After the harsh winter, days with positive temperatures await us. Such a sudden change will affect our body. How? For MedTvoiLokona, Dr. Sylwia Kuźniarz-Rymarz, an internist and endocrinologist from the Sublimed medical center in Krakow, is translating.

  1. A change in weather is coming – weather forecasters predict that we will face a large warming
  2. We asked the doctor how it would affect our body
  3. What ailments may we feel in the coming days?
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Agnieszka Mazur-Puchała, Medonet: There is quite a serious change in the weather ahead of us. Does that mean anything from a medical point of view? Can we expect any specific ailments?

Dr Sylwia Kuźniarz-Rymarz, internist and endocrinologist: Medically, there is no disease that we associate with weather changes. We cannot match any particular diagnosis to the malaise that results from them.

But from a biological point of view, the matter is different. Thermoregulation is the key. When we are cold, our blood vessels constrict, our limbs freeze, and our body has to spend more heat energy to keep warm. This is why we usually accumulate more body fat in winter – it is our energy store.

And large fluctuations in temperature, when we get warm in a short time and then cold, make our internal temperature controller go crazy like an out of tune device. It happens too quickly and the body is unable to tune all biochemical processes at the same time. And this is necessary for everything to work properly. Note that it feels really chilly in the first days of winter. And in mid-January, at -10 degrees Celsius, we are not so cold anymore. Because the body has already adjusted itself to the situation.

So, such a mechanism applies to both sudden warming and cooling?

Yes, it works both ways. We live in a climate with four seasons. We are used to it. All these weather anomalies, when suddenly winter became almost summer, we simply do not like. Man functions in cycles. Small, daily ones or those related to sleep and wakefulness. Larger – weekly, when the body waits for the weekend. And even bigger ones, related to the seasons of the year. The transition from winter to spring, spring to summer, summer to autumn and winter again is something our body is waiting for. He knows that these changes are about to take place and is slowly adapting to them.

When we, brought up in Europe, where we have winter and autumn, suddenly move to a hot country without these seasons, it turns out that for some time it is difficult for us to fall into this new rhythm. But when we live in this climate longer, we become, in a sense, natives – our body follows the cycle of nature that takes place where we live.

How long do you get into this new rhythm? How long does it take to adjust to such radical changes?

It depends on the organism, on the speed of all the biochemical reactions that take place in it. But usually it happens that the body adjusts itself to these small cycles – daily, weekly or monthly – within a few weeks. When it comes to changes related to the seasons, a full cycle has to pass to adapt to the new reality.

And how much time will we need now to adjust to the changing weather?

It also depends on the organism. From how we are genetically programmed. What are our adaptation possibilities related to the change of weather or stress, because temperature jumps are also stresses in a broad sense for the body. Usually, however, we need a few days. It is important for us to take care of ourselves, knowing that the weather will change, to create the most comfortable conditions for it.

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How can we do this? How to make this process easier?

We can treat ourselves to a good diet, i.e. one that will be rich in all the necessary ingredients – varied, green, colorful. Optimistic in its overtone. We can also try something sweet – with chocolate, grains, nuts. Even cereal cookies will be good. At such moments, we will need something that contains the substances needed to produce serotonin, our happiness hormone. We can now spoil our body a little and turn a blind eye to dietary sins for a moment. Other solutions for relaxing massage, aromatherapy or sports – it also releases endorphins and other happiness hormones.

These negative effects of a sudden temperature change affect us all? Only people with specific predispositions?

It is difficult to find someone who would not complain about changes in the weather. So one may be tempted to say that we all feel them. What we do with it is a separate question. Will we treat these inconveniences as something normal and try to compensate for them somehow or on the contrary – we will only focus on complaining.

And what is actually the norm in such a situation? What feelings can we without hesitation blame the change in the weather?

At least a different feeling of temperature. Someone will suddenly start putting more wood into the fireplace because it will be cold. Before that, he will feel like sleeping and become lazy. There may also be a feeling that the work has become less effective. Such a general slowing down of the body that needs a break, allowing it to relax. If such feelings last for a few days or a week, we can consider them the norm. The problem arises when the state of unwillingness or disturbances in the perception of temperature begins to prolong – it lasts for weeks, months. Then you have to start looking for the cause. This is where the family doctor bows down with a panel of basic examinations. On this basis, further paths of proceedings can be selected, depending on the cause.

Time for research?

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We talked mainly about feelings related to the changing temperature. How is it with pressure and meteopathy? Anyone like a meteopath at all?

Man is an element of nature, which we often forget. We have the impression that we function like machines, regardless of the phenomena occurring in them. And we are also subject to influences related to the aura, including precisely with high and low atmospheric pressure. It affects our blood pressure. It is no coincidence that some people choose a vacation by the sea, and others in the mountains. It’s just that some people feel better high and some feel low. So much so that they may experience specific ailments, such as a headache, when they are in the mountains. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with them at the seaside.

Meteopathy itself is not an ICD10 medical entity. On the other hand, when we consider man as a broadly understood part of nature, we know that he is most susceptible to atmospheric influences.

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