Growing an apple tree, sooner or later, every gardener wants to experiment – to plant a new variety, cut the crown in a new way, and stuff like that. So to say, to feel like not only the owner of the garden, but also the creator of something new. For such cases, there is an apple rootstock, and in this article you will learn what a rootstock is, what types exist and how best to carry out this mysterious procedure.
The rootstock is one of the parts of the tree that affects the vegetative processes, fruiting, and resistance to external influences. Often, this is the root system or a plant to which a cutting or bud of another plant is grafted. There are seed and clonal rootstocks, as well as semi-dwarf and dwarf.
seed rootstock
The seed stock is a vigorous sprout that is grown from the seeds of wild apple trees (less often) and the Antonovka variety (often). Such a stock is compatible with absolutely all varieties of apple trees. The main goal for which grafting is carried out is to get a vigorous tree with strong roots. In height, trees with a seed rootstock grow up to 7 meters if not pruned. The life cycle of the apple tree is also significantly extended up to 70 years, while every year the tree gives a stable harvest and increases its own immunity to diseases and resistance to weather changes. However, such a graft postpones the first fruiting until the 7-8th year of the tree’s life.
In addition, due to the height of the tree, it is quite problematic to take care of it, moreover, the gap between the trees should be at least 5 meters. And this greatly complicates the placement of rootstocks in small areas.
The advantages of this method of improving the apple tree:
- The result is a strong, resistant, viable tree with a well-developed root system.
- The lifespan of a single tree is greatly increased.
- Under a thick, spreading crown, you can arrange a flower bed.
- Surprisingly high yield per tree.
However, the disadvantages that seed grafting entails should not be overlooked:
- The tree grows very tall, which makes it difficult to care for the upper part of the crown.
- Late fruiting compared to ungrafted apple trees.
- The need for space for planting several grafted trees.
clone rootstock
Clonal rootstock is called specially bred varieties of apple trees that propagate through cuttings, layering and roots. At the same time, they are not grafted to other plants, but grafted to them.
The only negative is that rootstock plants do not have very tasty fruits. However, they are grown because they have the same set of genes, which allows them to maintain stable characteristics.
One of the features of such a stock is that the trees are stunted. So if you are looking for a dwarf regionalized species with high compatibility with other varieties, then this method is just right for you.
What other benefit can be achieved by grafting such a stock? Apple trees enter the fruiting period much earlier, there is a positive trend in increasing yields every year. It should be noted that grafting makes it possible to obtain edible fruits already in the 4th year of cultivation, which have all the necessary commercial qualities.
Types of rootstock for apple trees
Among the nuances of cultivation, the cutting off of flowers and ovaries in the first years of growth of the scion is noted, so as not to deplete the tree. The main advantage over seed stocks and conventional trees is that trees can be planted in small areas while maintaining maximum planting density.
Among the varieties of rootstocks, 54 are distinguished, which flooded most of the gardens in the middle lane. Reproduction takes place in film greenhouses and greenhouses, using cuttings. Rootstock 118 54 is characterized by dark bark, dark green leaves, high resistance to frost and low temperatures in general. There are up to 118 layerings per mother plant. Another positive point in growing 5 54 is that the trees do not require support. The semi-dwarf rootstock 118 54 was obtained from Budagovsky’s paradise and rootstock 118-13.
Why should clonal cuttings be grafted:
- Due to the columnar structure of the tree, it grows low.
- Groundwater can be at the level of 1-1,5 meters underground.
- Dense tree planting.
- Large fruits with high commercial qualities.
Among the disadvantages, it should be noted:
- Shallow roots, which increases the risk of freezing.
- The need to tie up trees so that they are not damaged by strong winds.
- The average lifespan of a tree is 15-17 years.
- The need to maintain soil looseness.
Rootstock care
After the vaccination has passed, the stock needs careful care. Be sure to water the tree to saturate the roots with the amount of moisture necessary for growth. Two top dressings should also be carried out with a solution of ammonium nitrate or mullein infusion. It is best to place the rootstock in a well-lit, but at the same time cool area. Before planting, in about two weeks, the stock is hardened by taking it out into the open air.
With proper care and care for the stock, strong seedlings are obtained already in July, which can be budded.
We plant a dwarf apple tree
First of all, it should be clarified that a dwarf rootstock is not another name for a columnar apple tree. Columnar is a variety that reaches a height of 1,5-2 meters, with an upright trunk and practically no branches, but with a large number of fruit branches up to 5 centimeters long.
The dwarf apple tree has skeletal and semi-skeletal branches, but it does not grow like a normal tree, because it is genetically stunted. Its root system is located close to the surface of the earth, rather asymmetric and fragile.
For growing a dwarf apple tree, it is better to choose a place protected from strong winds with good lighting. The soil should be loose, fertile, with good moisture. Landing takes place according to the scheme 2×3 or 3×3 meters in a hole 70 centimeters deep and 60 centimeters wide. Its bottom is filled with a mixture of soil, superphosphate, sodium chloride or wood ash, as well as humus. From above, this mixture is sprinkled with ordinary soil. After the dwarf rootstock is grafted onto a clone base (not higher than 5 centimeters from the ground), the seedling is lowered into a hole, its roots are carefully straightened and covered with soil without fertilizers. The trunk circle of the earth is compacted, the seedling is tied to a support and watered. After, it is necessary to mulch the hole.
Variety 54 can be used as a rootstock, but in this case, you will have to carefully monitor the height of the tree and prune regularly.
Video “About clone rootstocks and seedlings with an insert”
This video will help the novice gardener figure out what a rootstock is, as well as talk about clonal rootstocks, various short stature and how to make seedlings with a dwarf insert.