These people let their disease get the best of them, and I’m not going to ever do the same!
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Advises Alexander Rapoport
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A strong person is, first of all, an independent person, one who can solve the issues that arise in his life.
It is necessary for him — he goes to the housing office and agrees with a plumber; it is necessary — it will work for the car; if necessary, he will find something to do on Saturday evening; need to say «no». And if it doesn’t work the first time, they’ll redo it. A weak person is the opposite. And a weak person is a person who is not independent, who, without relying on someone, falls. You need to go to the housing office, but — «I’m afraid of them.» You need a car (well, okay, okay — you want it), but — «they are expensive.» Evening should be occupied, but — «I don’t know what to do.» It is necessary to refuse, but — «it did not work out.» Etc…
Let’s state it directly and unambiguously: being a strong person is good and honest, but being weak is bad and dishonest. The weak live off the strong. If this is an inevitability and someone cannot yet or can no longer be strong, it’s not a question, the strong will help the weak, but if a person can be strong, but pretends to be weak, allows himself to be weak, all the more he cultivates weakness in himself, accustoms himself to the way of life of the weak is a crooked life, it is dishonest and not promising. See →
This is important to understand: once a woman can demonstrate her weakness to a man, and this is a natural part of the female game, which is encouraged by the men themselves. Women’s weakness is beneficial to both parties, and the myth of women’s weakness is supported by both parties to mutual joy. However, when people move from games to life in earnest, you need to know: seriously, men do not respect weak women, do not love them, and directly avoid them. Propaganda “a woman should be weak” is harmful and dangerous, first of all, for the woman herself. If a woman is offered to be weak, she is offered to be dependent, unstable and simply dependent on a man. Women don’t need it, men don’t need it.
A person with a sick (crooked) inner core uses any negative experience to weaken himself, turning himself into an even greater unfortunate Victim. A strong (internally strong!) person differs from a weak, small person primarily in the presence of his own personal view. See Strong Man and Personal View
Defense is the way of life for the weak. A strong person can protect himself, knows how to protect himself, but his way of life is not protection, but influence and cooperation.
Strong people have many desires and plans. The weak have many wants and needs.
Most people live by patterns. The strong one is the one who is above the patterns.
A strong person is one who can respond to a conflict, traumatic situation not only with a conflict pattern, but also with calmness, humor, and an “explosion” of love and good nature.
A strong man is not a coward. A coward is often called not the one who has fear, but the one who is weaker than his fear. Courageous people are also scared, but they know how to be stronger than their fears and act despite …
The stronger a person is, the more serious the load of negative experience he can perceive and “digest”. The weaker the person, the smaller the dose he can adequately perceive.
Note: a child is not necessarily weak, an adult is not necessarily stronger than a child.
Raising strong people
In Iceland, as it were, there are no weak people: “Everyone who did not stand firmly on his feet was long ago blown into the ocean by the wind,” as they say. You come and see: the people there are really strong, they are all like Greek gods. Their dwellings, from the point of view of a European or an American, are some kind of unpretentious-looking sheds. No concrete fences. There is practically no greenery — there is even a party of strange ecologists protesting against reforestation and flower beds: it is impossible, they say, to blur the foundations of the national — Spartan! — the spirit of all sorts of Sybarite things. And the children all work from the age of eight and are self-sufficient. See →
How to make the weak out of the strong?
Entrust him with the care of the weaker, ask you to help support someone who needs it. See →