Stylish bouquet: 10 valuable florist tips

The best of the best took part in the competition of florists in the south of Russia. Woman’s Day visited the flower festival and learned how a bouquet should look like, which will be remembered for a lifetime.

For four and a half hours each florist collected three bouquets for competition tasks: “Flower Fantasy”, “Fairy Tale Box” and “Gift for the Gardener”. Compositions made according to all the rules must certainly be transportable and capable of keeping freshness for two to three days. And some of them stipulated the presence of tree bark or plant branches of the SFedU Botanical Garden – a gift for its 90th anniversary!

First place went to Maria Larionova

– I am very happy with the victory, – says Maria. – I am 27 years old, and I have been in the profession for four years. There is a floristic education, but I’m not going to stop there. What should be the perfect bouquet?

  • The main rule is no stale flowers! Do not fall for the persuasion of unscrupulous sellers, carefully consider the flowers yourself.
  • Avoid flashy combinations: red and yellow or blue and white. A bouquet is always more interesting if it has a stretch in color: blue and light blue, lilac and lilac. One color blends into another, creating an ombre.
  • Nowadays, disheveled bouquets are in vogue. There is a lot of air in them, the flower heads are not pressed against each other, but show themselves in all their glory. Such a bouquet is created taking into account the peculiarities of flowers (each has its own bend, shape), and this is considered aerobatics.
  • Bouquets for men should contain characteristic flowers, interesting and rare. Use wireframe compositions. Here you can take into account the profession of the gifted. For example, an architect can arrange a bouquet with a frame-like base in the form of a house.
  • For a young girl, you should choose spring fragrant flowers on thin legs: buttercup, peas, chamomile, etc. Give preference to pastel shades: peach, pink, blue, lilac, beige, white. If you prefer roses, then choose fragrant garden roses with an unopened bud.
  • For ladies of the “who for” category, ears and fruits – apples, pears, etc. will be appropriate in bouquets.
  • Unusual decorative elements – fasteners, buckles – also add style to the bouquet.
  • Bouquets on cuffs look great. This is a kind of substrate into which flowers are integrated. It can be made of plastic, cardboard, wood, hand-decorated.
  • We wrap the bouquet only if the wrapper – craft, mesh or film – is a decorative element. In other cases, we get by with a pretty ribbon.
  • Now in fashion, especially at weddings, peony roses of all kinds of shades. Peonies and carnations, especially spray ones, are also favorites.

Elena Volkhovich won the second place

Third place went to Anna Litvinova

Pavel Ilnitsky – winner of the Audience Award

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