Stubborn children are more successful than obedient ones

The next discovery of the luminaries of science shocked the parents! It turns out that the more disobedient their child is, the better his career will be.

Moms and dads who complain about their children’s obnoxious behavior have reason to think before putting their heirs in a corner. An international team of psychologists conducted an experiment and came to the conclusion that stubbornness is not so bad, on the contrary, it is good.

The first stage of the study took place 40 years ago. Then the scientists selected about 700 volunteer children at the age of 12 and studied their behavior. Many adolescents distinguished themselves by inattention, stubbornness, habits to act in their own way, contrary to the wishes of their parents.

After 40 years, psychologists met all the same people who were already 52 years old. There was no limit to the surprise of scientists. They assessed what heights each person from the group of subjects reached, and then returned to the data of forty years ago and found that it was the very naughty children who, from an early age, were accustomed to being guided by their own decisions and doing what they wanted, and succeeded in life!

Those who did not recognize the norms and went against them, were able to build a career and achieve what they wanted!

It turns out that stubborn kids are not a punishment for their parents. Arranging “AWOL” is inherent in those who have the makings of a leader. So forget about corners and house arrests.

You don’t want your future head of the corporation to write in his memoirs how his mother took the tablet away from him, do you?

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