Strong wines: 10 recipes at home

Dessert drinks are good because they are much easier to prepare than table drinks.

Rowan and cherry fruits, grapes, both types of currants, fresh and dried apples, and gooseberries are usually taken as the basis for creating strong alcohol.

Tips before starting

  1. If necessary, the drink is additionally shaded with extracts of strongly smelling plants or spices.

  2. Sometimes sugar syrup is used to make fortified wines.

  3. To create high-strength drinks, the operation of fortification is mandatory. It can be used at different stages by introducing vodka (alcohol) into juice, fermented must or young wine.

  4. Fortified wines are made by two methods: fermentation of juice on cultural / natural yeast or must on the pulp. For maturation, drinks are placed in closed containers, periodically pouring from one vessel to another. Exposure lasts for two or more years at t=14–16 °C.

Strong wine “Aroma of currant”


  1. Black currant – 3 kg

  2. Red currant – 4 kg

  3. Gooseberries – 1 kg

  4. Sugar – 9 kg

  5. Vodka – 1 bottle

  6. Boiled water – 3 l

  7. Yeast – 1 stick

Method of preparation

  1. Wash and dry the fruits in advance, then pour them into a bottle, put sugar and water on them. Let the mixture brew for 50-60 days.

  2. Drain liquid through gauze.

  3. Divide the wine into 2 halves. In the first – pour vodka, seal the vessel with a cork and let stand for 2 weeks. The second is to throw in the yeast, wrap the neck of the bottle with a cloth, let it ferment for 1 month or more until the end of the fermentation process.

  4. Mix both parts and distribute the drink into bottles.

Strong wine “Apricot-berry”

The fruits are laid out in a glass 3-liter container as they ripen. The vessel is kept in the sun all this time, wrapping the neck with gauze.


  1. Strawberries – 1 kg

  2. Raspberries – 1 kg

  3. Black currant – 1 kg

  4. Apricot – 1 kg

  5. Cherry – 1 kg

  6. Sugar – 2,5 kg

  7. Vodka – 5 l

Method of preparation

  1. Pour the strawberries into a vessel and cover them with sugar (0,5 kg).

  2. Spread the rest of the fruits in layers, alternately, each sprinkling with sugar (0,5 kg each): apricots, raspberries, cherries, currants.

  3. After adding the last berries, keep the vessel under the sun for another 14 days.

  4. Pour the contents of the container with vodka, put a water seal, take the product to a cool place, for example, to the cellar, for 1 month.

  5. Strain the wine, divide into small vessels, stand for a couple of months before serving.

Strong wine “Assorted”

Raw materials are laid out in a 5-liter container gradually, as they mature. The fruits are pre-washed, cleaned of twigs, debris, stalks. Cherries, plums, cherries are pitted. Gooseberries and currants are kneaded. Apples and pears are taken early, the seed parts are removed, cut into small pieces.


  1. Garden strawberries – 250 g

  2. Black currant – 250 g

  3. Raspberries – 250 g

  4. Red currant – 250 g

  5. Apple – 250 g

  6. Pear – 250 g

  7. Cherry – 250 g

  8. Gooseberries – 250 g

  9. Cherries – 250 g

  10. Plum – 250 g

  11. Vodka – 2 l

Method of preparation

  1. Put the fruits into the container one by one, pouring each layer with a glass of vodka, in the following sequence: strawberries, raspberries, black and red currants, gooseberries, cherries, cherries, plums, apples, pears.

  2. Infuse the mass until the end of autumn, strain, pour into bottles, seal, take to the cold.

Ginseng fortified wine

Thanks to the healing qualities of the plant, this drink is saturated with nutrients and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and endocrine glands. The aerial parts of ginseng can be replaced with roots: they will need about 4 grams.


  1. Alcohol – 500 ml

  2. Ginseng stems and leaves – 20-30 g

  3. Wine – in proportion

Method of preparation

  1. Insist ginseng on alcohol for 1-2 weeks.

  2. Pour the infused liquid into the wine (20–30 ml of extract per 10 liters of drink).

Strong berry-fruit wine

The volume of feedstock determines the amount of other components. For 1 liter of apple juice, you need half a liter of blackcurrant, for 1 liter of must – about 330 ml of alcohol and about 70 g of sugar. To isolate the liquid, the currants are washed, kneaded, sprinkled with sugar and left in a glass bowl for 1-2 days.


  1. Apple juice – 1 l

  2. Blackcurrant juice – 0,5 l

  3. Sugar – in proportion

  4. Alcohol – in proportion

Method of preparation

  1. Apple juice is introduced into blackcurrant juice, the liquid is infused for about a week in a closed container.

  2. The wort is pressed, sugar and alcohol are added to it in the indicated proportions, and aged for 1 week.

  3. Clarify the drink by draining it from the sediment.

  4. Then the wine is poured into prepared containers, kept to taste in cool conditions from 3 months.

Dried fruit wine


  1. Dried cherries – 0,5 kg

  2. Raisins – 0,4 kg

  3. Sugar – 2 kg

  4. Dried plum – 0,5 kg

  5. Boiled water – 10 l

  6. Vodka – 1 bottle

Method of preparation

  1. Mix all dried fruits, soak in water.

  2. Pour sugar, leave the mass to ferment for 3 months.

  3. Pass the drink through a fabric or gauze filter, pour in vodka.

  4. Shake, let it brew a little, distribute into small vessels.

More American Wine

Vodka can be replaced with alcohol, reducing the volume of alcohol by half (1 liter is required).


  1. Apple juice – 10 l

  2. Honeycombs – 1 kg

  3. Vodka – 2 l

  4. Honey – 4 kg

  5. Egg white – 4 pcs.

Method of preparation

  1. Pour the juice into a large bowl, put honeycombs into it (without honey), mix well, let it brew for about half a day.

  2. Pass the liquid mass through a sieve, throw honey into it, pour the contents into a fermentation container, put a water seal.

  3. After 6 weeks, transfer the mass to another vessel.

  4. Whisk the egg whites until foamy, combine with vodka, pour the mixture into the wort.

  5. Seal the vessel tightly and place in a cool nook for 1 year.

Original dry apple wine

To create a drink, it is better to take a mixture of sour and sweet fruits. Similarly, you can prepare a product from fresh fruits.


  1. Dried apples – 1 kg

  2. Yeast – 25 g

  3. Water – 1 L

  4. Alcohol – 0,5 l

  5. Sugar – 1,5 kg

Method of preparation

  1. Grind dry apples, put in a large bowl, add ½ part of sugar, pour 1 liter of water heated to 80 ° C, leave to saturate for 1 day.

  2. Strain the infused fruit mass.

  3. Dissolve the second part of the sugar in the remaining water, preheat it, add yeast, mix the syrup until smooth.

  4. Pour the resulting solution into apple infusion.

  5. After 5 days, add alcohol to the wort, leave to infuse for another 5 days.

  6. Filter the young wine, let it ripen for at least six months.

Rowan-apple wine

The drink is alcoholized according to the following scheme: for 1 liter of wine – ½ cup of vodka.


  1. Apple juice – 2 l

  2. Rowan juice – 1 cup

  3. Sugar – 4 cups

  4. Water – 500 ml

  5. Wine yeast – 1 pack

  6. Vodka – in proportion

Method of preparation

  1. Mix two types of juice with sugar, pour in water.

  2. Prepare wine yeast according to package instructions and add to juice.

  3. Install a water seal on the neck of the vessel, leave the drink to ferment.

  4. At the end of the fermentation process (liberation of bubbles), decant the liquid, introduce vodka in accordance with the recommendations.

  5. Let the finished drink ripen for about 1 week and distribute into small containers.

Relevance: 17.11.2018

Tags: Wine and vermouth, Wine recipes

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