Sufism: what is it, detailed explanation and video

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What is Sufism

This is a mystical trend in Islam, preaching asceticism and heightened spirituality. Its final formation as a religious and philosophical doctrine falls on the X-XII centuries.

Directly this trend is directly related to Islam, being a part of it, does not shine with a clear integrity. However, it exists in the form of tariqah (Islamic brotherhoods).

Sufism: what is it, detailed explanation and video

What does this mystical current represent?

First of all, this is the path of cleansing the soul from the influence of negative qualities, the acquisition of the correct qualities of the spirit. This path for the murid (one who seeks, thirsty) begins to pass with the help of a leader and spiritual guide.

Murshid, that is, one who performs the functions of this mentor in Sufism, is inextricably linked with the sheikhs. That still stretches from the Prophet Muhammad, to whom belongs the peace and blessings of Allah. A person who does not get permission from the Murshid cannot be either a sheikh or a mentor.

Sufism – what is it? Sufism is primarily a living, practical Islam. Literally anything that is contrary to Sharia law cannot belong to Sufism. Sheikh – Imam Rabbani described this in detail in his work “Letters”.

Unlike Ibn Abd al-Wahab, the Arab theologians Al-Ghazali and Ibn Taymiyyah recognized the place of Sufism in Islam. Al-Ghazali called Sufism the essence of Islam itself.

How is Sufism different from Islam?

First of all, a clear statement: the preaching of poverty (Arab. Fakro), the world around is perceived by the Sufis as ghostly. They have a complete rejection of worldly pleasures, passions, all sorts of fun (Arabic Zuhd), but they are encouraged to lead a secluded lifestyle, stay in silent prayer (Arabic Tafakur).

Sufis in everything and always rely on Allah and his holy will (Arabic Tavakul), use an allegorical type of interpretation of the Koran (Arabic Dish).

Among the Sufis, you can see an unusual ritual (Arabic. Sama) – the dances of the dervishes. “Dervish” in Arabic means poor, poor. This is the analogue of a monk in Christianity, like an ascetic. However, it differs in that it has the right to marry, have its own material property, and live in a house.

Dervishes dancing

These dances have a symbolic meaning, they are numerous whirling with the mention of many names of Allah (Arabic Zikr).

Sufi dance

Let us turn our attention to the symbolic meaning of the dance of the dervishes. The palms of the hands facing upward symbolize receiving a heavenly blessing. Palms down – transferring this blessing to Earth for others.

The tilt of the head of the dervishes in the dance is about twenty-five degrees. This is almost equal to the tilt of the Earth, which is twenty-three degrees.

Mevlevi Order

It should be noted that in the XIII century. the Sufi order of Mevlevi was created. It was founded by the Arab poet Rumi. The philosophy of this order goes beyond the outer rites of Islam. Rumi saw religion as a prelude for his own spiritual experience.

The Sufi practice of Mevlevi allows a person who has achieved a goal to return to the real world in order to bring others in the same way. It can be argued that Sufism is superior to mysticism.

The theme of Rumi’s works is imbued with love based on the unity of two things: reason and intuition, as well as the path of human cognition and development. The meaning of the dances of the dervishes lies in a long mystical journey of consciousness, in the harmony of reason and love for perfection.

 The steps of the Sufi path:

  1. Sharia – observance of laws in Islam.
  2. Suluki – passing a certain obedience in the role of a student.
  3. Marifat is the process of knowing Allah not rationally, but with the heart.
  4. Hakikat is the achievement of the fullness of truth by a murid (student).

Thus, the question arises: how is Sufism different from Islam?

For adherents of Islam, the doctrine based on the Koran was generally accepted. Therefore, all followers of the Prophet Muhammad adhered to clear instructions so as not to go beyond the Quran and Sunnah. Fully following their guidelines and prescriptions, not accepting any innovations in return.

Islam was spread by the followers of the Prophet Muhammad in its true form. The outer form did not suppress the inner essence of Islam itself. Comprehension of the inner essence was by no means negatively reflected on the rituals performed by Muslims.

Their focus was on mind, spirit, and body. They are considered three substances that make up a person, personality, society as a single organism.

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