Strong arms: the Pin Twins exercises to avoid sagging biceps and triceps
The table of five exercises proposed by personal trainers Esther and Gemma Pineda, Gemelas Pin, allows you to strengthen and tone your arms so that they look firm and slimmer

El confinement has left us flabby arms and “colgones”, because in many cases the lack of exercise has made us lose Muscle mass, but personal trainers Esther and Gemma Pineda, Gemelas Pin, they have the solution, because this week they have prepared for ABC Bienestar a routine of five exercises to tone the upper body. The goal of this chart, which they recommend practicing three times a week, is to make your arms and back look firmer, stronger, and slimmer.
Arm routine
- Drill
- 5
- Time
- 12-15 minutes
- Reps
- 15 (each exercise)
- TV Shows
- 3
- Rest
- 30 seconds (between sets)
In addition to creating special routines for ABC Bienestar every Wednesday, the Pin Twins, who have more than 77.100 followers on Instagram, the Pin Twins share their drill Through direct on Instagram (who are never lacking their followers, who already call themselves “Team Twins Pin”).
The specific routine for the top train that they propose today involves less difficulty than the one they explained last week: an exercise table to work the abdomen and achieve a flat stomach, although the gluteal routine that they proposed a few days ago was also successful, encouraging the recovery of the pants size prior to confinement. But the truth is that the most intense are the “full body” in which they invite you to work the body under the formula of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), a practice that consists of combining short intervals of exercise at maximum intensity with short periods of rest or exercise at low intensity.
This week’s routine includes five exercises, which can be completed in an estimated 12-15 minutes. To practice it correctly, 15 repetitions of each exercise, three series and a 30-second rest between each series will be performed.
Exercise 1: Triceps Curl
To perform the exercise, we will place ourselves in a flexion position and place our hands with an opening that is less than shoulder width apart and we will bring the elbows back, so that they are glued to the side. Then we will flex the elbows, bringing them as close as possible to the side. We will keep the hips aligned without raising the gluteus to the height of the chest. Remember that if you want to complicate it or increase the difficulty you can do it without supporting your knees.
Exercise 2: Hip Raise
We will place ourselves in quadruped but in an inverted position, in a «crab» position. We will perform a hip lift so that by raising it up as much as possible we can align the knees, hips and shoulders and support the heels. Later we will lower the hips to the ground level, which we will touch with the gluteus, and at the same time we will support the entire sole of the feet.
Exercise 3: Plank with arm raise
We will place ourselves in a plank position so that we place the forearms in line with the shoulders, hips and ankles. To perform the exercise, we will alternately extend one arm and then the other, thus placing ourselves in the plank position with arms extended to later return to the starting position with the forearms resting on the floor. It must be remembered that the shoulders should not exceed the height of the elbows and that the forearm must be fully supported. When climbing we will fully support the soles of the hands. The hip must be neutral and we must avoid moving it during the exercise.
Exercise 4: Elbow Bend
We will place ourselves in the same position as in exercise 2, that is, in an inverted quadruped position. We will flex the elbows in such a way as to prevent the buttocks from touching the ground. When performing the exercise, we will try to make the greatest movement of the elbows both in flexion and in extension. Remember to keep your hands aligned with your shoulders.
Exercise 5: Walk with your hands
We start the exercise in a standing position, back straight, with the width of the feet at the height of the shoulders, we will go down towards the ground trying to bend the knees and with the hands glued to the feet we will move forward until we are in a plank position with arms outstretched. We hold the position for a second and then we do the same exercise backwards to return to the starting position. It is important to keep your legs as extended as possible throughout the movement. By placing ourselves in a plank position we will prevent the hips from dropping and our lower back from arching.