Stunted chrysanthemums
Chrysanthemums of short stature are also called spherical. They are popular with florists and landscape designers because of their long bloom and wide color palette.
General characteristics of low-growing chrysanthemums
Flowers are unpretentious in terms of care and fit perfectly into any design of the site. They are classified as Compositae and, in a strange way, independently take on a spherical shape as they grow up. Most often, varieties of low-growing chrysanthemums are planted in tubs or garden vases, since separately the flowers look more harmonious than in the arrays.
Low-growing chrysanthemums themselves take the shape of a ball
Visually, the culture resembles a small spherical bush dotted with small flowers. Leaves are bright green, small. Suitable for growing both in the open field and on the windowsill. They are favorable to the cold, so they continue to decorate the garden when all other ornamental plants fall asleep.
In order to grow stunted chrysanthemums in your area, it is enough to know the following planting rules:
- As a rule, chrysanthemums are planted in open ground after the seedlings have grown stronger in greenhouse conditions.
- Choose a suitable planting site with good lighting and slightly acidic soil. Be sure to protect the culture from drafts and gusts of wind.
- It is recommended to pre-fertilize the soil with humus, ash and nitrophosphate.
- When moving plants to a permanent place of residence, maintain a distance between flowers – at least 30 cm.
Care measures include systematic watering, fertilizing and preparing for winter.
In the hot season, chrysanthemums require a large amount of water, so you need to water it daily, the main thing is not to pour it. If the soil around the roots is allowed to dry out or water is stagnant, the plant will die.
You need to feed the flower only when planting and during the growing season. Potassium, humus, and organic fertilizers such as mullein are best used
After the chrysanthemum has faded, pruning is recommended. This will help the plant survive the winter and will also make it more resistant to various diseases. No need to worry, with the onset of spring, the chrysanthemum will again acquire new branches and turn into a bright, floral ball.
If you have planted a culture in a warm, windless place and take good care of the plant, the chrysanthemum will certainly delight you with abundant, long flowering and will be an excellent decoration for any site.