
Strong woman…

Is this a compliment or an insult?

Society, it seems, still can not decide …

Girls, can we finally decide for ourselves?

And just let’s say:

The strong one is not the one who, not knowing how to delegate, pulls everything on herself.

A strong one is not one who, not knowing how to negotiate, actively presses everyone and everything.

A strong one is not one who, not being able to clarify responsibility in time, takes the rap in everything and for everyone.

The strong one is not the one who, unable to accept the free will of another person, knows and decides everything and for everyone.

A strong woman is one who does not plan to become weak in order to attract a man with this.

And why else do we women need female weakness?

Do you have any thoughts besides the fact that this is such a «bait trap»?

Here, men, they say, have a social order for strength, so let’s, girls, pretend to be lambs so that our boys do not have to strain too much, pulling out their strength?

So what?

Where does this universal fear of female power come from?

Physical — it was not and will not be. Nature so ordered.

But for some reason, nature has invested the base for psychological strength in women!

Then, so that we joyfully refuse it and in no case develop it?

And it seems to me that she laid it then — so that men do not relax, do not degrade, God forbid, in their unshakable intersexual primacy.

It is, of course, good to shake «muscles» in front of infantile dependent unstable creatures. Only such «muscles» are worthless. Mother Nature understands this well, unlike her children, who fiercely demand the obligatory presence of the “weaker sex” among humanity.

Dear boys and girls, we belong to the same species and have the same psychic abilities.

And if they are laid down, then we must develop them.

Yes, human nature, or rather, instincts, is such that the unconscious desire of each individual is to obtain maximum preferences. By any means to weaken the other, to create an advantage for yourself!

And we see this not only in the relationship between the sexes, but also in the relationship between different corporations, between states… Alas… It exists!

But on the other hand: an unequal partner is just a life longing! What is in personal life, what is in intercorporate, what is in interstate.

Here it is the amazing human nature — ambivalent desires simply tear us apart: I want to be «King of the Hill» and «Oh, but there is no one to talk to.»

Dear girls, we understand human nature, we don’t condemn men’s desires “not to allow the “weaker sex” to become strong” — we ourselves are like that)), but we don’t fall for provocations either.

We do not squander our nuclear psychic potential, which is given to us by nature on an equal basis with men, under any persuasion about a female destiny! We have it and we need to use it! Developed psychic strength has never interfered with anyone: concessions are valuable and pleasant from those who give in not because of a weak character, but because they simply decided to give in today, today it’s more correct for the result.

Where does the psychic power of each individual begin? With control over your emotions!

Are you able to control?


Diary of emotions to help you!

An emotional diary is the first step in exploring yourself and your psychic power.

When filling out the diary every hour, you can track and note:

  • What is your mood during the day?
  • How often does it change?
  • What causes mood swings?
  • To what extent do your decisions depend on your moods?
  • Do you influence your own mood? How?
  • Who controls your mood more often — you or someone else?
  • What can be done to minimize outside influence?

Video from Yana Shchastya: interview with professor of psychology N.I. Kozlov

Topics of conversation: What kind of woman do you need to be in order to successfully marry? How many times do men get married? Why are there so few normal men? Childfree. Parenting. What is love? A story that couldn’t be better. Paying for the opportunity to be close to a beautiful woman.

Written by the authoradminWritten inFOOD

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