Stuttering in adults

Stuttering in adults

Stuttering in adults often begins in childhood. Episodic treatment does not always help to cope with the problem. Therefore, many patients simply give up and put up with the violation. In fact, it is possible to cope with logoneurosis, but this requires a lot of effort.

The first mention of stuttering, as a speech defect, is found in ancient records. However, scientists did not seek to understand the nature of the disease until the end of the 19th century. Until that time, there were no effective treatments for this disorder. This is explained by the fact that stuttering is not a very common phenomenon and in itself it does not pose a threat to human life. In addition, it was very difficult to deal with the problem with the methods that were available earlier.

Sick people were left alone with their problem. This led to the fact that a person became withdrawn, tried to limit communication with society. So it was in ancient times, but many people are still in isolation, because they do not know how to solve their problem.

Therefore, it is not surprising that a stuttering person tries to speak as little as possible, especially in the presence of strangers. It was only in the 20th century that medicine was able to appreciate the significance of the problem and began to study possible methods for solving it.

Treatment involves an individual approach to each patient. For therapy to be successful, it is necessary to isolate the causes of the violation and eliminate them.

[Video] Science Pok – Why do people stutter?

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