Successful sex regardless of age

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Each age has its own rules. And so the young guy is usually afraid of the “first time”, and the older – the end of sexual activity. However, the fall of life does not have to mean that his erotic side will fall into a winter sleep. Even if erectile dysfunction makes you feel helpless in bed, proper treatment and prevention will help you melt the ice cream in the bedroom.

A prescription for erection problems

The disease does not know the age, but in the case of erectile dysfunction ( erectile dysfunction – ED) – that is, lack or weakness of erection – the risk of their occurrence increases over the years. Statistics say that this condition affects 2% of 30-year-olds, 6% of 40-year-olds, but already 18% of 50-year-olds, 38% of 60-year-olds and as much as 60% of 70-year-olds. Unfortunately, only 8% seek help from a doctor. It is a pity, because erectile dysfunction is not a disease, but only a dysfunction that can usually be successfully treated. Satisfactory results of the therapy are achieved, for example, by the temporarily used phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) inhibitors, such as avanafil, which is taken 30 minutes before the planned intercourse. In many cases, it is possible to have sexual intercourse even after 15-20 minutes after the application of the drug, and the effect of the preparation lasts for up to 6 hours. All thanks to avanafil blocking the activity of the PDE-5 enzyme that breaks down cGMP – a substance necessary for an erection. This translates into relaxation of the muscles of the spongy tissue, the inflow of blood to the penis and, as a result, an erection. However, it should be remembered that PDE-5 inhibitors only abolish the symptoms of ED. The causal treatment requires the detection of the underlying cause of the disorders.

Overexposure of the causes

In 70-90% of young men, the causes of erection problems lie in the psyche. In mature men, these proportions are opposite – 90% are organic and result from systemic diseases, which are more frequent with age. The diagnosis of dysfunction is based on a general medical interview, focused on the occurrence of chronic diseases and medications used, development of sexual life from childhood, relationship with the partner, assessment with IIEF5 tests and examination of the external genitalia. – The patient may be asked to do blood tests for cholesterol, thyroid and testosterone hormones, prolactin and PSA, as well as an ultrasound of the abdomen and testicles – explains the drug. med. Joanna Ślusarczyk, sexologist and psychotherapist.

Cardiovascular disease

Heart muscle failure, atherosclerosis, hypertension or elevated cholesterol levels are the most common causes of erectile dysfunction. – ED and cardiovascular disease share risk factors. Sometimes erectile dysfunction is the first symptom of heart failure. In either case, lifestyle and dietary changes eliminate or delay progression, and sometimes reduce the incidence of ED – points out the sexologist.


Every second diabetic patient may have erectile dysfunction. As a result of the damage to the arteries and capillary arterioles of the penis caused by it, there is a disturbance of blood flow to the penis, and thus erectile dysfunction. Damage to the nervous system (diabetic neuropathy) may also underlie ED associated with diabetes. Then the nerves damaged by the disease do not want to conduct arousal and disrupt this mechanism.

Prostate hypertrophy

Every second man over 50 has problems with the prostate, and its enlargement is caused by hormonal disorders related to the aging of the body. – By activating abnormal neuromediators, the blood supply to the pelvic vessels is reduced and the synthesis of vasodilating nitric oxide is reduced during the inflow of blood to the corpora cavernosa of the penis. – explains the drug. med. J. Ślusarczyk.


In women, menopause, in men, andropause – menopause sooner or later affects both sexes. In men, it is associated with a natural reduction in the level of bioavailable, i.e. hormonally active testosterone. – This causes a decrease in libido and desire, as well as a tendency to depression, metabolic syndrome and obesity, i.e. risk factors for ED and impaired efficiency of the vessels filling the corpus cavernosum. – the sexologist specifies.

Penile function pathologies

The number of years is increasing, and the collagen and elastic fibers of the whitish membrane and smooth muscle fibers are diminishing. – This leads to remodeling of the vascular walls and microangiopathy caused by reduced elasticity. The components of the vessel wall responsible for the synthesis of vasodilators and thus increasing the volume and speed of blood inflow into the corpus cavernosum of the penis are impaired. – adds the doctor.

Neurological disorders

Apparently, desire and sex are born in the brain. It is similar with an erection. If not for the nerve impulse sent from the brain to the penis, there would be no erection at all. Hence, diseases affecting the nervous system, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, stroke, degeneration of the lumbar spine or post-accident spinal cord injuries cause problems with potency and reduce sexual attraction.

Prevention in a nutshell

Everything flows, and so the male body changes naturally from year to year. However, the permanent inability to obtain an erection is an alarm signal that requires medical consultation. In order to still enjoy physical closeness, apart from treatment, it is also worth taking care of your condition not only in bed, but also outside of it, by following a few basic rules:

1. Avoid caffeine – it causes the smooth muscle that controls the width of the blood vessels that transport blood to the penis to narrow.

2. Give up alcohol – although it increases desire, it depresses the nervous system, making it awake, not aroused.

3. Watch out for medications – some (antidepressants, H2 receptor blockers, NSAIDs, 5-alpha reductase antagonists, tranquilizers or hormones) can negatively influence “these” things.

4. Eat healthy – avoid cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, and love fruits, vegetables, fish, olive oil. Your arteries will thank you for it, and your risk of atherosclerosis will be less.

5. quit smoking – nicotine constricts blood vessels, which impairs blood circulation. In contrast, tobacco smoke blocks the erection, inhibiting the full relaxation of the vascular tissue.

6. Practice – because exercise is health and an antidote to various diseases. However, do not overdo it, because your body will focus all its strength on the work it is supposed to do.

7. Keep smiling – anxiety, stress, constant tension and high adrenaline make it almost impossible to get an erection. Therefore, smile and relax.

* Lek. med. Joanna Ślusarczyk – sexologist, specialist in psychiatry, psychotherapist.

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