Strong, gusty wind and downpours. Get ready for a bad mood, sleep problems and headaches

A rapid change in weather has a huge impact on the functioning of our body. Meteopaths, i.e. people who are very sensitive to all atmospheric changes and solstices, know this very well. However, today not only they can feel the effects of the lowlands passing through the country. How will a strong, gusty wind and the accompanying downpours affect our well-being?

  1. It passes through Poland than Dudley, which brought strong gusts of wind, locally exceeding even 100 km / h, and violent downpours and even storms
  2. People sensitive to weather changes already felt yesterday that a weather breakdown was approaching – their most common harbinger is a severe headache
  3. Biometeorological conditions are very unfavorable today, and our organisms will be heavily burdened with cold
  4. Ailments that we can experience today include headache, problems with concentration, lack of motivation to act, feeling anxious, irritability, trouble falling asleep, waking up from sleep / napping
  5. If someone suffers from pain, it may worsen today
  6. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  7. You can find more about the coronavirus on the TvoiLokony home page

Today we will experience the stress of cold

“Strongly stimulating, dynamic low weather in the morning and during the day will have a very negative effect on the human body” – reported the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute (IMWM-PIB). The very unfavorable biometeorological conditions are not expected to change until the evening hours, although they will not be very good for us then either.

Malaise is the result of our country being influenced by the Dudley low. The most noticeable change will be the feeling of cold (the so-called cold load)which will accompany us despite the high air temperature for this time of year (even above 10 degrees C). Strong wind will cause the perceived temperature to be from -3 degrees C on the east coast to 5 degrees C in the south-east of the country. “The subjective thermal feeling in the morning will range from cool to comfortable, from cold to comfortable during the day, and from cold to cool in the evening” – reports the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management.

  1. Is malaise a disease?

According to the UTCI (Universal Thermal Climate Index), ie the index of heat perception, we are in the -4 category. This means that after 30 minutes spent outdoors, we will feel chills and pinching the cheeks, but after two hours in the open area it may occur facial skin numbness.

If you have to leave the house, you should protect the skin of the face (by using a barrier cream or face shield) and dress warmer than usual in clothing with increased thermal insulation. If we have to stay outdoors for more than two hours, it is recommended to implement the selected form of physical activity to stimulate circulation and not lead to the body becoming cold.

  1. Are you still freezing? Be sure to ask your doctor about it

The rest of the text below the video.

Sleep and concentration problems

Feeling cold is not the only change we will feel today. Strong, gusty winds and the accompanying drop in atmospheric pressure may disrupt the night’s rest. Meteopaths experienced this last night – restless weather caused them to fall asleep and wake up frequently; this scenario may also repeat itself on the following night. People who take naps during the day may also have problems with proper regeneration.

  1. Does a short nap during the day help or harm?

Cloudy weather, temporary rainfall and wind will also effectively lower our mood. From the morning hours onwards, we can feel distressed, reluctant to be active (both physically and intellectually), restless and even irritable. Many people will have trouble concentrating and focusing on more demanding activities. If you feel pain, your pain may get worse.

Can’t concentrate? Do you need to focus and are still distracting? Reach for dietary supplements that improve memory and concentration. You will find them at attractive prices in Medonet Market.

As the Institute adds, “in the north-eastern, eastern and southern Poland, an additional factor that may adversely affect the general well-being will be a significant decrease in the weight content of oxygen in the atmospheric air. In the evening hours, the very unfavorable influence of the weather on the human body may persist in the zone of very strong cold stress; unfavorable weather biotropy will prevail in the rest of the country ».

How to deal with bad mood resulting from weather changes?

There is no single recipe for deteriorating well-being related to atmospheric changes. Much depends on the duties and activities performed on a daily basis. If we can afford to stay at home on a day like today, this is the best solution. It is worth to slow down a bit, not to take extra activities today, especially those requiring effort, to save energy and rest more. In the event of pain symptoms or the worsening of those we struggle with, it is good to use painkillers.

People sensitive to weather stimuli should now limit their outdoor activities to the necessary minimum. This recommendation also applies to children, seniors and sick people who are particularly vulnerable to the negative consequences of hypothermia.

  1. Hypothermia. What happens when the temperature of the human body drops?

When leaving the house, remember to wear warmer clothes and protect your face with cream or protect it from the wind. If we are outside for a long time, we should look for secluded, sheltered places. You should also be absolutely careful in high-risk places, i.e. in green areas with trees, near tall buildings, as well as in communication routes.

Prophylactically, it is worth reaching for sedatives and preparations that support healthy sleep. We recommend HEALTHY SLEEP – herbal set consisting of:

  1. fix tea HEALTHY SLEEP,
  2. VALERIANA tablets,
  3. DREAM syrup.

To improve your well-being, you can also order Hapisiv ™ YANGO for a good mood – a dietary supplement with turmeric, valerian and saffron.

What is a biomet?

Biomet is an abbreviated name for biometeorological conditions, i.e. a situation where the weather has a significant impact on our well-being. The biomet can be neutral, favorable, or unfavorable. In the first case, the weather conditions do not affect us much, we do not feel any disturbing changes, the causes of which we could see in a different aura than usual.

An unfavorable or favorable biomet is a more individual matter and depends largely on our personal needs, comfort zone, but also genetic factors, age and health. For some, the temperature exceeding 25 degrees Celsius and strong sunlight will create ideal conditions for operation, others lose energy to act during hot weather and find themselves much better in lower temperatures and limited sunlight.

We usually respond in extreme situations – when it is very hot and stuffy, during a violent storm, and on days like today, when it is cloudy, windy and rainy.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we talked about supplementation. What is their phenomenon? How to use it to help yourself and not to harm? What is worth paying attention to in supplementation with thyroid problems? Why you need to be careful with biotin? You will hear about this and many other things below.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Five habits to help you start your day well
  2. Is a headache a sign that your blood pressure is too high? Knowing about the other symptoms of high blood pressure is important
  3. How to get off the couch and why is it worth it? A mini-guide for the lazy
  4. Do you want to start a diet? Check what research is worth doing beforehand

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