Stuffed eggs with smoked fish with herbs and mayonnaise

Friends suddenly appeared, and a couple of smoked meats were lying around in the refrigerator? You can stretch the pleasure of a tasty, fatty fish for a large number of people – for this you just need to stuff boiled eggs with it!

For this recipe, saury is best suited – such a long fish with a sharp muzzle, but any other smoked meat will do: mackerel, herring, Baltic herring, even capelin. In principle, the recipe can be adapted for salted fish.

Everything you need:

  • 8 eggs;
  • 300-400 grams of fish;
  • bunch of green onions;
  • a little mayonnaise – 3-4 tsp

You can start!

  1. We send the eggs to boil.

We need to boil them hard-boiled, respectively, they should boil for 6-8 minutes. Do not forget that you need to put eggs in cold water, throwing a teaspoon of salt there, so that all the contents do not leak out if an egg cracks. When removing from heat, immediately pour boiling water and put a saucepan under a tap with cold water for a couple of minutes – then the testicles will be easy to clean.

  1. We prepare the fish.

It must be peeled from the skin, if necessary, rinsed under cold water, separate the bones and cut the fillet into small pieces. If you are too lazy to cut with your hands, a blender will help you.

  1. We cut the eggs in half and pick out the yolks from them, trying to ensure that the protein halves are whole and even.

4. We chop the onion – separately the white, bitter part (we will also stuff it into the eggs), separately – the beautiful green one.

Here is what should happen at this stage:

  1. We mix the stuffing mass.

We knead the yolks with a fork, add fish, white circles of onion, mayonnaise to them, stir everything until relatively homogeneous. Again, a blender will help the lazy, but personally I like it when saury remains in pieces, and does not turn into porridge. Add salt if necessary – the mixture should be slightly salted, as the proteins remain unsalted.

  1. We stuff the eggs.

It is convenient to stuff the substance into halves of eggs with a teaspoon. You can not regret it, put it on top – you get a lot of mass. We spread the stuffed eggs on a dish, sprinkle with chopped green onions. You can send for 10 minutes in the refrigerator, or you can immediately burst.

That’s all!

This dish goes well with vodka, beer and other drinks. Cooking time – no more than 15 minutes, taking into account the boiling of eggs. It took me 20 minutes, but I still took pictures, which is new to me, as you can see from the quality of the pictures.

Bon appetit!

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