A subculture is a set of values and orders of a group of people accumulated by a certain worldview, united by specific interests that determine their worldview. Subculture is a sovereign holistic entity, part of public culture.
From the point of view of cultural studies, a subculture is such associations of people that do not contradict the values of traditional culture, but complement it.
The subculture may differ from the dominant culture in language, behavior, clothing, etc. The basis of the subculture may be the style of music, lifestyle, certain political views. Some subcultures are extreme in nature and demonstrate a protest against society or certain social phenomena. Some subcultures are closed in nature and tend to isolate their representatives from society. Sometimes subcultures develop and enter as elements into a single culture of society. Developed subcultures have their own periodicals, clubs, public organizations.
A narrower concept, close to subculture, but not replacing it, is fandom (English fandom — fanaticism) — a community of fans, as a rule, of a certain subject (writer, performer, style). A fandom may share certain cultural characteristics, such as party humor and slang, similar interests outside of the fandom, and its own publications and websites. However, most fandoms do not form subcultures, being focused only around the subject of their interest. Also, the concept of a hobby is sometimes confused with the concept of a subculture, a person’s passion for any occupation (gamers, hackers, etc.). Communities of people with a common hobby can form a stable fandom, but at the same time not have signs of a subculture (common image, worldview, common tastes in many areas).
Subcultures in the USSR
In the USSR, youth subcultures of a protest and extreme nature were generally underdeveloped and had an extremely narrow circle of adherents; subcultures of an actively creative, romantic and altruistic direction were widespread. The reason for this was the low degree of isolation of groups of young people from each other and from society as a whole, the wide coverage of the general mass of young people by many interest clubs, the availability of cultural institutions, the massive introduction of an official ideology of a positive orientation in schools (“man is a friend, comrade and brother”) , official censorship and screening of protest and negative material. At the same time, the inertia of official power and ideology led to the emergence of protest moods also in positively oriented subcultures.
The most famous subcultures
Subcultures based on fans of various genres of music:
- Goths (subculture) — fans of gothic rock, gothic metal and darkwave
- Junglelists — fans of jungle, drum and bass and its varieties
- Indie — fans of indie rock
- Metalheads — fans of heavy metal and its varieties
- Punks are fans of punk rock and supporters of punk ideology
- Rivetheads are fans of industrial music
- Rastafarians are fans of reggae, as well as representatives of the religious movement Rastafari
- Ravers are fans of rave, dance music and discos
- Rappers are fans of rap and hip-hop
- Traditional skinheads — lovers of ska and reggae
- Emo — fans of emo and post-hardcore
Other cultural
Subcultures based on literature, cinema, animation, games, etc.:
- Otaku — fans of anime (Japanese animation)
- Scumbags — using scumbag jargon
- Historical reenactors
- RPG Movement — Fans of Live RPGs
- Therianthropes
- Furries are fans of anthropomorphic animals
Image Subcultures distinguished by style in clothes and behavior:
- Visual wrestling
- Cyber-Goths
- Mods
- Nudists
- Rivetheads
- Dandy
- Teddy Boys
- Military
- Freaks
- Positive
Political and ideological ====
Subcultures allocated on public beliefs:
- Antifa
- Bitniki
- NS-punks
- Informal
- New Age
- NS-skinheads
- Stream-Edgers
- Hippie
- Yuppie
Subcultures of hooligans. Their allocation is often challenged, and not all, ranked among them, refer themselves to them:
- Rud-fighting
- Gopnik
- Luber
- Ultras are highly organized, very active members of fan clubs.
- Football hooligans
By hobby
Hobby subcultures:
- Bikers are motorcycle enthusiasts
- Writers are fans of graffiti
- Tracers are fans of parkour
- L. V. Shabanov. Socio-psychological characteristics of youth subcultures: social protest or forced marginality?
- Youth movements and subcultures
- Alexander Tarasov. «They are studying us»
- SUBCULTURES Informal youth movements
- Youth subcultures of the Soviet Union