Strong adductors: five exercises to strengthen them with the Pin Twins

Strong adductors: five exercises to strengthen them with the Pin Twins


Follow this training for adductors proposed by the coaches and remember that after the first round you must do three more

Strong adductors: five exercises to strengthen them with the Pin TwinsPM3:40

When it comes to building a strong and tough lower body, we tend to focus on the quads, hamstrings, or glutes, and we forget about the large muscles that are out of sight, despite having a direct effect on the performance of the muscles of the lower body. And those are the adductors.

Table for adductors

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Esther and Gema Pineda, better known as the Pin Twins, propose this week a training that focuses on strengthening the inner part of the thighs, which with a couple of exercises will begin to unload and feel firmer and stronger.

The fitness routine consists of five exercises, which will have to be done for 40 seconds. Once the first round is finished, we will make three more exactly the same. And don’t forget the 20 second break between one and the other. To make training safer and more comfortable, experts advise using a mat to avoid back or knee pain.

This activity was recorded at The Corporate Gym facilities.

1 Exercise

This exercise is done standing up, and with the legs positioned far apart with respect to the hips. In this position we perform a sumo squat, that is, since there is so much opening, the squat is greater and at no time do we fully stretch our legs on the rise. Of course, on each descent move your buttocks back, as if you were going to sit down. This exercise is done for 40 seconds.

2 Exercise

Lying on the floor and with one leg stretched out, we put the other leg on the floor. In the posture that we see in the image and in the video, we are going to make small bounces with the leg stretched out, without taking the sole of the other foot off the ground and maintaining balance with the help of our hands. This exercise is done for 40 seconds.

3 Exercise

In quadruped position, with the forearms resting on the ground and one of the legs stretched backwards, we move it laterally, that is, if we have our left leg stretched in the air, we constantly move it from its starting point to the left. Like this for 40 seconds. Remember to do two laps with one leg and another two with the leg that has not been worked, in this case it would be the right one.

4 Exercise

Lying on the floor and with one leg stretched out, we put the other leg on the floor. In the posture that we see in the image and in the video, we are going to carry our stretched leg forward and backward as much as possible, without bending the knee and maintaining balance with the help of our hands. This exercise is done for 40 seconds.

5 Exercise

The last exercise in the abductor routine is a cross lunge. In the stride position, the right leg in this case we try to support as much as we can to the left, while the left leg, which is the back, we bring the knee as much as we can to the right. We stride for 40 seconds. Remember that this routine, being composed of four series, would be done with the right leg behind and then the left leg, for example.

When you finish this first round, remember to do three more sets exactly the same.

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