with a white, crystalline substance, it can also be present as one of the carbohydrates. Names such as “sugar in food” and “carbohydrate in food” are used interchangeably.

Carbohydrates, right after fats and proteins, are among the most important nutrients responsible for providing energy. According to scientific nomenclature, carbohydrates also include simple sugars. Where did the name come from? Because sucrose is quickly absorbed and digested. From a chemical point of view, sucrose is a disaccharide.

The phrase “carbohydrates, including sugars” is used very often on the labels of food products. Which means? The carbohydrates found naturally in the products are absorbed and processed by the body without any problems. However, when the manufacturer adds additional sugar to a given product, the body may not be able to process it, which is associated with various ailments and diseases.

Sugars found in food can be divided into:

  1. simple sugars; they include all monosaccharides, including glucose and fructose, and disaccharides such as lactose and sucrose. These sugars occur naturally or artificially in products.
  2. complex sugars; are substances with more complex molecules, an example is starch. The sources of complex sugars are: bread, rice, pasta and various types of groats.
  3. free sugars; are all sugars added to food by the manufacturer to enhance the taste of the product. They appear on labels as slogans, such as sucrose, high-fructose syrup, glucose-fructose syrup or corn syrup. These sugars are found naturally in fruit concentrates, honey, fruit juices and syrups.

How does sugar work on our body? Check: Sugar is addictive

Sugar glycemic index

The rate at which sugars in food products enter the bloodstream is known as their glycemic index. Calculating the indicator is simple, just use the IG calculator. To keep a slim figure, you should eat products with a low glycemic index. They include, among others wholemeal pasta, whole wheat bread, thick, loose groats and raw vegetables.

Glucose is released relatively slowly from these products, then the blood sugar level is more stable and the level of hunger is not felt. The highest glycemic index has sucrose, i.e. refined table sugar, used every day for tea or baking.

More information about the glycemic index, you can find here: Glycemic index – table, products, low and high GI levels

What to replace sugar? Natural sweeteners

Sugar and sweet taste are most often associated with relaxation and pleasure. Despite the fact that it has a bad effect on the body, you do not have to give it up completely. There are various natural sweeteners that can replace the taste of refined sugar you use every day.

One of these substances is stevia. The plant originating from South America contains steviol glycosides in the leaves and stems, responsible for the sweet taste. Stevia is approx. 200 times sweeter than regular sugar and does not contain calories. A small amount of this ingredient is enough to make a drink or dessert sweet enough. Stevia comes in the form of dried or fresh leaves and a powder. You can buy stevia in crystals at Medonet Market. You will also find Stevia with PURE erythritol & good 275g. If you want, you can try sweets with stevia, such as PURE & good sweets with stevia, which are available in lemon or eucalyptus-mint flavor.

Another substance that we can replace white sugar is xylitol. Sugar is made from birch bark and contains almost half the calories of white sugar. In addition to its low calorific value, xylitol prevents acidification of the body, supports the body in the process of magnesium and calcium absorption and affects the intestinal microflora. Xylitol is suitable for sweetening drinks and desserts. At Medonet Market you can buy Xylitol Intenson – a natural sweetener and Xylitol Danisco – a natural sugar substitute. In turn, Ksylitol PURE & good is currently available at a promotional price.

As a healthy sugar substitute, we also recommend unrefined golden sugar from Pro Natura beetroot and brown sugar with Pro Natura molasses.

The list of substitutes also includes erythritol, which belongs to the same group as xylitol. It occurs naturally in some fruits and in flower pollen. It is an ideal replacement for people suffering from diabetes because it does not raise sugar levels and its glycemic index is 0. Try Erythritol Intenson – a natural sweetener that you can find on Medonet Market. We also recommend Erythritol PURE & good, available in a 275g package.

A commonly used sugar substitute is honey, the main ingredients of which are fructose and glucose. The higher the fructose content in honey, the lower the glycemic index. Honey also contains small B vitamins, proteins, volatile oils, enzymes flower dust and organic acids. Thanks to these substances, honey soothes cough, hay fever and has a bactericidal effect. Honey loses its good properties above 40 ° C.

Canadian maple syrup can also be added to the list of natural sweeteners. It is obtained from the juice of maple trunks by evaporating water. In addition to sugar, it contains calcium, magnesium, potassium and B vitamins. It is much healthier than classic white sugar, but it contains large amounts of sucrose, which is not recommended for diabetics. It can be used for drinks, pastries or pancakes.

Naturally sweet dates are also a good replacement for sugar. They include numerous nutrients, i.e. vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, iron and carotenes. Dates can be eaten as syrup or dried fruit. Date syrup is definitely sweeter than traditional sugar, it can be added to porridge, used as a marinade or added to coffee or tea.

It turns out that sugar can also be replaced with powdered white mulberry. At Medonet Market, you can buy Intenson dried mulberries, which you can grate and use for sweetening. Also try Bio Agave Sugar Intenson or Maltitol Intenson – a natural sweetener with reduced calories.

See also: Sugar under control

The role of sugar in the body

Carbohydrates contained in products, which also contain sugar, are primarily a source of energy for the body – 1 gram of sugar equals 4 kcal. Sugars are reduced in the digestive system to monosugar, i.e. glucose, and it is in this form absorbed by the body.

The human body, including the brain, can use ketone bodies, which are a side effect of the breakdown of fats. Then the glucose that has not been used up in the energy process turns into glycogen, the so-called Storage sugar, which is stored in muscles and liver. These types of sugars are made up of structures such as glycolipids, glycoproteins, and proteoglycans.

The negative effect of sugar on the body – diseases and ailments

Sugar itself is not a harmful substance, but its excess has a negative effect on the body. Nowadays, when the choice of products is very large, it is difficult to avoid it. Excess sugar is the main cause of obesity and overweight, leads to cardiovascular disease, causes tooth decay and chronic inflammation.

One of the most serious diseases caused by excessive sugar consumption is insulin resistance. Excess sugar puts the body’s cells in a state where they are less and less sensitive to insulin, and the pancreas produces much more of it so that the metabolism can achieve the same effect. Insulin resistance usually leads to type II diabetes, which is dangerous to health and life.

Excess sugar can also lead to civilization diseases such as cancer, heart attack and stroke. Too much sugar in the diet worsens acne as the secretion of androgens is increased, which leads to too much activity of the sebaceous glands and inflammation. Despite the pleasure we get from consuming sugar, it can also increase the risk of depression.

Do you want to learn about blood sugar testing? Check it out: Blood sugar level. How to read the results?

Sugar is used not only in the kitchen

Sugar can be used not only in the kitchen. It is not only a sweet addition to coffee, tea or dessert. There are several other uses for this product in everyday life, e.g .:

  1. in combination with olive oil and your favorite essential oil, it creates a natural and healthy body and face scrub. Sugar also helps in the treatment of wounds and bedsores – it dries them and inhibits the growth of bacteria,
  2. prevents lipstick from smudging on the lips – just paint on the lips and sprinkle with sugar, then lick it off. Sugar absorbs moisture in lipstick, thanks to which the effect on the lips lasts much longer,
  3. it is also used in washing – in combination with olive oil, it helps to remove stains from paints and lubricants,
  4. The sugar ground in the grinder will remove the internal sediment, unpleasant smell and all dirt from it.

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