It is a chemical compound corresponding to formula C12H22O11, and is a natural disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose. In common parlance, sucrose is commonly referred to as sugar. Typically, sucrose is made from sugar beet or sugar cane. It is also made from the sap of the Canadian sugar maple or from the sap of the coconut tree. Moreover, its name corresponds to the type of raw material from which it was produced: cane sugar, maple sugar, beet sugar. Sucrose is highly soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol.
Sucrose rich foods:
Indicated approximate quantity in 100 g of product
Daily requirement for sucrose
The daily mass of sucrose should not exceed 1/10 of all incoming kilocalories. On average, this is about 60-80 grams per day. This amount of energy is spent on the life support of nerve cells, striated muscles, as well as on the maintenance of blood corpuscles.
The need for sucrose increases:
- If a person is engaged in active brain activity. In this case, the released energy is spent on ensuring the normal passage of the signal along the axon-dendrite circuit.
- If the body has been exposed to toxic substances (in this case, sucrose has a barrier function, protecting the liver with the formed paired sulfuric and glucuronic acids).
The need for sucrose decreases:
- If there is a predisposition to diabetic manifestations, and diabetes mellitus has already been identified. In this case, sugar needs to be replaced with analogs such as beckoning, xylitol and sorbitol.
- Being overweight and obese is also a contraindication to addiction to sugar and sugar-containing foods, since unused sugar can be converted into body fat.
Digestibility of sucrose
In the body, sucrose breaks down into glucose and fructose, which in turn is also converted into glucose. Despite the fact that sucrose is a chemically inert substance, it is able to activate the mental activity of the brain. At the same time, an important plus in its use is the fact that it is absorbed by the body only by 20%. The remaining 80% leave the body practically unchanged. Due to this property of sucrose, it is less likely to lead to diabetes mellitus than glucose and fructose consumed in their pure form.
Useful properties of sucrose and its effect on the body
Sucrose provides our body with the energy it needs. Protects the liver from toxic substances, activates brain activity. That is why sucrose is one of the most important substances found in food.
Signs of a lack of sucrose in the body
If you are haunted by apathy, depression, irritability; there is a lack of strength and energy, this may be the first signal of a lack of sugar in the body. If sucrose intake is not normalized in the near future, the condition may worsen. Such unpleasant problems for any person as increased hair loss, as well as general nervous exhaustion, can be connected to the existing symptoms.
Signs of excess sucrose in the body
- Excessive completeness. If a person consumes excess sugar, sucrose is usually converted into adipose tissue. The body becomes loose, obese, and signs of apathy appear.
- Caries. The fact is that sucrose is a good breeding ground for various types of bacteria. And they, in the course of their life, secrete acid, which destroys the enamel and dentin of the tooth.
- Periodontal disease and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. These pathologies are also caused by a large number of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity, which multiply under the influence of sugar.
- Candidiasis and genital itching. The reason is the same.
- There is a risk of developing diabetes. Sharp fluctuations in weight, thirst, fatigue, increased urination, itching of the body, poorly healing wounds, blurred vision – this is a reason to see an endocrinologist as soon as possible.
Sucrose and health
In order for our body to remain constantly in good shape, and the processes taking place in it, do not give us trouble, it is necessary to establish a mode of consuming sweets. Thanks to this, the body will be able to receive sufficient amount of energy, but at the same time it will not be at risk of an excess of sweets.
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