Stylish braid: star hairstyles, braiding patterns and fashion tips

Don’t know what hairstyle to do for your New Year’s party? A great option that Hollywood stars have come to love lately is braid styling. Just to be in trend, arm yourself with fashionable rules.

Forget everything you knew about braids from school! Or rather, not all. You should remember exactly the image for which your mother usually scolded you at the end of the school day. A disheveled spikelet with strands sticking out from all sides is the trend of the season. It is with this that the stars come out on the red carpets. But smooth tight pigtails have long been a thing of the past.

These hairstyles should be a thing of the past!

Christina Aguilera, 1998

Juliet Lewis, 1999

The army of celebrity fans of braid styling is constantly growing. At the same time, not only everyday bows, but also the most chic evening dresses to the floor are seasoned with democratic styling. Star stylists offer their clients both simple braids and hairstyles like a “basket” from our childhood and careless bundles of small braids. They converge only in one thing – after completing the weaving, they give the hairstyle the look of a thorough shabby. Amber Heard prefers such a careless “basket”. But Charlize Theron and Demi Moore give preference to “bumps” from braids with strands that do not stand out too much. If you don’t take the liberty of spicing up a chic evening outfit with the “I fell from samoval…” styling, you can follow their example and strike a balance between casualness and glamor.

Sloppy weaving is in trend

An intermediate option – the fishtail braid, which is especially popular not only among Hollywood stars, but also among our stars. The classic version on the back of the head cannot be done on your own. Therefore, turning to the hairdresser for styling, immediately discuss your fashion wishes and make sure that the specialist is aware of the trends and plans to make exactly the volumetric careless weaving. If you do not trust specialists or want to save money, you can make a fishtail yourself. This will be a side braid option. You can find a weaving pattern on the Internet.

Just think about the attachment of the braid in the final right away. Another sign of a modern braid is no colored rubber bands! The attachment should be invisible (you can use a thin elastic band to match, wrapping it with a strand of hair). The second option for sophisticated women of fashion is a ribbon, which will be the highlight of the image. It can be deliberately simple or knocked out of the whole bow in color or texture. In general, it is very easy to lose a stylish reputation here. Assess your strength in advance.

Stars who love braids and know how to wear them.

5 signs of a fashionable braid

  1. This can be a braid, spikelet, or fishtail hairstyle.
  2. Tight weaving is a thing of the past.
  3. Disheveledness never hurts!
  4. The mount should be either inconspicuous or elaborate.
  5. The braid today does not dictate the boho style. Letting her into “Hollywood glamor”.

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