Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

In France, each year, nearly 500 healthy children die in their sleep. Sudden infant death syndrome, which is now preferred to be called unexpected infant death syndrome, is the leading cause of death before the age of one. If we still do not know its mechanisms, we know how to limit the occurrence of this syndrome.

Definition of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or Unexpected Infant Death Syndrome, is the sudden death of a child under the age of one that occurs when nothing in its known history could suggest. It occurs most often during sleep and mainly affects boys, 9 times out of 10 before the age of 6 months.

Prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

According to the association Naître et Vivre, following the advice for preventing sudden death to the letter would cut the number of deaths recorded each year by half. As a priority, it is necessary:

  • Make baby sleep on his back, avoiding any element that could hinder his breathing.
  • Do not put baby to sleep in his parents’ bed when they are asleep.
  • Do not expose baby to tobacco during and after pregnancy.
  • Air the room morning and evening and maintain a temperature between 18 and 19 ° C. If temperatures rise, put baby to sleep in a diaper and short-sleeved bodysuit.

Put your baby to bed well

Since the vast majority of sudden infant deaths occur during sleep, it is essential to minimize the risk of suffocation when the baby is asleep.

Always sleep baby on the back

It should be remembered that this essential measure made it possible to reduce the sudden infant death rate by 75% between 1991 and 1997. to make baby sleep on his stomach or on his side. Plagiocephaly is avoided by making the baby frequently turn his head to one side or the other, by playing him on his stomach several times during the day and by treating a possible small stiff neck. Regarding regurgitation, do not worry, a natural reflex prevents baby from inhaling what he spits out. On the other hand, when baby grows up and has enough muscle tone to put himself on his stomach whenever he wants, we can let him sleep in this position.

Make baby sleep on a firm mattress

The mattress must be perfectly adapted to the dimensions of its bed in order to avoid any gap in which it could slip. The fitted sheet that covers the mattress should also be the right size. Particular vigilance is necessary with travel cots. Always use the small mattress sold with it and never add an additional mattress.

Exclude duvet, pillow, bumper and soft toys from the bed

Only a blanket can have its place alongside baby, provided it is small and short-haired. In winter, make baby sleep in pajamas and sleeping bag adapted to his size and more or less thick depending on the season (TOG).

What precautions after curettage?

Baths and sexual intercourse are prohibited for a fortnight. The work stoppage is not systematic but a few days may nevertheless be necessary to live after miscarriage and after abortion.

The dangers of co-sleeping

With all due respect to supporters of co-sleeping, or co-sleeping, doctors agree that sleeping in one’s parents’ bed when they themselves are asleep increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. According to an English study published in 2013, this risk could go as far as being multiplied by 5! If nothing prevents taking baby by his side to breastfeed, cuddle, comfort him, it is essential to put him back in his bed before succumbing to sleep yourself. As for installing the crib in the parental room, the most recent studies tend to encourage this practice during the first 6 months.

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