Success: comes from childhood

How often in our life we ​​hear the phrase “All problems from childhood.” But repeating it, we forget that all the successes, victories, discoveries – they also come from there.

It is difficult to disagree with the fact that we begin to develop all our talents, skills and abilities, as a child. Let’s take at least examples of famous personalities who have achieved a lot in life, but were immersed in their element from an early age. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart studied music literally from the cradle. Salvador Dali’s childhood passed under the influence of the impressionist Pico. Vladimir Pozner has mastered two languages ​​since birth – his mother is French and his father is Russian … A free creative atmosphere is the most beneficial environment for a future child prodigy. Regardless of who he will be – a scientist, writer, businessman or translator. So how to create such an environment in the family?

1. Get involved yourself

If adults themselves are passionate and active, if they read a lot, are engaged in creativity, are interested in art and do not stop their own development with the advent of children, you can be 90% sure that the child will also grow up enthusiastic. Do not expect that his interests will completely coincide with yours: the main thing is that the fire and passion for the new, the unknown, burn in him just as strongly.

2. Let you try different things

Starting hockey, dancing, violin and quitting after a month is a common childhood story that often upsets parents very much. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this: the more activities a child tries before adolescence, the better. It is this “tasting” approach that will allow a young person to find exactly what he will do with pleasure all his life.

3. Lead a social life

Go to visit and gather friends at home. Attend concerts with your child: special music events for mothers with babies with classical music and a relaxed “childish” atmosphere make it comfortable for everyone. The main thing is not to limit yourself to the territory of the playground. More and more psychologists and educators around the world say: the fewer prohibitions a mother sets herself with the birth of a baby and the wider the world of the child himself, the sooner an inquisitive and inquisitive adult will grow out of a small person.

4. Travel

Any trip, whether it is a neighboring city or a distant country, an eco-farm or a large metropolis, is useful for the development of the child. To tell the truth, they are much more useful than the developmental classes in children’s clubs. After all, on a trip you can see the world with your own eyes, try it by touch. Plus, you can make friends while traveling. It is especially good if they speak other languages. Learning a language and making pen pals is a great hobby for any child.

5.Learn languages

And to do it naturally, in the process of speech, just like we learn our native language. Why in childhood, and not later someday? At least to make things easier for yourself. After all, the smaller the child, the more he can learn, just playing and communicating. All modern methods of teaching languages ​​are based on this communication-game approach.

Creators of the online school NovaKid, for example, they try from the very beginning to immerse the child in live communication with native speakers in a playful way, and only then connect the study of grammar to their studies. Keeping in mind that every child is a creative unit, the creators of the platform sought to make communication with the carrier not only verbal. During the lesson, children can draw on a virtual board, use gestures – this helps to establish contact with the teacher.

В NovaKid We are convinced that the teacher should suit the child in many ways, including temperament. Fortunately, the choice at the school is really wide: there are 500 teachers from different countries on the staff, and none of them speak Russian. In your personal account, you can watch a video greeting of teachers and choose the one you like. And then independently draw up a schedule for the child, taking into account his regimen.

There are no strict professors and a mandatory program for all: the mode of mastering the material depends on each student individually. Want to keep abreast of your child’s progress? After the lesson, just go to your personal account: all student achievements, as well as feedback from the teacher, are displayed here. By the way, homework NovaKid also not boring, interactive, and no one punishes for mistakes: local teachers, like no one else, know that it is useful to make mistakes.

And this is what we so lacked in our own childhood: solve puzzles, sing, dance, make older comrades from other countries and speak English fluently without noticing.

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