Sugar: health benefits and harms
Sugar is called “sweet death”, many articles have been written about its harm and various studies have been carried out. Is there any benefit? Let’s find out

In fact, sugar is an irreplaceable source of energy. And it’s not just about the white powder that we add to tea – sugars in one form or another are found in many foods. Healthy Food Near Me, together with a nutritionist, understands the benefits and harms of sugar for health.

Types of sugar

Sugar is divided into several types depending on the raw materials used. If the sugar is white and looks like crystals, it is refined, passed many stages of purification and crystallization. If sugar looks like a caramel-colored lump or caked powder and does not have a specific crystal shape, it unrefined and contains more impurities. This is real brown sugar.

White sugar

It is made from sugar beet or cane. Raw materials are crushed, sugar is extracted with hot water. Next, the resulting juice is mixed with milk of lime to purify it from heavy impurities, and filtered. The purified juice is bleached and filtered, the excess liquid is evaporated and a “syrup” is obtained. It is crystallized, placed in a centrifuge and dried.

Cane or brown sugar

Extracted from sugar cane in a similar way, but with less processing. This sugar is distinguished by its brown color due to molasses molasses, which gives it its recognizable aroma. Such sugar is considered more useful, but nutritionists agree that it is no less caloric than white.

Often brown sugar is counterfeited by adding color to beet white. However, this is not common everywhere – such falsification is economically beneficial only in regions where reed does not grow.

The history of sugar in the diet

India is considered the birthplace of sugar, from this language it received its name, which translates as “grain of sand”.

In Europe, sugar was well known to the Romans, when it was made from cane. Even before our era, cane sugar was used in medicine, for a long time it could only be obtained from pharmacists. Sugar was most widely distributed in Europe during the Crusades – by that time it was produced in the form of sugar heads. In the XNUMXth century, the first sugar factories appeared.

Despite expanding production, until the XNUMXth century, sugar was a luxury item. There was a high price for cane sugar from the colonies, so it became profitable to produce sugar from local raw materials.

In Our Country, sugar appeared around the 1809th century and was available only to the nobility. Only by XNUMX did our country establish its own sugar production.

From year to year, sugar consumption is increasing. For example, in the 2th century, a person consumed 2000 kg of sugar per year, and in the 37s, it was already XNUMX kg.

The composition and calorie content of sugar

The main component of sugar is sucrose. In addition to it, there may be impurities in small quantities – up to 0,25%.

Caloric content for 100 grams387 kcal
Proteins0 g
Fats0 g
Carbohydrates99,98 g

The benefits of sugar

Sugar is an ideal source of energy, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and muscles. Without sugar, the blood supply to the brain and spinal cord worsens. A lack of sugar in the diet can lead to weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, and a decrease in intellectual abilities.

The benefits of sugar for women

It has been proven that a piece of sweetness helps to endure stress more easily – many women reach for a chocolate bar during experiences. Insulin, produced by the pancreas, stimulates the production of serotonin, the “happiness hormone”. However, you should not get carried away with such an antidepressant, so as not to develop an addiction.

The benefits of sugar for men

After active physical work, blood sugar also decreases, and it must be replenished. This is especially true for male athletes and workers engaged in various physical labor.

The benefits of sugar for children

Sugar quickly compensates for energy losses; without it, the central nervous system works worse. School-age children need a small amount of sugar in their diet – it will help to focus on learning and be less tired.

The harm of sugar

“Excess sugar can lead to diabetes, obesity and other problems in the body,” comments nutritionist Yulia Pigareva. – Cane and beet sugar are the same in terms of calories, but in terms of the degree of purification and production, it is better to give preference to cane sugar. However, they should not be abused either.

Do not add sugar to the diet of children under two years of age. For children over two years of age, the recommended amount of sugar to consume is up to 25 g of sugar per day.

The use of sugar in medicine

In medicine, glucose solution is used for intravenous administration. Such droppers are used to maintain the body’s strength in severe conditions, as well as when it is impossible to fully eat.

Sugar is also used to make various syrups that are added to medicinal potions.

The use of sugar in cooking

In cooking, sugar is popular – it serves as an excellent preservative for many products and allows you to save, for example, fruits and berries for a whole year. Sauces are made from sugar, it is even added to meat dishes.

sugar candy

No molds are required for making, and toothpicks can be used as sticks

Sugar 250 g
Water 100 ml
Lemon acid pinch
Sunflower oil 1 Art. a spoon

Take a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water and dissolve sugar in it. Heat up to 150 degrees – the water should boil. Mix citric acid with a spoonful of water and add to the pan. When the syrup turns caramel in color, turn off the heat.

Grease parchment or silicone mat with oil, and pour a few small puddles of syrup on it. Insert a toothpick into each puddle, leave to harden for half an hour. To prevent the lollipops from sticking together, you can wrap each with cling film.

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Lemon syrup

Fragrant syrup is great for soaking cakes, as a topping for ice cream

Lemon Peel60 g
Sugar1 kg
Water400 ml

Wash the lemon, grate the peel on a fine grater, without affecting the white bitter layer. Pour the zest with water, leave for 5 hours. Next, pour water through a sieve into a saucepan, add sugar, turn on the fire. Boil until desired thickness, after cooling, store in the refrigerator.

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How to select and store sugar

Sugar is produced in loose form, pressed, and also crushed to the state of powdered sugar. On sale you can find an aqueous solution of sugar – syrup.

Pay attention to packaging. It is better that it be transparent – examine the sugar for foreign inclusions. The composition should not contain anti-caking agents, flavors and dyes.

After buying sugar, it is better to pour it into a glass jar with an airtight lid so that it does not absorb foreign odors. The maximum storage period is 8 years. Powdered sugar is stored less – up to 2 years. Sugar with additives, for example, vanillin, cannot be used after a year.

Popular questions and answers

Consider popular questions from readers about sugar.

How much sugar can you eat per day?

Nutritionist Yulia Pigareva advises:

– The amount of sugar should be minimized for both adults and children. The less you add it, the better. Most people now consume more sugar than recommended.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that added and free sugars – those not originally found in foods – account for less than 10% of calories. For a healthy person consuming about 2000 calories a day, that’s 50 grams of sugar, or 12 level teaspoons.

What happens if you completely give up sugar?

Even if we completely refuse to use sugar, nothing will happen to us. There is a lot of “hidden sugar”, most often it is found in the composition of semi-finished products, sauces. Therefore, even without adding sugar to tea, it will enter our body.

What can replace sugar?

In addition to simple sugars, there are complex sugars that enter the body when eating foods, such as whole grains or fruits. They take longer to digest, don’t cause blood sugar spikes, and provide better energy.

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